Joseph Daher

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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224 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | ...
Syria’s 2025 budget is bigger but light on subsidies and detail
Daher Joseph, 2024/11/14. al-Majalla.
3.9 مليارات دولار موازنة سوريا... بزيادة لا تعالج الأزمة المعيشية
Daher Joseph, 2024/11/11. al-Majalla.
Hezbollah, entre défis et résistance
Daher Joseph, 2024/11. CAREP .
Nothing Israel does will serve Syrians' struggle for freedom
Daher Joseph, 2024/10/18. The New Arab.
Where the World Sees Crisis, Israel Sees Opportunity
Daher Joseph, Oduor John-Baptiste, 2024/10/12. Jacobin.
Why Hezbollah's still standing despite Israel assassinating Hassan Nasrallah
Daher Joseph, 2024/10/05. The New Arab.
Turkey and Saudi Arabia seek interests, not romance with Assad's Syria
Daher Joseph, 2024/09/23. The New Arab.
تداعيات التحول من الدعم السلعي إلى النقدي في سوريا: زيادة التقشف وتعميق معاناة الشعب
Daher Joseph, 2024/09/23. مجلة الفراتس.
L'économie politique de la corruption en Syrie, entre pouvoir et hommes d'affaires
Daher Joseph, 2024/09/19. Confluences Méditerranée. Peer-reviewed.
The Syrian business owners setting up shop in Egypt since 2011
Daher Joseph, 2024/08/28. al-Majalla.
رجال أعمال يحبطون تعافي الصناعة السورية
Daher Joseph, 2024/08/23. al-Modon.
Israel, Not Iran or Hezbollah, Wants a Wider War
Daher Joseph, 2024/08/15. Jacobin.
Solidarity with Palestine Means Struggling Against our Own Ruling Classes
Daher Joseph, 2024/08/10. Midnight Sun.
Palestine and Marxism
Daher Joseph, 2024/08/01., IIRE.
Tourism in Syria: Tool for Capital Accumulation and Political Normalisation
Daher Joseph, 2024/05/31. FRIEDRICH-EBERT-STIFTUNG.
Dark times: Syria struggles with increasingly longer power cuts
Daher Joseph, 2024/05/27. al-Majalla.
كهرباء سوريا بين الدمار والعجز... و"الفرقة الرابعة
Daher Joseph, 2024/05/27. al-Majalla.
The Middle East on a Knife-Edge, THE US, ISRAEL, IRAN, AND PALESTINE”
Daher Joseph, 2024/04/30. Spectre Journal.
السياسات الاقتصادية السورية نحو مزيد من التقشف والظلم الاجتماعي
Daher Joseph, 2024/04/28. al-Majalla.
مصدر التهديد بحرب شاملة: سياسة إسرائيل الإجرامية وإفلاتها من العقاب
Daher Joseph, 2024/04/26. al-Mounadil-a.
À l’origine des menaces de guerre généralisée : la politique criminelle et l’impunité d’Israël
Daher Joseph, 2024/04/22. Contretemps.
Orientalism, Imperialism and The Western Coverage of Palestine
Daher Joseph, 2024/04/01. Al-Jazeera Media Institute.
One Year After: Where is Saudi Arabia and Syria’s Normalisation Process?
Daher Joseph, 2024/03/15. Syrian Trajectories. EUI...
Already struggling Syrians brace for more austerity measures
Daher Joseph, 2024/02/15. al-Majalla.
Hamas, son histoire, son développement. Une perspective critique
Daher Joseph, 2024. Contretemps.
La Question Palestinienne et le Marxisme
Daher Joseph, 2024/01/01., La Brèche.
On the origins and development of Hamas
Daher Joseph, 2023/12/27. Tempest.
Syria crisis compounds as humanitarian aid runs out »
Daher Joseph, 2023/12/22. al-Majalla.
المساعدات لسوريا تتراجع... والحاجات الإنسانية الهائلة تتفاقم
Daher Joseph, 2023/12/18. Majalla.
الاتحادات العمالية في سوريا تحت المجهر: التاريخ، التوظيف، المعارضات العمالية
Daher Joseph, 2023/12/13. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung..
What is Hamas?
Daher Joseph, 2023/12. Amandla.
الأثر طويل الأمد و البصمة الاقتصادية للقطاع غير الربحي
Daher Joseph, 2023/11/14. Impact.
نظرة شاملة على صناعة المساعدات الإنسانية الدولية في سوريا و آثارها الاقتصادية والسياسية
Daher Joseph, 2023/11/14. Impact .
Rapports Sociaux de Sexe et Formes Multiples de Répression Dans le Processus Révolutionnaire (Syrie)
Daher Joseph, al-Abdeh Maria, 2023/11/12. pp. 61-86 dans Le genre en révolution, Maghreb et Moyen Orient 2010-2020, Actions Collectives.
A Macro Perspective on International Aid Industry in Syria and its Economic and Political Impacts
Daher Joseph, 2023/11/08. Impact.
Daher Joseph, 2023/11/06. Le Vent se Lève.
Syria’s draft national budget for 2024 reflects the depth of its economic crisis
Daher Joseph, 2023/11/06. al-Majallah.
سوريا: موازنة 2024 تعكس عمق الأزمة الاقتصادية
Daher Joseph, 2023/11/06. al-Majalla.
Long-term impact and economic imprint of non-profit sector
Daher Joseph, 2023/11. Impact.
Hezbollah Is Increasingly Isolated in the Middle East
Daher Joseph, 2023/10/22. Jacobin.
النضال دفاعاً عن حق الفلسطينيين/ات في المقاومة
Daher Joseph, 2023/10/21. al-Mounadil-a.
Lutter pour préserver le droit de résistance des Palestinien·nes
Daher Joseph, 2023/10/14. Contretemps.
Gaza: We must defend Palestinians’ right to resistance
Daher Joseph, 2023/10/11. The New Arab.
Syria’s Protest Movement A BREATH OF RESISTANCE FROM 2011
Daher Joseph, 2023/10. Spectre.
Syria’s regional normalisation process: Between opportunities and challenges
Daher Joseph, 2023/09/28. Orient, German Journal for Politics, economics and Culture of the Middle east.
Bad governance is proving to be an economic liability as protests sweep Syria
Daher Joseph, 2023/09/02. al-Majalla.
الليرة السورية مرآة للنظام وللانهيار الاقتصادي
Daher Joseph, 2023/09. al-Majalla.
Syria is on the verge of economic collapse. Assad is to blame
Daher Joseph, 2023/08/15. The New Arab.
حركة احتجاجيّة جديدة في سوريا أم نسمة مقاومة من العام 2011؟
Daher Joseph, 2023/08/11. Sifr.
What Invasion Meant for the Kurds
Daher Joseph, 2023/07/28. Jacobin.
The MENA’s growing tourism sector is widening inequalities
Daher Joseph, 2023/07/23. The New Arab.
Syria’s Trade Unions Under the Scope: History, instrumentalization, and labour Dissents
Daher Joseph, 2023/07/22. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
The Socio-Economic Ramifications of the February 2023 Earthquake in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2023/07/19. Syria Untold.
With Iraq's new budget, Baghdad goes after Kurdish oil
Daher Joseph, 2023/06/27. The New Arab.
التطبيع مع نظام بشَّار الأسد
Daher Joseph, 2023/06/19. Sifr.
Syria, Like nothing ever happened
Daher Joseph, 2023/06/01. IPS Journal.
Riad Salameh is a symbol of Lebanon’s corrupt elite
Daher Joseph, 2023/05/31. The New Arab.
Syria normalisation is key to Saudi's new foreign policy
Daher Joseph, 2023/05/09. The New Arab.
Kurds may be kingmaker in Turkey's elections, but their cause remains sidelined
Daher Joseph, 2023/03/23. The New Arab.
The Growth of Hezbollah: The Nexus of Iran’s Influence
Daher Joseph, 2023/03/22. Italian Institute for International Political Studies.
الأصولية الإسلامية: الجناح الثاني للثورة المُضادة
Daher Joseph, 2023/03/13. موقع صفر.
The Aftermath of Earthquakes in Syria: The Regime’s Political Instrumentalisation of a Crisis
Daher Joseph, 2023/03/09. Syrian Trajectories. EUI...
رجال الأعمال والمستثمرون السوريون في مصر وعلاقاتهم بسوريا
Daher Joseph, 2023/03. Syrian Trajectories. EUI.. Peer-reviewed.
Will Turkey-Syria earthquake doom Erdogan's dreams of re-election?
Daher Joseph, 2023/02/13. The New Arab.
Syrian Entrepreneurs and Investors in Egypt and their Relations with Syria
Daher Joseph, 2023/02/02. Syrian Trajectories. EUI..
Blame flawed economic growth models for MENA crises
Daher Joseph, 2023/02. The New Arab.
The 2022 Syrian Chambers of Industry and Syrian Federation of Industry Elections: Dynamics, Results and Implications
Daher Joseph, 2023/01/25. Syrian Trajectories. EUI.
'Democracy' has never and cannot exist in apartheid Israel
Daher Joseph, 2023/01/24. The New Arab.
Class and Religious Cleavages: the Case of Lebanon
Daher Joseph, 2023. pp. 387-400 dans Routledge Handbook on Elections in the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge.
استمرار ارتفاع التضخّم في سوريا وتفاقم الفقر
Daher Joseph, 2023. موقع صفر.
Syria’s education system is crumbling but Assad is only interested in peddling propaganda
Daher Joseph, 2022/11. The New Arab.
مأساة الطبقة العاملة في سوريا
Daher Joseph, 2022/10/28. موقع صفر.
Lebanon's banks and ruling neoliberal elites are partners in crime
Daher Joseph, 2022/10. The New Arab.
Erdogan and the Syrian opposition: Failing the Syrian people once again
Daher Joseph, 2022/08/26. The New Arab.
Beirut port blast 2 years on: Lebanon’s political system lacks a unified strategy
Daher Joseph, 2022/08/04. The New Arab.
Daher Joseph, 2022/07/13. Spectre.
The enemy of my enemy: Hamas and the Syrian regime
Daher Joseph, 2022/07/11. The New Arab.
Water scarcity, mismanagement and pollution in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2022/06/27. Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria, European University Institute.
التهريب بين سوريا ولبنان، ومن سوريا إلى الأردن: تطوّره وشبكاته المحلية
Daher Joseph, Ahmed Nizar, Taha Salwan, 2022/05/20. Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria project (WPCS), European University Institute..
Consequences of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine as an Indicator of MENA Dysfunctional and Unequal Economic and Food System Production
Daher Joseph, 2022/05/18. Council for Europe Studies - Europe Now.
What’s left of Lebanon’s 2019 uprising?
Daher Joseph, 2022/05/13. IPG Journal.
Lebanese elections 2022: the absence of a progressive alternative
Daher Joseph, 2022/05/06. The New Arab.
Smuggling between Syria and Lebanon, and from Syria to Jordan: The Evolution and Delegation of a Practice
Daher Joseph, Ahmad Nizar, Taha Salwan, 2022/04/22. Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria project (WPCS), European University Institute.
Dynamics in Areas Controlled by the Government of Syria in 2030 - The Pivotal Role of Normalization Versus Isolation
Daher Joseph, 2022/04/12. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES).
​Understanding Capitalism in the MENA and the Process of Neoliberal Reform
Daher Joseph, 2022/04/12. American University of Beirut - Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI).
To foil Assad's rehabilitation, Syrians must learn from Palestine's BDS movement
Daher Joseph, 2022/04/01. The New Arab.
The Hellish Cycle Continues for Syria: The Economic Impacts of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Daher Joseph, 2022/03/28. The Middle East Directions Programme Blog.
الحلقة الجهنّمية في سوريا تتواصل: الآثار الاقتصادية للغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا
Daher Joseph, 2022/03/28. The Middle East Directions Programme Blog..
Expelled from the Support System: Austerity Deepens in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2022/02/15. The Middle East Directions Programme Blog.
لبنان، وكيف أدى الاقتصاد السياسي ما بعد الحرب إلى الأزمة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية الراهن
Daher Joseph, 2022/02/02. Middle East Directions Programme - EUI.
Lebanon: How the Post War’s Political Economy Led to the Current Economic and Social Crisis
Daher Joseph, 2022/02/01. Middle East Directions Programme - EUI.
ألإقتصاد السياسي لحزب الله اللبناني
Daher Joseph, 2022/01/31..
How the Assad regime feigns ‘secularism’ while strengthening conservatism
Daher Joseph, 2022/01/14. Syria Untold.
سوريا، الاستغلال العلمانية و تقوية النزعة المحافظة
Daher Joseph, 2022/01/01. دار.
La dynamique nationale kurde en Syrie : de l’indépendance au processus révolutionnaire syrien
Daher Joseph, 2021/12/21. Cahier d'Histoire immédiate N°56 - Dossier Spécial : Guerres de Syrie et dynamiques kurdes (2011-2021).
الإمارات ودمشق وترسيخ “الاستقرار” الاستبدادي في المنطقة
Daher Joseph, 2021/11/17. Daraa Media.
The UAE and Damascus: The Normalisation of the Syrian Regime
Daher Joseph, 2021/11/15. The Middle East Directions Programme Blog.
Liban : la crise sans fin du confessionnalisme néolibéral
Daher Joseph, 2021/11/14. Contretemps.
خفض الدعم على المشتقّات النفطية: تبعاتُه على سوريا
Joseph Daher, 2021/11/10. European University Institute - Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria Project.
Cuts to Oil Derivative Subsidies: Consequences for Syria
Daher Joseph, 2021/10/18. Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria project (WPCS), European University Institute.
La Palestine et les révolutions au Moyen Orient et en Afrique du Nord
Daher Joseph, 2021/10/14. Contretemps.
Continuous Crisis in Lebanon A Critical Analysis
Daher Joseph, 2021/10/08. Spectre Journal.
Entre résilience et défis majeurs, les tentatives de consolidation du pouvoir du régime syrien
النيوليبرالية في سورية تعزيز للسلطويّة واللامساواة
Daher Joseph, 2021/08/01. بدايات.
The Private Banking Sector in Syria: Between Survival and Opportunity
Daher Joseph, 2021/06. Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria Project - European University Institute.
Monde arabe : dix ans après le début des soulèvements populaires, ce n’est qu’un début…
Daher Joseph, 2021/03/10. Contretemps.
Le Parti de l’Action Communiste syrien. Expérience et héritage
Daher Joseph, 2021/02/09. Contretemps.
حزب العمل الشيوعي في سوريا: تاريخ سياسي حافل (2 من 2
Daher Joseph, 2020/11. Syria Untold.
Syria’s Labor Communist Party, a rich political history - Part II
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/30. Syria Untold.
The Political Economy of Syria: Deepening Pre-War Orientations
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/30. Arab Reform Initiative.
الاقتصاد السياسيّ في سوريا: ترسيخ توجّهات ما قبل الحرب
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/30. Arab Reform Initiative.
حزب العمل الشيوعي في سوريا: تاريخ سياسي حافل (1 من 2
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/23. Syria Untold.
Syria’s Labor Communist Party, a rich political history - Part I
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/16. Syria Untold.
مؤسسات الدولة وشبكات النظام بحسبانها جهات مقدمة للخدمات في سوريا
Daher Joseph, 2020/09/23. Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and European University Institute (EUI) – .
Daher Joseph, 2020/09/04. Spectre Journal.
فرصة لإحكام القبضة الاستبدادية على المجتمع
Daher Joseph, 2020/09. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
بين السيطرة والقمع: محنة القوى العاملة السورية
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/31. Middle East Directions.
After the Beirut Explosion, Disaster Capitalism Has Lebanon in Its Sights
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/24. Jacobin.
Le Hezbollah, défenseur du statu quo au Liban
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/24. The Conversation.
Explosion au Liban : comment en est-on arrivé là ?
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/19. Contretemps.
سوريا، الدروس التاريخية للثورة – حصيلة نقدية
Daher Joseph, 2020/08. الحوار المتمدن.
Between Control and Repression: The Plight of the Syrian Labour Force
Daher Joseph, 2020/07/30. European University Institute (Middle East Directions Programme/Syria Initiative).
Syrie : leçons historiques de la révolution. Un bilan critique
Daher Joseph, 2020/07/28. Contretemps.
Invisible Sanctions: How over-compliance limits humanitarian work on Syria Challenges of Fund Transfer for Non-Profit Organizations Working on Syria
Daher Joseph, Moret Erica, 2020/06/25. Impact - We Exist.
State Institutions and Regime Networks as Service Providers in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2020/06/25. Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and European University Institute (EUI) – Middle East Directions, Research Project Report No 1.
The Wages of Destruction
Daher Joseph, 2020/06/24. Carnegie Middle Institute.
Hezbollah, Neoliberalism and Political Economy
Daher Joseph, 2020/05/22. Politics and Religion pp. 1-29.
Syria, the Gulf, and Reconstruction – What Possible Future?
Daher Joseph, 2020/04/25. Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy, a Harvard Kennedy School Student publication:.
Historical Lessons of the Syrian Revolution A CRITICAL BALANCE SHEET
Daher Joseph, 2020/04/15. Spectre Journal.
“Before Corona, I will die of hunger”: The socio-economic impact of Covid-19 on the Syrian population and new challenges for the regime
Daher Joseph, 2020/04/02. The Middle East Directions Blog.
Hezbollah and the Lebanese Popular Movement
Daher Joseph, 2020/03/04. IEMed. Focus.
The ‘Caesar Bill’: A step towards accountability in Syria, or a worsening economic crisis?
Daher Joseph, 2020/01/27. Syria Untold.
Le Hezbollah face au mouvement populaire libanais : du confessionnalisme comme régime de domination
Daher Joseph, 2020/01/08. CAREP Paris.
COVID-19 and the Syrian Regime – an Opportunity to Tighten its Authoritarian Control over Society
Daher Joseph, 2020. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Syria Project.
The deep roots of the depreciation of the Syrian pound
Daher Joseph, 2019/12/18. Middle East Directions (MED); Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria, European University Institute.
Public-Private Partnerships as a tool for privatization and reinforcement of clientelist networks
Daher Joseph, 2019/11/11. Syria Untold.
Liban : structure de classe, néolibéralisme et Hezbollah
Daher Joseph, 2019/11/01. Contretemps.
The dynamics and evolution of UAE-Syria relations : between expectations and obstacles
Daher Joseph, 2019/10/28. EUI RSCAS, Middle East Directions (MED), Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria, . Peer-reviewed.
The People want the Fall of the Regime
Daher Joseph, 2019/10/24. Jacobin.
Beyond Physical Reconstruction: Planning a Stable and Prosperous Post-War Syria
Daher Joseph, 2019/09/09. pp. 35-58 dans Rebuilding Syria: The Middle East's Next Power Game? chap. 2, Eugenio Dacrema | Valeria Talbot.
The Paradox of Syria’s Reconstruction
Daher Joseph, 2019/09/04. Carnegie Middle East Center. Peer-reviewed.
Syrie, les PPP, un moyen de récompenser les alliés de Damas
Daher Joseph, 2019/08/30. Le Commerce du Levant.
La « base populaire » des mouvements fondamentalistes islamiques. Le cas du Hezbollah au Liban
Daher Joseph, 2019/08/08. pp. . 285-296 dans Où est passée la justice sociale ? , Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
“More Tribal, More Sectarian, More Crony Capitalist Than Ever”
Daher Joseph, 2019/08/03. Jacobin.
Syria after the Uprisings The Political Economy of State Resilience
Daher Joseph, 2019/06/20., Pluto Press - Haymarket.
Syria’s manufacturing sector: the model of economic recovery in question
Daher Joseph, 2019/05/20. Middle East Directions.
Pluralism Lost in Syria’s Uprising
Daher Joseph, 2019/05/06. The Century Foundation.
L’industrie syrienne face à de nombreux défis
Daher Joseph, 2019/03/29. Le Commerce du Levant.
Le Hezbollah - Un fondamentalisme religieux à l'épreuve du néolibéralisme
Daher Joseph, 2019/02/01., Syllepse.
Les laïcs, la laïcité et le soulèvement populaire syrien (2e partie)
Daher Joseph, 2019/01/23. Contretemps.
Reconstructing Syria: How the al-Assad regime is capitalizing on destruction
Daher Joseph, 2019/01/15. Adopt a Revolution: Reconstructing Syria: Risks and side effects Strategies, actors and interests.
Surpassing the War Economy in Syria; the Different Scenarios at Hand
Daher Joseph, 2019/01/11. The Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship.
Les laïcs, la laïcité et le soulèvement populaire syrien
Daher Joseph, 2019/01/09. Contretemps.
Syrian Civil Society in Conflict and Post-Conflict Setting
Daher Joseph, 2019/01/03. The Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship.
The political economic context of Syria's reconstruction : a prospective in light of a legacy of unequal development
Daher Joseph, 2018/12/17. Middle East Directions (MED); Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria; 2018/05.
Popular Oral Culture and Sectarianism, a Materialist Analysis
Daher Joseph, 2018/10/31. Syria Untold.
الثقافة الشفوية الشعبية والطائفية، تحليل مادي
Daher Joseph, 2018/10/30. Syria Untold.
بعد ثلاث سنوات: تطور التدخل العسكري الروسي في سوريا
Daher Joseph, 2018/10/30. Atlantic Council.
Three Years Later: The Evolution of Russia’s Military Intervention in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2018/10/27. Atlantic Council.
(العلمانيون والعلمانية والانتفاضة السوررية (2-2
Daher Joseph, 2018/08/21. حكاية ما انحكت.
Secularists, Secularism and the Syrian uprising (Part 2/2)
Daher Joseph, 2018/08/21. Syria Untold.
(العلمانيون والعلمانية والانتفاضة السورية (1-2
Daher Joseph, 2018/08/18. حكاية ما انحكت.
Secularists, Secularism and the Syrian uprising (Part 1/2)
Daher Joseph, 2018/08/18. Syria Untold.
Syria: The Social Origins of the Uprising
Daher Joseph, 2018/07/18. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Syrien: Autonomie im Schatten des Aufstands
Daher Joseph, 2018/07/01. dans Henning Klaus, Peshraw Mohammed (eds.) Kurdistan, Perspektiven des Kampfes um Befreiung, M21-Edition Aurora.
Sadr, Sectarianism, and a Popular Alternative
Daher Joseph, 2018/06/21. Jacobin.
Après les élections : l’Irak entre espoirs et méfiances
Daher Joseph, 2018/06/20. Contretemps.
Decree 66 and the Impact of its National Expansion
Daher Joseph, 2018/03/07. Atlantic Council.
La question de la reconstruction en Syrie, enjeux et dynamiques
Daher Joseph, 2018/01/28. Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique.
Quel avenir pour les Forces démocratiques syriennes ?
Daher Joseph, 2018/01/17. The Conversation.
نظام الأسد ما زال يتكئ على شظايا البرجوازية السنية
Daher Joseph, 2018/01/02. Syria Untold.
Assad Regime Still Reliant on Fractions of the Sunni Bourgeoisie
Daher Joseph, 2017/12/21. Syria Untold.
Syrie : quelle reconstruction possible sous le régime Assad ?
Daher Joseph, 2017/12/05. The Conversation.
Comprendre le Hezbollah, force régionale incontournable du Proche-Orient
Daher Joseph, 2017/11/23. The Converstation.
Crony Capitalism and Federalism in Syria’s Reconstruction: Interview with Joseph Daher
Daher Joseph, 2017/11/21. Salon Syria.
Marxisme, processus révolutionnaire et fondamentalisme islamique (2e partie)
Daher Joseph, 2017/11/15. Contretemps.
Marxisme, processus révolutionnaire et fondamentalisme islamique (1ère partie)
Daher Joseph, 2017/10/31. Contretemps.
Syria, the uprising and the media scene
Daher Joseph, 2017/10/26. Open Democracy.
Democracy as a determinant of building an Alternative Economy - al-Dimuqrâtîyya kamakûn âssâssî lil-îqtissâd badîl
Daher Joseph, 2017/10/20. dans Series of Alternative Economy, Arab Forum for Alternatives and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
Les conséquences de l’intervention militaire du Hezbollah en Syrie sur la population libanaise chiite et les rapports avec Israël
Daher Joseph, 2017/09/26. Observatoire du monde arabo-musulman et du Sahel.
The Likely Winners in the Race to Rebuild Syria
Daher Joseph, Osseiran Hashem, 2017/09/13. Syria Deeply.
Militias and Crony Capitalism to Hamper Syria Reconstruction
Daher Joseph, 2017/09/04. Syria Untold.
Marxism, the Arab Spring, and Islamic fundamentalism
Daher Joseph, 2017/08. International Socialist Review 106.
"Mas’âla al-taghîîr al-dîmughrâfî fî sûrîyyâ"
Daher Joseph, 2017/06/07. Al Jazeera Center for Studies.
“La question Syrienne: Les Réalités et les Représentations”
Daher Joseph, 2017/05/01. Inter-Zones.
Towards an inclusive and pluralistic citizenship in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2017/04/28. Democracy Now.
The complex state of Syria's opposition
Daher Joseph, 2017/03/20. UNA-UK magazine .
نقاش في طبيعة الحركات الأصولية الاسلامية، ودينامياتها، وفي الهيمنة والثورات المضادة
Daher Joseph, 2017/02. الثورة الدائمة, 7.
What Happened in Aleppo
Daher Joseph, 2017/01/15. Jacobin.
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2017/01/09. The Muslim Internationalist.
Syria: Grassroots Democracy, Future Prospects
Daher Joseph, 2017/01/09. The Muslim Internationalist.
La chute d’Alep Est : nos destins sont liés…
Daher Joseph, 2016/12/23. Contretemps.
We Must Understand Syria as a Popular Struggle Despite Its Complications
Daher Joseph, 2016/12/19. Muftah.
Hezbollah and the Workers
Daher Joseph, 2016/12/01. Jacobin.
Hezbollah, The Political Economy of Lebanon's Party of God
Daher Joseph, 2016/10/30. 320, Pluto Press.
Hezbollah, Syria and the Arab uprisings
Daher Joseph, 2016/10/26. Pluto Press Blog.
Peace in Syria: not with Assad
Daher Joseph, 2016/10/24. Left East.
What Do The People Want?
Daher Joseph, 2016/10/19. Rabble.
Social and economic transformations in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2016/10/01. dans Social Disparities and Class Distinction in the Arab Region, Arab Forum For Alternatives et Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
Reassessing Hizbullah's Socioeconomic Policies in Lebanon
Daher Joseph, 2016/07/15. The Middle East Journal, 70 (3) pp. 399-418. Peer-reviewed.
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