Nicolas Concha-Lozano

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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16 publications

In press | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
Determination of ultrafine particle number emission factors from building materials in standardized conditions.
Concha-Lozano N., Muller Y., Favreau P., Suarez G. Annals of work exposures and health. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de l’efficacité des produits à base de mousse et gel comme méthodes de captage des fibres d’amiante dans l’air
Suarez Guillaume, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Muller Yan, 2023/01/31. (345) 22 [Raisons de santé ; 345], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Assessment of toxicant and carcinogen concentrations in electronic cigarette liquid and aerosol
Sambiagio N., Concha-Lozano N., Auer R., Berthet A., 2021. dans 2021 Annual SRNT-E Conference, 15th - 17th Sep 2021.
Reusability of filtering facepiece respirators after decontamination through drying and germicidal UV irradiation.
Vernez D., Save J., Oppliger A., Concha-Lozano N., Hopf N.B., Niculita-Hirzel H., Resch G., Michaud V., Dorange-Pattoret L., Charrière N. et al., 2020/10. BMJ global health, 5 (10) pp. e003110. Peer-reviewed.
Hemmendinger Maud, Goekce Sami, Concha-lozano Nicolas, Sauvain Jean-Jacques, Suárez Guillaume (eds.), 2019/08/30., 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health i.
Hemmendinger Maud, Goekce Sami, Concha-lozano Nicolas, Guseva Canu Irina, Suarez Guillaume, Sauvain Jean-Jacques (eds.), 2019/08/30., 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health Irina Guseva Canu.
Vaporisation des cannabinoïdes : évaluation de deux vaporisateurs
Giroud C., Galé C., Furer M., Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Sporkert F., 2018/06. pp. S40-S41 dans 26e Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique Marseille, 5-8 juin 2018, Toxicologie analytique et clinique.
Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Cigarettes: Smoke by Any Other Name.
Auer R., Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Jacot-Sadowski I., Cornuz J., Berthet Aurélie, 2017/07/01. JAMA internal medicine, 177 (7) pp. 1050-1052. Peer-reviewed.
Fast determination of exhaled air oxidative potential in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
Suarez Guillaume, Goecke Sami, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Sauvain Jean-Jacques, Portela-Otano Alejandro, Sergent Elise, Andujar Pascal, Pairon Jean-Claude, 2017. p. 60 dans 19th International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidants, June 26-27, 2017, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris : abstracts book, International Society of Antioxidants.
Drug vaping applied to cannabis: Is "Cannavaping" a therapeutic alternative to marijuana?
Varlet V., Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Berthet Aurélie, Plateel Gregory, Favrat B., De Cesare M., Lauer E., Augsburger M., Thomas A., Giroud C., 2016/05/26. Scientific Reports, 6 p. 25599. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding Fume Generated by Apprentice Welders.
Graczyk Halshka, Lewinski Nastassja, Zhao Jiayuan, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Riediker Michael, 2016/03. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 60 (2) pp. 205-219. Peer-reviewed.
E-cigarette and cannabis: assessment of passive exposure
Berthet Aurélie, De Cesare Mariangela, Varlet Vincent, Favrat Bernard, Giroud Christian, Augsburger Marc, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Thomas Aurélien, 2016. p. 564 dans 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 13-17, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, The Toxicologist : an official publication of the Society of Toxicology. Peer-reviewed.
O40: Cannavaping : vapotage récréatif de stupéfiants ou nouveau mode d'administration de médicaments?
Varlet Vincent, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Berthet Aurélie, Thomas Aurélien, Augsburger Marc, Giroud Christian, 2016. pp. S30-S31 dans 24e Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique, Toxicologie analytique et clinique. Peer-reviewed.
E-cigarettes: a review of new trends in cannabis use
Giroud C., de Cesare M., Berthet Aurélie, Varlet V., Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Favrat B., 2015/08/21. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (8) pp. 9988-10008. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding fume generated by apprentice welders and resulting oxidative stress biomarker analysis
Graczyk Halshka, Lewinski Nastassja, Zhao Jiayuan, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Riediker Michael, 2015. dans 7th International Symposium on Nanotechnology : Occupational and Environmental Health, 18th - 22nd October 2015, Legend Safari Lodge, Waterberg Region, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Sensitive photonic system to measure oxidative potential of airborne nanoparticles and ROS levels in exhaled air
Laulagnet Alexis, Sauvain Jean-Jacques, Concha-Lozano Nicolas, Riediker Michael, Suarez Guillaume, 2015. pp. 632-636 dans Eurosensors 2015, XXIX ed., Freiburg, Germany, September 6-9, 2015, Procedia Engineering. Peer-reviewed.
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