Loris Grandjean

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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9 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Ecological momentary assessment of emotional processing: An exploratory analysis comparing daily life and a psychotherapy analogue session
Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Despland JN, Pascual-Leone A., Gholam M., Swendsen J., Kramer U., 2022/06. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 22 (2) pp. 345-356.
Lessening of the pervasiveness of interpersonal patterns in borderline personality disorder explains symptom decrease after treatment: A process analysis.
Kramer U., Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Seragnoli F., Djillali S., Choffat C., George E., Despland J.N., Kolly S., de Roten Y., 2022/05. Journal of clinical psychology, 78 (5) pp. 772-784. Peer-reviewed.
Change in emotional processing in daily life: relationship with in-session self-esteem
Kramer U., Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Despland JN, Pascual-Leone A., 2022/03/18. Counselling Psychology Quarterly pp. 1-16.
Psychotherapeutic case formulation: Plan analysis for narcissistic personality disorder.
Grandjean L., Hummel J., Wyer D., Beuchat H., Caspar F., Sachse R., Berger T., Kramer U., 2021/11. Personality and mental health, 15 (4) pp. 309-316. Peer-reviewed.
Self-Contempt, the Working Alliance and Outcome in Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder: An Exploratory Study.
Sallin L., Geissbüehler I., Grandjean L., Beuchat H., Martin-Soelch C., Pascual-Leone A., Kramer U., 2021/07. Psychotherapy research, 31 (6) pp. 765-777. Peer-reviewed.
Emotions in clinical practice. Second edition
Kramer Ueli, Beuchat Hélène, Grandjean Loris, 2021/04/01. dans Handbook of Emotion Measurement, H. Meiselman.
Mechanisms of change in brief treatments for borderline personality disorder: a protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Kramer Ueli, Grandjean Loris, Beuchat Hélène, Kolly Stéphane, Conus Philippe, Roten Yves, Draganski Bogdan, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2020/12. Trials, 21 (1).
Integrating core conflictual relationship themes in neurobiological assessment of interpersonal processes in psychotherapy
Grandjean Loris, Beuchat Hélène, Gyger Lucien, Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Draganski Bogdan, Kramer Ueli, 2020/09. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20 (3) pp. 488-496.
How Personality Disorders Change in Psychotherapy: a Concise Review of Process.
Kramer U., Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Pascual-Leone A., 2020/06/09. Current psychiatry reports, 22 (8) p. 41. Peer-reviewed.
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