Clément Meier

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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19 publications

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 |
Learning from experience: does providing end-of-life care support for relatives boost personal end-of-life health literacy?
Meier C., Wieczorek M., Vilpert S., Borrat-Besson C., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2025/01/09. BMC palliative care, 24 (1) p. 6. Peer-reviewed.
Physical activity partially mediates the association between health literacy and mild cognitive impairment in older adults: cross-sectional evidence from Switzerland
Meier Clément, Wieczorek Maud, Aschwanden Damaris, Ihle Andreas, Kliegel Matthias, Maurer Jürgen, 2025/01/03. European Journal of Public Health. Peer-reviewed.
Inadequate health literacy and higher healthcare utilisation among older adults in Switzerland: cross-sectional evidence from a population-based study
Pigazzini Giuliano, Wieczorek Maud, Meier Clément, Maurer Jürgen, 2024/10/24. Swiss Medical Weekly, 154 (10) p. 3515. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive functioning and sustained internet use amid the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal evidence from older adults in Switzerland
Wieczorek Maud, Reinecke Robert, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Meier Clément, Haas Maximilian, Ihle Andreas, Kliegel Matthias, Maurer Jürgen, 2024/08/13. Scientific Reports, 14 (1).
End-of-life health literacy, knowledge and behaviours towards advance care planning among older adults: cross-sectional evidence from Switzerland
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Wieczorek Maud, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Jox Ralf J, Maurer Jürgen, 2024/03. BMJ Public Health, 2 (1) pp. e000600. Peer-reviewed.
Overestimation of Survival Rates of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Is Associated with Higher Preferences to Be Resuscitated: Evidence from a National Survey of Older Adults in Switzerland
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Wieczorek Maud, Borasio Gian Domenico, Jox Ralf J., Maurer Jürgen, 2023/12/29. Medical Decision Making.
Perceptions, connaissances et compétences de santé en matière de soins de fin de vie chez les adultes âgés en Suisse
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Maurer Jürgen, Jox Ralf J., 2023/11/06. pp. 161-172 dans Les soins palliatifs à travers les humanités médicales, Georg éditeur.
Préférences, communication et planification des soins de fin de vie chez les adultes âgés en Suisse
Vilpert Sarah, Meier Clément, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Borasio Gian Domenico, Maurer Jürgen, 2023/11/06. pp. 173-188 dans Les soins palliatifs à travers les humanités médicales, Georg éditeur.
Advance Care Planning: A Story of Trust Within the Family.
Iunius L.A., Vilpert S., Meier C., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2023/10. Journal of applied gerontology, 43 (4) pp. 349-362. Peer-reviewed.
Older adults' medical preferences for the end of life: a cross-sectional population-based survey in Switzerland.
Vilpert S., Meier C., Berche J., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2023/07/24. BMJ open, 13 (7) pp. e071444. Peer-reviewed.
Health literacy across personality traits among older adults: cross-sectional evidence from Switzerland
Ryser Valérie-Anne, Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Maurer Jürgen, 2023/06/28. European Journal of Ageing. Peer-reviewed.
Association between multiple chronic conditions and insufficient health literacy: cross-sectional evidence from a population-based sample of older adults living in Switzerland.
Wieczorek M., Meier C., Vilpert S., Reinecke R., Borrat-Besson C., Maurer J., Kliegel M., 2023/02/06. BMC public health, 23 (1) p. 253. Peer-reviewed.
Development and validation of a subjective end-of-life health literacy scale.
Meier C., Vilpert S., Wieczorek M., Borrat-Besson C., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2023. PloS one, 18 (10) pp. e0292367. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship Between Health Literacy and Unhealthy Lifestyle Behaviours in Older Adults Living in Switzerland: Does Social Connectedness Matter?
Wieczorek M., Meier C., Kliegel M., Maurer J., 2023. International journal of public health, 68 p. 1606210. Peer-reviewed.
Full GSA 2022 Abstract Book PDF
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Borasio Gian Domenico, Jox Ralf, Maurer Jürgen, 2022/12/20. Innovation in Aging, 6 (Supplement_1) pp. NP-NP.
Buddy or burden? Patterns, perceptions, and experiences of pet ownership among older adults in Switzerland.
Meier C., Maurer J., 2022/12. European journal of ageing, 19 (4) pp. 1201-1212. Peer-reviewed.
Perceptions and Knowledge Regarding Medical Situations at the End of Life among Older Adults in Switzerland.
Meier C., Vilpert S., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., Jox R.J., 2022/05. Journal of palliative medicine, 26 (1) pp. 35-46. Peer-reviewed.
Health literacy among older adults in Switzerland: cross-sectional evidence from a nationally representative population-based observational study.
Meier C., Vilpert S., Borrat-Besson C., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2022/03/28. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30158. Peer-reviewed.
7th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference. Democratizing caring, dying and grieving: participation, action, understanding and evaluation
Vilpert Sarah, 2022/01. Palliative Care and Social Practice, 16 p. 263235242211199. Peer-reviewed.
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