Martin Müller

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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140 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 |
Culture goes East: Mapping the shifting geographies of urban cultural capital through major cultural buildings
Gogishvili David, Müller Martin, 2024/10/29. Urban Studies. Peer-reviewed.
Have the Olympics outgrown cities? A longitudinal comparative analysis of the growth and planning of the Olympics and former host cities
Silvestre Gabriel, Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Müller Martin, 2024/04/04. Planning Perspectives. Peer-reviewed.
Culture for the Planet. A global state of the art of sustainability in cultural organisations
Müller Martin, Grieshaber Julie, 2024/02/27. 36 Etudes urbaines: rapport de recherche, Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne.
How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Müller Martin, Grieshaber Julie, 2024/02/27. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20 (1) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Mega-events and triple-baseline (un)sustainability
Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gogishvili David, Müller Martin, 2024/01/25. pp. 399-414 dans Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events, Elgar.
Raw dataset of survey for How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2024..
SPSS output for How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2024..
Universe of cultural organizations for How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2024..
A field guide to Berlin. Designing teaching material for a field visit in urban studies
Müller Martin, Trivin Clotilde, Imhof Nadja, Paulos Julio, 2023/11/21. 52 Etudes urbaines: rapport de recherche, Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne.
Autour de la Suisse en 30 lieux inattendus
Klauser Francisco, Landolt Sara, Müller Martin, Schoepfer Isabelle (eds.), 2023/10/04., Helvetiq.
Der (Um-)Weg zum Paradies
Müller Martin, 2023/10/04. pp. 85-89 dans In 30 Tagen durch die Schweiz: Einblicke in ungeahnte Orte, Helvetiq.
In 30 Tagen durch die Schweiz: Einblicke in ungeahnte Orte
Klauser Francisco, Landolt Sara, Müller Martin, Schoepfer Isabelle (eds.), 2023/10/04., Helvetiq.
Itinéraire pour le paradis
Müller Martin, 2023/10/04. pp. 85-89 dans Autour de la Suisse en 30 lieux inattendus, Helvetiq.
L'avenir (non) durable des Jeux Olympiques
Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gogishvili David, Müller Martin, Boëtsch Gilles, 2023/06/01. pp. 387-395 dans Bancel Nicolas, Blanchard Pascal, Bolz Daphné, Gastaut Yvan, Lemaire Sandrine, Mourlane Stéphane (eds.) Une histoire mondiale de l'olympisme, Atlande.
Peak event: the rise, crisis and potential decline of the Olympic Games and the World Cup
Müller Martin, Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gaffney Christopher, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2023/04. Tourism Management, 95. Peer-reviewed.
The sustainability star: a model for museums
Müller Martin, Grieshaber Julie, 2023/01/16. ICOM Voices.
Questionnaire_Survey_Culture for the Planet
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2023..
Dataset: Peak event: the rise, crisis and potential decline of the Olympic Games and the World Cup
Müller Martin, Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gaffney Christopher, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2022/10/05..
What makes an event a mega-event? Definitions and sizes
Müller Martin, Gogishvili David, 2022/07/26. pp. 21-35 dans Hanakata Naomi C., Bignami Filippo, Cuppini Niccolò (eds.) Mega Events, Urban Transformations and Social Citizenship: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis for An Epistemological Foresight, Routledge.
Assemblagen und Akteur-Netzwerke
Müller Martin, 2022/07/18. pp. 131-153 dans Steiner Christian, Rainer Gerhard, Schröder Vanessa, Zirkl Frank (eds.) Mehr-als-menschliche Geographien. Schlüsselkonzepte, Beziehungen und Methodiken, Franz Steiner Verlag.
The structural deficit of the Olympics and the World Cup: Comparing costs against revenues over time
Müller Martin, Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, 2022/05/31. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 6 (54) pp. 1200-1218. Peer-reviewed.
Dataset: Revenues and Costs of the Olympic Games and the Football World Cups, 1960s to late 2010s
Müller Martin, Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, 2022/05/09..
Dataset: Overview of the environmental promises and outcomes of the Summer and Winter Olympics
Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Müller Martin, 2022/04/28..
La géopolitique du savoir géographique: à la recherche des Ests
Müller Martin, Trivin Clotilde, 2022/02/01. pp. 93-99 dans Argounès Fabrice (eds.) Géographies du politique, Atlande.
The mega-events database: systematising the evidence on mega-event outcomes
Müller Martin, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gogishvili David, Gaffney Christopher, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2021/11/08. Leisure Studies pp. 1-9.
À la recherche des Ests : Les villes en notes de bas de page
Müller Martin, 2021/06/01. L'information géographique, 85 (2) pp. 24-36. Peer-reviewed.
Footnote urbanism: the missing East in (not so) global urbanism
Müller Martin, 2021/05/31. dans Global Urbanism: Knowledge, power and the city, Routledge.
Global Theory Does Not Believe in Tears
Müller Martin, 2021/05/21. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 38 (4) pp. 203-213.
An evaluation of the sustainability of the Olympic Games
Müller Martin, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gaffney Christopher, Gogishvili David, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2021/04. Nature Sustainability, 4 (4) pp. 340-348. Peer-reviewed.
The urban and economic impacts of mega-events: mechanisms of change in global games
Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gogishvili David, Chappelet Jean-Loup, Müller Martin, 2021/04/01. Sport in Society pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
W poszukiwaniu Globalnego Wschodu: Myślenie między Północą a Południem
Müller Martin, 2021/03/25. Praktyka Teoretyczna.
Mega-event database variable book
Müller Martin, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gogishvili David, Gaffney Christopher, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2021/01/25..
Worlding geography: From linguistic privilege to decolonial anywheres
Müller Martin, 2021/01/20. Progress in Human Geography, 45 (6) pp. 1440-1466. Peer-reviewed.
Dataset: Sustainability of the Olympic Games
Müller Martin, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gaffney Christopher, Gogishvili David, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2021..
The East is a delicate matter (English version of Восток — дело тонкое)
Müller Martin, 2021/01/01. Russian Sociological Review, 20 (1) pp. 9-24.
Восток — дело тонкое (The East is a Delicate Matter)
Müller Martin, 2021. Sotsiologicheskoe Obozrenie / Russian Sociological Review, 20 (1) pp. 9-24.
A part of the world or apart from the world? The postsocialist Global East in the geopolitics of knowledge
Trubina Elena, Gogishvili David, Imhof Nadja, Müller Martin, 2020/11/01. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 61 (6) pp. 636-662. Peer-reviewed.
The Global Easts in global urbanism: views from beyond North and South
Müller Martin, Trubina Elena, 2020/11/01. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 61 (6) pp. 627-635.
Käferkämpfe : Borkenkäfer und Landschaftskonflikte im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
Müller Martin, Imhof Nadja, 2020/10/05. pp. 111-121 dans Urwald der Bayern, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Разыскивая Глобальный Восток: мышление между Севером и Югом
Müller Martin, 2020/10/01. Социологическое Oбозрение / Russian Sociological Review, 19 (3) pp. 19-43.
Improvising urban spaces, inhabiting the in-between
Müller Martin, Trubina Elena, 2020/08. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38 (4) pp. 664-681.
In Search of the Global East: Thinking between North and South
Müller Martin, 2020/05/26. Geopolitics, 25 (3) pp. 734-755.
Who Makes Geographical Knowledge? The Gender of Geography's Gatekeepers
Schurr Carolin, Müller Martin, Imhof Nadja, 2020/04/30. The Professional Geographer pp. 1-15.
How international are geography journals? Not international enough
Imhof Nadja, Müller Martin, 2020/02/25. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space pp. 0308518X2090760.
La crise des événements, ou l’extraordinaire devenu quotidien
Müller Martin, 2019/07/16. Le Temps.
Goodbye, Postsocialism!
Müller Martin, 2019/04/21. Europe-Asia Studies, 71 (4) pp. 533-550. Peer-reviewed.
Käferkämpfe: Borkenkäfer und Landschaftskonflikte im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
Müller Martin, Imhof Nadja, 2019. pp. 313-329 dans RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Comparing the Urban Impacts of the FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games From 2010 to 2016
Müller M., Gaffney C., 2018/08/11. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 42 (4) pp. 247-269. Peer-reviewed.
Scrutinizing global mega-events
Gaffney C., Wolfe S. D., Müller M., 2018/04/01. pp. 125-137 dans Harrison J., Hoyler M. (eds.) Doing global urban research, Sage.
Towards a versatile and multidimensional framework to analyse regional governance
Willi Y., Pütz M., Müller M., 2018/02/28. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36 (5) pp. 775-795.
Crisis Neopatrimonialism : Russia’s New Political Economy and the 2018 World Cup
Wolfe S. D., Müller M., 2018/02. Problems of Post-Communism, 65 (2) pp. 101-114. Peer-reviewed.
Globalization and mega-events: thinking through flows
Müller Martin, Gaffney Christopher, 2018/01/11. pp. 296-305 dans Handbook on the Geographies of Globalization, Edward Elgar.
Political geography and geopolitics
Mamadouh V., Müller M., 2017/08/01. pp. 258-279 dans Mishkova D., Trencsényi B. (eds.) European regions and boundaries: a conceptual history 3 chap. 12, Berghahn.
Approaching paradox: Loving and hating mega-events
Müller M., 2017. Tourism Management, 63 pp. 234-241.
How mega-events capture their hosts: event seizure and the World Cup 2018 in Russia
Müller M., 2017. Urban Geography, 38 (8) pp. 1113-1132.
Mobilities and mega-events: four challenges, one warning
Müller M., 2017. pp. 179-186 dans Salazar N. B., Timmerman C., Wets J., Gama Gato L., Van den Broucke S. (eds.) Mega-event mobilities: a critical analysis, Routledge.
What makes an event a mega-event? Definitions and sizes
Müller M., 2017. pp. 8-23 dans Frawley S. (eds.) Managing sport mega-events chap. 2, Routledge.
An ethnographic perspective on educating state subjects in Russia
Müller M., 2016/06/01. International Studies Review, 18 (2) pp. 358-365.
After Sochi 2014: Costs and impacts of Russia's Olympic Games
Müller M., 2016. The Building Economist, 55 pp. 23-31.
Assemblage thinking and actor-network theory: conjunctions, disjunctions, cross-fertilisations
Müller M., Schurr C., 2016. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41 (3) pp. 217-229.
Does Temporary Geographical Proximity Predict Learning? Knowledge Dynamics in the Olympic Games
Müller Martin, Stewart Allison, 2016. Regional Studies, 50 (3) pp. 377-390.
Höher, grösser, teurer: Grossveranstaltungen und Geographie
Müller M., 2016. GeoAgenda, 3 pp. 4-6.
Mega-event syndrome: why so much goes wrong in mega-event planning and what to do about it
Müller M., 2016. 2, University Birmingham.
The multiple roles of mega-events: mega-promises, mini-outcomes?
Müller M., 2016. pp. 133-138 dans Global Corruption Report: Sport, Routledge.
Das Mega-Event-Syndrom : Weshalb Großveranstaltungen so problematisch sind – und was sich ändern sollte
Müller M., 2015/09. Standort, 39 (2-3) pp. 120-126.
(Im-)Mobile policies: Why sustainability went wrong in the 2014 Olympics in Sochi
Müller M., 2015/04. European Urban and Regional Studies, 22 (2) pp. 191-209.
Global games, local rules: Mega-events in the post-socialist world
Müller M., Pickles J., 2015/04. European Urban and Regional Studies, 22 (2) pp. 121-127.
A half-hearted romance? A diagnosis and agenda for the relationship between economic geography and actor-network theory (ANT)
Müller M., 2015/02. Progress in Human Geography, 39 (1) pp. 65-86.
The Mega-Event Syndrome: Why So Much Goes Wrong in Mega-Event Planning and What to Do About It
Müller M., 2015/01/02. Journal of the American Planning Association, 81 (1) pp. 6-17.
Actor-Network Theory (ANT)
Müller M., 2015..
Assemblages and Actor-networks: Rethinking Socio-material Power, Politics and Space
Müller M., 2015/01. Geography Compass, 9 (1) pp. 27-41.
BRIC foundations: new kids on the block and the implications for transcultural communication
Müller M., Pernet C., 2015. pp. 131-150 dans Sánchez Y., Brühwiler C. F. (eds.) Transculturalism and business in the BRIC states: a handbook, Gower.
Conclusion: Looking from the outside in ≠ looking from the inside out
Müller M., Bachmann V., 2015. pp. 187-195 dans Bachmann V., Müller M. (eds.) Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa: looking from the outside in, Palgrave Macmillan.
How Brazil, Russia, India, and China view BRIC
Müller M., 2015. pp. 301-308 dans Sánchez Y., Brühwiler C. F. (eds.) Transculturalism and business in the BRIC states: a handbook chap. 2, Gower.
Introduction: Global Europa? How, when and to whom?
Bachmann V., Müller M., 2015. pp. 1-16 dans Bachmann V., Müller M. (eds.) Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa: looking from the outside in, Palgrave Macmillan.
Lexicometric analysis: a methodological prelude
Tristl C., Müller M., Bachmann V., 2015. pp. 69-76 dans Bachmann V., Müller M. (eds.) Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa: looking from the outside in, Palgrave Macmillan.
Mais alto, maior, mais caro: Sochi e as Olimpiadas de Inverno de 2014
Müller M., 2015. pp. 539-545 dans Alves dos Santos Junior O., Gaffney C., Ribeiro L. C. de Queiroz (eds.) Brasil: os impactos da Copa do Mundo 2014 e das Olimpíadas 2016, Observatório das Metrópoles.
Mega-shock, mini-outcome: Russian authoritarianism and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Müller M., 2015. pp. 118-137 dans Grabher G., Thiel J. (eds.) Self-induced shocks: mega-projects and urban development, Jovis.
More-than-representational political geographies
Müller M., 2015. pp. 409-423 dans Agnew J., Mamadouh V., Secor A., Sharp J. (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell companion to political geography chap. 30, Wiley.
Organizations, Geography of
Müller M., 2015. 5.
Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa: looking in from the outside
Müller M., Bachmann V., 2015. 226, Palgrave Macmillan.
Denisova-Schmidt E., Müller M., Schmid U., 2015. pp. 207-228 dans Sánchez Y., Brühwiler C. F. (eds.) Transculturalism and business in the BRIC states: a handbook, Gower.
Sotschi 2014: das staubige Herz der größten Baustelle der Welt
Müller M., 2015. pp. 185-208 dans Helbling B. (eds.) Olympic realities, Birkhäuser.
What makes an event a mega-event? Definitions and sizes
Müller M., 2015. Leisure Studies, 34 (6) pp. 627-642.
World Cup 2018: Already the Most Expensive Ever?
Müller M., Sven Daniel W., 2014/06/25. Russian Analytical Digest 150 pp. 2-6.
From sacred cow to cash cow: The shifting political ecologies of protected areas in Russia
Müller M., 2014/01/01. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 58 (1) pp. NA.
Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in Russland 2018: bereits jetzt die teuerste aller Zeiten?
Müller M., Wolfe Sven D., 2014. Russland-Analysen, 279 pp. 10-14.
Higher, larger, costlier: Sochi and the 2014 Winter Olympics
Müller M., 2014. Russian Analytical Digest, 143 pp. 2-4.
Introduction: Winter Olympics Sochi 2014: what is at stake?
Müller M., 2014. East European Politics, 30 (2) pp. 153-157.
Sochi 2014: Great games for a great power?
Müller M., 2014. East European Politics, 30 pp. 153-209.
The topological multiplicities of power: the limits of governing the Olympics
Müller M., 2014. Economic Geography, 90 (3) pp. 321-339.
World Cup Russia 2018: already the most expensive ever?
Müller M., Wolfe Sven D., 2014. Russian Analytical Digest, 150 pp. 2-6.
‘I am Georgian and therefore I am European’: Comparing Elite and Public Perceptions of Europe in Georgia, 2003–2013
Bolkvadze K., Müller M., Bachmann V., 2014. pp. 197-219 dans Chaban N., Holland M. (eds.) Communicating Europe in Times of Crisis: External Perceptions of the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan.
Toothless Tigers? A Commentary on Alec Murphy's ‘Trapped in the Logic of the Modern State System?'
Müller M., 2013/07. Geopolitics, 18 (3) pp. 724-729.
Mittendrin statt nur dabei: Ethnographie als Methodologie in der Humangeographie
Müller M., 2013/03/19. Geographica Helvetica, 67 (4) pp. 179-184.
Lack and jouissance in hegemonic discourse of identification with the state
Müller M., 2013/03. Organization, 20 (2) pp. 279-298.
Sochi and the 2014 Olympics: game over?
Müller M., 2013. Euxeinos, 12 pp. 1-47.
Sochi and the 2014 Winter Olympics
Müller M., 2013. Religion & Society in East and West, 41 (7-8) pp. 21-23.
Text, discourse, affect and things
Müller Martin, 2013. pp. 49-68 dans Dodds Klaus, Sharp Joanne P., Kuus Merje (eds.) The Ashgate research companion to critical geopolitics chap. 3, Ashgate.
The geopolitics of organizing mega-events
Müller M., Steyaert C., 2013. pp. 139-150 dans Munoz J. M. (eds.) Handbook on the geopolitics of business chap. 10, Elgar.
Парадоксальный спектакль: общественное мнение и Олимпиада в Сочи
Müller M., 2013. Неприкосновенный запас, 88 pp. NA.
Opening the black box of the organization: Socio-material practices of geopolitical ordering
Müller M., 2012/08. Political Geography, 31 (6) pp. 379-388.
Higher, longer, costlier: Risiko in der Planung von Grossprojekten
Müller M., 2012. St. Gallen Business Review, Winter 2012 pp. 40-43.
Popular perception of urban transformation through megaevents: understanding support for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Müller M., 2012. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30 (4) pp. 693-711.
Think big! Das Großprojekt Sotschi 2014
Müller M., 2012. Osteuropa, 62 (6-8) pp. 313-324.
State Dirigisme in Megaprojects: Governing the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Müller M., 2011/09. Environment and Planning A, 43 (9) pp. 2091-2108.
How natural disturbance triggers political conflict: Bark beetles and the meaning of landscape in the Bavarian Forest
Müller M., 2011/08. Global Environmental Change, 21 (3) pp. 935-946.
Market meets nationalism: making entrepreneurial state subjects in post-Soviet Russia
Müller M., 2011/05. Nationalities Papers, 39 (3) pp. 393-408.
Education and the Formation of Geopolitical Subjects
Müller M., 2011/03. International Political Sociology, 5 (1) pp. 1-17.
Doing Discourse Analysis in Critical Geopolitics
Müller Martin, 2011/02/11. L'Espace Politique, 12 (3) pp. NA.
Nationalparkboom in Russland
Müller M., Shvarts E., Onufrenya I., 2011. Natur und Landschaft, 86 (2) pp. 64-68.
New kids on the block: the rise of the BRIC and the reconfiguration of global economic ties
Müller M., 2011. European Researcher, 15 (12) pp. 1615-1625.
Public Opinion Toward the European Union in Georgia
Müller M., 2011/01/01. Post-Soviet Affairs, 27 (1) pp. 64-92.
Review of 'Urban assemblages: how actor-network theory changes urban studies' by Ignacio Farías and Thomas Bender
Müller M., 2011. Urban Studies, 48 (1) pp. 222-224.
Russland im Aufwind: geopolitische Implikationen des russischen Wachstums
Müller Martin, 2011. pp. 52-58 dans Rolf C. (eds.) Jahresheft Geopolitik 2010, Geoinformationsdienst der Bundeswehr.
The economic impact of tourism in six German national parks
Mayer M., Müller M., Woltering M., Arnegger J., Job H., 2010/08. Landscape and Urban Planning, 97 (2) pp. 73-82.
The regional economic impact of Bavarian Forest National Park
Job Hubert, Mayer Marius, Woltering Manuel, Müller Martin, Harrer Bernhard, Metzler Daniel, 2010. Berichte aus dem Nationalpark, 4 22, Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald.
Human Dimensions of Forest Disturbance by Insects: An International Synthesis
Flint C. G., McFarlane B., Müller M., 2009/06. Environmental Management, 43 (6) pp. 1174-1186.
Managing natural disturbance in protected areas: Tourists' attitude towards the bark beetle in a German national park
Müller Martin, Job Hubert, 2009/02. Biological Conservation, 142 (2) pp. 375-383.
Europa bis zum Kaukasus? EUphorie in Georgien
Müller M., Gutbrod H., 2009. Europa Regional, 17 (4) pp. 210-220.
Making great power identities in Russia: an ethnographic discourse analysis of education at a Russian elite university
Müller M., 2009. Forum Politische Geographie, 4, LIT.
Measuring the regional economic impact of mega-events: what are the benefits of the 2014 Olympics for Sochi?
Müller M., 2009. pp. 192-201 dans Romanova G. (eds.) Professional training for the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games: problems and perspectives, Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation.
Rethinking identification with the hegemonic discourse of a "strong Russia" through Laclau and Mouffe
Müller Martin, 2009. pp. 327-347 dans Casula P., Perovic J. (eds.) Identities and politics during the Putin presidency: the foundations of Russia's stability, Ibidem.
Review of 'Geopolitics reframed: security and identity in Europe's eastern enlargement' by Merje Kuus
Müller Martin, 2009. Osteuropa, 59 pp. 170-171.
The inevitable flaws in Russia's great power project
Müller Martin, 2009..
Situating Identities: Enacting and Studying Europe at a Russian Elite University
Müller M., 2008/08. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 37 (1) pp. 3-25.
Reconsidering the concept of discourse for the field of critical geopolitics: Towards discourse as language and practice
Müller Martin, 2008/03. Political Geography, 27 (3) pp. 322-338.
Der Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald als regionaler Wirtschaftsfaktor [Bavarian Forest National Park as a regional economic factor]
Job Hubert, Mayer Marius, Woltering Manuel, Müller Martin, Harrer Bernhard, Metzler Daniel, 2008. 22, Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald.
Die regionalwirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald
Mayer M., Müller M., Woltering M., 2008. pp. 111-124 dans Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt, Jahrgang 2008, Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt.
Empirical verve, conceptual doubts: looking from the outside in at critical geopolitics
Müller M., Reuber P., 2008. Geopolitics, 13 (3) pp. 458-472.
Protected areas in Russia - Catalysts for sustainable development?
Müller Martin, 2008. Osteuropa 4-5 pp. 419–438.
Schutzgebiete in Russland: Katalysatoren nachhaltiger Entwicklung? [Protected areas in Russia: catalysts of sustainable development?]
Müller M., 2008. Osteuropa, 58 (4-5) pp. 419-437.
Totholz und Borkenkäfer im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald aus touristischer Perspektive
Müller M., Mayer M., Job H., 2008. pp. 100-116 dans Job H. (eds.) Die Destination Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald als regionaler Wirtschaftsfaktor, Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald.
Visitor attitudes towards natural disturbance: the case of the bark beetle in Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany
Müller M., Mayer M., Woltering M., Job H., 2008. pp. 347-352 dans Raschi A., Trampetti S. (eds.) Management for protection and sustainable development. Proceedings of the fourth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas, S. Trampetti, A. Raschi.
What's in a word? Problematising translation between languages
Müller M., 2007. Area, 39 (2) pp. 206-213.
Zusammen, aber doch getrennt? Vorstellungen von Russlands Platz in Europa an einer russischen Elitehochschule
Müller M., 2007. Europa Regional, 15 pp. 199-208.
Discourses of postmodern epistemology: radical impetus lost?
Müller M., 2006. Progress in Development Studies, 6 (4) pp. 306-320.
Improvement of housing conditions and the performance of an aided housing scheme in selected rural areas of Kenya
Müller M., Job H., 2006. Erde, 137 (4) pp. 333-354.
Lost in translation: development politics in between the spaces of 'the cultural'
Müller M., 2005. Geographische Zeitschrift, 93 pp. 121-133.
The contribution of small and medium tourism enterprises to regional economic development: a comparison between two German national park regions
Job H., Metzler D., Müller M., Mayer M., 2004. Publications de l'AIEST, 46 pp. 55-75.
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