Laura Fernandez

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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12 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2012 |
When the Locus Coeruleus Speaks Up in Sleep: Recent Insights, Emerging Perspectives.
Osorio-Forero A., Cherrad N., Banterle L., Fernandez LMJ, Lüthi A., 2022/04/30. International journal of molecular sciences, 23 (9) p. 5028. Peer-reviewed.
Noradrenergic circuit control of non-REM sleep substates.
Osorio-Forero A., Cardis R., Vantomme G., Guillaume-Gentil A., Katsioudi G., Devenoges C., Fernandez LMJ, Lüthi A., 2021/11/22. Current biology, 31 (22) pp. 5009-5023.e7. Peer-reviewed.
Cortico-autonomic local arousals and heightened somatosensory arousability during NREMS of mice in neuropathic pain.
Cardis R., Lecci S., Fernandez L.M., Osorio-Forero A., Chu Sin Chung P., Fulda S., Decosterd I., Lüthi A., 2021/07/06. eLife, 10 pp. e65835. Peer-reviewed.
A Thalamic Reticular Circuit for Head Direction Cell Tuning and Spatial Navigation.
Vantomme G., Rovó Z., Cardis R., Béard E., Katsioudi G., Guadagno A., Perrenoud V., Fernandez LMJ, Lüthi A., 2020/06/09. Cell reports, 31 (10) p. 107747. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Spindles: Mechanisms and Functions.
Fernandez LMJ, Lüthi A., 2020/04/01. Physiological reviews, 100 (2) pp. 805-868. Peer-reviewed.
Regulation of Local Sleep by the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus.
Vantomme G., Osorio-Forero A., Lüthi A., Fernandez LMJ, 2019. Frontiers in neuroscience, 13 p. 576. Peer-reviewed.
Thalamic reticular control of local sleep in mouse sensory cortex.
Fernandez L.M., Vantomme G., Osorio-Forero A., Cardis R., Béard E., Lüthi A., 2018/12/25. eLife, 7 pp. e39111. Peer-reviewed.
Cortical afferents onto the nucleus Reticularis thalami promote plasticity of low-threshold excitability through GluN2C-NMDARs.
Fernandez LMJ, Pellegrini C., Vantomme G., Béard E., Lüthi A., Astori S., 2017/09/25. Scientific reports, 7 (1) p. 12271. Peer-reviewed.
Quantifying Infra-slow Dynamics of Spectral Power and Heart Rate in Sleeping Mice.
Fernandez LMJ, Lecci S., Cardis R., Vantomme G., Béard E., Lüthi A., 2017/08/02. Journal of visualized experiments 126 pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Coordinated infraslow neural and cardiac oscillations mark fragility and offline periods in mammalian sleep.
Lecci S., Fernandez L.M., Weber F.D., Cardis R., Chatton J.Y., Born J., Lüthi A., 2017/02. Science advances, 3 (2) pp. e1602026. Peer-reviewed.
Highly Dynamic Spatiotemporal Organization of Low-Frequency Activities During Behavioral States in the Mouse Cerebral Cortex
Fernandez Laura M. J., Comte Jean-Christophe, Le Merre Pierre, Lin Jian-Sheng, Salin Paul-A., Crochet Sylvain, 2016/10/14. Cerebral Cortex.
Thalamic control of cortical states
Poulet James F A, Fernandez Laura M J, Crochet Sylvain, Petersen Carl C H, 2012/01/22. Nature Neuroscience, 15 (3) pp. 370-372. Peer-reviewed.
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