Nicola Vannini

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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29 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2012 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2003 |
The immunometabolic roots of aging.
Ginefra P., Hope H.C., Lorusso G., D'Amelio P., Vannini N., 2024/12. Current opinion in immunology, 91 p. 102498. Peer-reviewed.
Urolithin-A Promotes CD8+ T Cell-mediated Cancer Immunosurveillance via FOXO1 Activation.
Ginefra P., Hope H.C., Chiang Y.H., Nutten S., Blum S., Coukos G., Vannini N., 2024/05/03. Cancer research communications, 4 (5) pp. 1189-1198. Peer-reviewed.
PGE2 limits effector expansion of tumour-infiltrating stem-like CD8+ T cells.
Morotti M., Grimm A.J., Hope H.C., Arnaud M., Desbuisson M., Rayroux N., Barras D., Masid M., Murgues B., Chap B.S. et al., 2024/05. Nature, 629 (8011) pp. 426-434. Peer-reviewed.
Mitochondria Dictate Function and Fate of HSCs and T Cells.
Xu Y., Chiang Y.H., Ho P.C., Vannini N., 2023/10/04. Cancer immunology research, 11 (10) pp. 1303-1313. Peer-reviewed.
Induction of mitochondrial recycling reverts age-associated decline of the hematopoietic and immune systems.
Girotra M., Chiang Y.H., Charmoy M., Ginefra P., Hope H.C., Bataclan C., Yu Y.R., Schyrr F., Franco F., Geiger H. et al., 2023/09. Nature aging, 3 (9) pp. 1057-1066. Peer-reviewed.
Connexins orchestrate progression of breast cancer metastasis to the brain by promoting FAK activation.
Lorusso G., Wyss C.B., Kuonen F., Vannini N., Billottet C., Duffey N., Pineau R., Lan Q., Wirapati P., Barras D. et al., 2022/09/07. Science translational medicine, 14 (661) pp. eaax8933. Peer-reviewed.
Enforcing GLUT3 expression in CD8+ T cells improves fitness and tumor control by promoting glucose uptake and energy storage
Cribioli E., Giordano Attianese GMP, Ginefra P., Signorino-Gelo A., Vuillefroy de Silly R., Vannini N., Hess C., Irving M., Coukos G., 2022. Frontiers in immunology, 13 p. 976628. Peer-reviewed.
TGFβ limits Myc-dependent TCR-induced metabolic reprogramming in CD8+ T cells
Hope H.C., Pickersgill G., Ginefra P., Vannini N., Cook G.P., Salmond R.J., 2022. Frontiers in immunology, 13 p. 913184. Peer-reviewed.
Ionic Regulation of T-Cell Function and Anti-Tumour Immunity.
Ginefra P., Carrasco Hope H., Spagna M., Zecchillo A., Vannini N., 2021/12/20. International journal of molecular sciences, 22 (24) p. 13668. Peer-reviewed.
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition).
Klionsky D.J., Abdel-Aziz A.K., Abdelfatah S., Abdellatif M., Abdoli A., Abel S., Abeliovich H., Abildgaard M.H., Abudu Y.P., Acevedo-Arozena A. et al., 2021/01. Autophagy, 17 (1) pp. 1-382. Peer-reviewed.
Disturbed mitochondrial dynamics in CD8<sup>+</sup> TILs reinforce T cell exhaustion.
Yu Y.R., Imrichova H., Wang H., Chao T., Xiao Z., Gao M., Rincon-Restrepo M., Franco F., Genolet R., Cheng W.C. et al., 2020/12. Nature immunology, 21 (12) pp. 1540-1551. Peer-reviewed.
Mineral and Amino Acid Profiling of Different Hematopoietic Populations from the Mouse Bone Marrow.
Girotra M., Monnard C., Konz T., Sizzano F., Goulet L., Godin J.P., Coukos G., Rezzi S., Vannini N., 2020/09/03. International journal of molecular sciences, 21 (17) p. 6444. Peer-reviewed.
Multielemental Analysis of Low-Volume Samples Reveals Cancer-Specific Profile in Serum and Sorted Immune Cells
Konz Tobias, Monnard Caroline, Restrepo Marcela Rincon, Laval Julie, Sizzano Federico, Girotra Mukul, Dammone Gabriele, Palini Alessio, Coukos George, Rezzi Serge et al., 2020/07/07. Analytical Chemistry, 92 (13) pp. 8750-8758.
Innate Immune Cells and Their Contribution to T-Cell-Based Immunotherapy.
Ginefra P., Lorusso G., Vannini N., 2020/06/22. International journal of molecular sciences, 21 (12) p. 4441. Peer-reviewed.
Targeting mitochondria to stimulate hematopoiesis.
Girotra M., Naveiras O., Vannini N., 2020/01/28. Aging, 12 (2) pp. 1042-1043. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of Mitochondrial Mass and Membrane Potential in Hematopoietic Stem Cells and T-cells by Flow Cytometry.
Girotra M., Thierry A.C., Harari A., Coukos G., Naveiras O., Vannini N., 2019/12/26. Journal of visualized experiments 154. Peer-reviewed.
The NAD-Booster Nicotinamide Riboside Potently Stimulates Hematopoiesis through Increased Mitochondrial Clearance.
Vannini N., Campos V., Girotra M., Trachsel V., Rojas-Sutterlin S., Tratwal J., Ragusa S., Stefanidis E., Ryu D., Rainer P.Y. et al., 2019/03/07. Cell stem cell, 24 (3) pp. 405-418.e7. Peer-reviewed.
Single-cell analyses identify bioengineered niches for enhanced maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells.
Roch A., Giger S., Girotra M., Campos V., Vannini N., Naveiras O., Gobaa S., Lutolf M.P., 2017/08/09. Nature communications, 8 (1) p. 221. Peer-reviewed.
Specification of haematopoietic stem cell fate via modulation of mitochondrial activity.
Vannini N., Girotra M., Naveiras O., Nikitin G., Campos V., Giger S., Roch A., Auwerx J., Lutolf M.P., 2016. Nature Communications, 7 p. 13125. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of in vitro HSC fate regulators by differential lipid raft clustering.
Vannini N., Roch A., Naveiras O., Griffa A., Kobel S., Lutolf M.P., 2012. Cell Cycle, 11 (8) pp. 1535-1543. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanisms of Hyperforin as an anti-angiogenic angioprevention agent.
Lorusso G., Vannini N., Sogno I., Generoso L., Garbisa S., Noonan D.M., Albini A., 2009/05. European journal of cancer, 45 (8) pp. 1474-1484. Peer-reviewed.
Anti-angiogenic Activity of a Novel Class of Chemopreventive Compounds: Oleanic Acid Terpenoids
Sogno Ilaria, Vannini Nicola, Lorusso Girieca, Cammarota Rosaria, Noonan Douglas M., Generoso Luca, Sporn Michael B., Albini Adriana, 2009. pp. 209-212 dans Cancer Prevention II, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Prevention and Treatment of Experimental Estrogen Receptor–Negative Mammary Carcinogenesis by the Synthetic Triterpenoid CDDO-Methyl Ester and the Rexinoid LG100268
Liby Karen, Risingsong Renee, Royce Darlene B., Williams Charlotte R., Yore Mark M., Honda Tadashi, Gribble Gordon W., Lamph William W., Vannini Nicola, Sogno Ilaria et al., 2008/07/15. Clinical Cancer Research, 14 (14) pp. 4556-4563.
Inflammation, inflammatory cells and angiogenesis: decisions and indecisions
Noonan Douglas M., De Lerma Barbaro Andrea, Vannini Nicola, Mortara Lorenzo, Albini Adriana, 2008/03. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, 27 (1) pp. 31-40.
Endothelial Cell Aging and Apoptosis in Prevention and Disease: E-Selectin Expression and Modulation As A Model
Noonan Douglas, Vannini Nicola, Pfeffer Ulrich, Lorusso Girieca, Albini Adriana, 2008/01/01. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 14 (3) pp. 221-225.
The synthetic oleanane triterpenoid, CDDO-methyl ester, is a potent antiangiogenic agent
Vannini N., Lorusso G., Cammarota R., Barberis M., Noonan D. M., Sporn M. B., Albini A., 2007/12/07. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 6 (12) pp. 3139-3146.
AKT/NF-κB inhibitor xanthohumol targets cell growth and angiogenesis in hematologic malignancies
Dell'Eva Raffaella, Ambrosini Claudia, Vannini Nicola, Piaggio Giovanna, Albini Adriana, Ferrari Nicoletta, 2007/11/01. Cancer, 110 (9) pp. 2007-2011.
Upstream promoter sequences and αCTD mediate stable DNA wrapping within the RNA polymerase–promoter open complex
Cellai Sara, Mangiarotti Laura, Vannini Nicola, Naryshkin Nikolai, Kortkhonjia Ekaterine, Ebright Richard H, Rivetti Claudio, 2007/03. EMBO reports, 8 (3) pp. 271-278.
Imaging transcription complexes with the Atomic Force Microscope.
Rivetti C., Vannini N., Cellai S., 2003/06. The Italian journal of biochemistry, 52 (2) pp. 98-103. Peer-reviewed.
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