Charles Benaim

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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87 publications

En préparation | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |
Long-term Quality of Life After Decompressive Craniectomy in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke
Vicino Alex, Vuadens Philippe, Léger Bertrand, Benaim Charles.
Changes in spinal motor behaviour are associated with reduction in disability in chronic low back pain: A longitudinal cohort study with 1-year follow-up.
Christe G., Benaim C., Jolles B.M., Favre J., 2024/08. European journal of pain, 28 (7) pp. 1116-1126. Peer-reviewed.
Apport de la médecine physique et de réadaptation à la médecine de premier recours [Contribution of physical and rehabilitation medicine to primary care medicine]
Benaim C., Decavel P., Eggel Y., Dobrescu I., Robert J.P., Hunkeler M., Graf V., Kocer S., Carda S., Luthi F., 2024/06/05. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (877) pp. 1126-1131. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical Applications of Virtual Reality in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: A Scoping Review.
Chaplin E., Karatzios C., Benaim C., 2023/12/15. Healthcare, 11 (24) p. 3178. Peer-reviewed.
The ADRS becomes the Depression Rating Scale for Stroke (DRSS) after Rasch and principal component analyses and expert opinion.
Benaim C., Dai S., Beland S., Vuistiner P., Alzuhairi H., Piscicelli C., Jambresic A., Pérennou D., Clinician investigators, 2023/11. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 66 (8) p. 101788. Peer-reviewed.
Short-term effects on heart rate variability of occipito-mastoid suture normalization in healthy subjects
Besson Cyril, Mur Thierry, Benaim Charles, Schmitt Laurent, Gremeaux Vincent, 2023/09/25. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17. Peer-reviewed.
Simple clinical tools improve ability-to-work predictions for individuals 3-24 months after upper limb injury.
Benaim C., Luthi F., Vuistiner P., Scholz-Odermatt S.M., Burrus C., Konzelmann M., Léger B., 2023/06. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 66 (5) p. 101747. Peer-reviewed.
Reduction in pain-related fear is not associated with improvement in spinal biomechanics but with decrease in movement-evoked pain in patients with chronic low back pain.
Christe G., Benaim C., Luthi F., Jolles B.M., Favre J., 2023/03. Pain practice, 23 (3) pp. 290-300. Peer-reviewed.
Development and Validation of Short Forms of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (F-PCS-5) and Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (F-TSK-6) in Musculoskeletal Chronic Pain Patients.
Le Carré J., Luthi F., Burrus C., Konzelmann M., Vuistiner P., Léger B., Benaïm C., 2023. Journal of pain research, 16 pp. 153-167. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive assessment scale for stroke patients (CASP): A multicentric validation study.
Benaim C., Wauquiez G., Pérennou D., Piscicelli C., Lucas-Pineau B., Bonnin-Koang H.Y., Vuadens P., Binquet C., Bourredjem A., Devilliers H., 2022/05. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 65 (3) p. 101594. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic yield and cost analysis of electrocardiographic screening in Swiss paediatric athletes.
Albiński M., Saubade M., Menafoglio A., Meyer P., Capelli B., Perrin T., Trachsel L., Hagemeyer D., Casagrande D., Wilhelm M. et al., 2022/04. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 25 (4) pp. 281-286. Peer-reviewed.
Development and validation of a short version of the French Hand Function Sort questionnaire in vocational rehabilitation.
Benhissen Z., Konzelmann M., Vuistiner P., Leger B., Luthi F., Devilliers H., Hilfiker R., Benaim C., 2021/11. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 64 (6) p. 101533. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility of a prehabilitation program before major abdominal surgery: a pilot prospective study.
Martin D., Besson C., Pache B., Michel A., Geinoz S., Gremeaux-Bader V., Larcinese A., Benaim C., Kayser B., Demartines N. et al., 2021/11. The Journal of international medical research, 49 (11) p. 3000605211060196. Peer-reviewed.
Are patients with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or hypermobility spectrum disorder so different?
Aubry-Rozier B., Schwitzguebel A., Valerio F., Tanniger J., Paquier C., Berna C., Hügle T., Benaim C., 2021/10. Rheumatology international, 41 (10) pp. 1785-1794. Peer-reviewed.
Complex regional pain syndrome of the residual limb in a transtibial lower-limb amputee: diagnosis and treatment.
Karatzios C., Luthi F., Muff G., Benaim C., 2021/07/23. BMJ case reports, 14 (7) pp. e239650. Peer-reviewed.
Aponévropathie plantaire : mise au point 2021 [Plantar fasciitis: update 2021]
Muff G., Karatzios C., Saubade M., Benaim C., Gremeaux V., 2021/07/14. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (745) pp. 1314-1317. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of early sports specialisation on paediatric ECG.
Albiński M., Saubade M., Benaim C., Menafoglio A., Meyer P., Capelli B., Perrin T., Trachsel L., Hagemeyer D., Casagrande D. et al., 2021/06. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 31 (6) pp. 1335-1341. Peer-reviewed.
Anakinra compared to prednisone in the treatment of acute CPPD crystal arthritis: A randomized controlled double-blinded pilot study.
Dumusc A., Pazar Maldonado B., Benaim C., Zufferey P., Aubry-Rozier B., So A., 2021/03. Joint bone spine, 88 (2) p. 105088. Peer-reviewed.
What Motivates Healthcare Professionals' Referrals to Chaplains, and How to Help Them Formulate Referrals that Accurately Reflect Patients' Spiritual Needs?
Poncin E., Niquille B., Jobin G., Benaim C., Rochat E., 2020. Journal of health care chaplaincy, 26 (1) pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Differential Diagnosis Assessment in Ambulatory Care With an Automated Medical History-Taking Device: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Schwitzguebel A.J., Jeckelmann C., Gavinio R., Levallois C., Benaïm C., Spechbach H., 2019/11/04. JMIR medical informatics, 7 (4) pp. e14044. Peer-reviewed.
Validity and interrater/intrarater reliability of the Turkish version of the postural assessment scale for stroke patients (PASS-Turk).
Koçak F.A., Kurt E.E., Koçak Y., Erdem H.R., Tuncay F., Benaim C., 2019/07. Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 26 (5) pp. 373-381. Peer-reviewed.
Determining the minimal clinically important difference of the hand function sort questionnaire in vocational rehabilitation.
Benhissen Z., Konzelmann M., Vuistiner P., Léger B., Luthi F., Benaim C., 2019/05. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 62 (3) pp. 155-160. Peer-reviewed.
Transcultural adaptation and validation of a French version of the Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility 12-item Short-Form (PLUS-M/FC-12) in active amputees.
Karatzios C., Loiret I., Luthi F., Leger B., Le Carre J., Saubade M., Muff G., Benaim C., 2019/05. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 62 (3) pp. 142-148. Peer-reviewed.
Douleurs de la jambe : diagnostic différentiel et traitement [Leg pain : differential diagnosis and treatment]
Benhissen Z., Benaim C., 2019/01/23. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (635) pp. 216-220. Peer-reviewed.
"Minimal clinically important difference" estimates of 6 commonly-used performance tests in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain completing a work-related multidisciplinary rehabilitation program.
Benaim C., Blaser S., Léger B., Vuistiner P., Luthi F., 2019/01/05. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 20 (1) p. 16. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in the miRNA signatures of chronic musculoskeletal pain patients from neuropathic or nociceptive origins.
Dayer C.F., Luthi F., Le Carré J., Vuistiner P., Terrier P., Benaim C., Giacobino J.P., Léger B., 2019. PloS one, 14 (7) pp. e0219311. Peer-reviewed.
Spirometry and provocation tests for vocal fold dysfunction diagnosis: a retrospective case series.
Taramarcaz P., Seebach J.D., Motteli L., Benaïm C., Schwitzguebel A.J., 2018/12/03. Swiss medical weekly, 148 pp. w14692. Peer-reviewed.
Place du traitement interdisciplinaire intensif dans la lombalgie chronique [Place of interdisciplinary treatments in chronic low back pain]
Norberg M.I., Riat M., Benaïm C., 2017/06/21. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (568) pp. 1296-1299. Peer-reviewed.
Ultrasound can be useful to predict an evolution towards rheumatoid arthritis in patients with inflammatory polyarthralgia without anticitrullinated antibodies.
Zufferey P., Rebell C., Benaim C., Ziswiler H.R., Dumusc A., So A., 2017/05. Joint, bone, spine, 84 (3) pp. 299-303. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the French Version of the "Patterns of Activity Measure" in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain.
Benaim C., Léger B., Vuistiner P., Luthi F., 2017. Pain research & management, 2017 p. 6570394. Peer-reviewed.
Que sait-on sur le « point de côté » lié à l’effort ? [What do we know about the exercise-related transient abdominal pain ?]
Saubade M., Gabioud A., Karatzios C., Besson C., Gremion G., Benaim C., Fell J., Gojanovic B., 2016/07/13. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (525) pp. 1272-1277. Peer-reviewed.
GABAergic drug use and global, cognitive, and motor functional outcomes after stroke.
Schwitzguébel A.J., Benaïm C., Carda S., Torea Filgueira A.M., Frischknecht R., Rapin P.A., 2016/03. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 59 (5-6) pp. 320-325.
Is it possible to determine the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of the French version of the hand function sort (HFS-F) for patients hospitalized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation?
Benhissen Z., Konzelmann M., Vuistiner P., Leger B., Luthi F., Benaim C., 2016. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 59S pp. e60. Peer-reviewed.
Normalization of an ecologic organization and problem-solving test in a vocational rehabilitation setting: TEM-PRO.
Mühl A., Aubert C., Wicky G., Fédou M., Devanthéry F., Jungo S., Benaim C., Leger B., Vuadens P., Anne B., 2016. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 59S pp. e131-e132. Peer-reviewed.
Promoting physical activity: What do we have available to motivate our patients?
Saubade M., Karatzios C., Besson C., Farasse A.C., Charles B., Gremion G., 2016. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 59S pp. e54-e55.
A study of the 200-metre fast walk test as a possible new assessment tool to predict maximal heart rate and define target heart rate for exercise training of coronary heart disease patients.
Casillas J.M., Joussain C., Gremeaux V., Hannequin A., Rapin A., Laurent Y., Benaïm C., 2015. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29 (2) pp. 175-183.
Stroke impact scale version 2: validation of the French version.
Caël S., Decavel P., Binquet C., Benaim C., Puyraveau M., Chotard M., Moulin T., Parratte B., Bejot Y., Mercier M., 2015. Physical Therapy, 95 (5) pp. 778-790.
The Cognitive Assessment scale for Stroke Patients (CASP) vs. MMSE and MoCA in non-aphasic hemispheric stroke patients.
Benaim C., Barnay J.L., Wauquiez G., Bonnin-Koang H.Y., Anquetil C., Pérennou D., Piscicelli C., Lucas-Pineau B., Muja L., le Stunff E. et al., 2015. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 58 (2) pp. 78-85. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility of the cognitive assessment scale for stroke patients (CASP) vs. MMSE and MoCA in aphasic left hemispheric stroke patients.
Barnay J.L., Wauquiez G., Bonnin-Koang H.Y., Anquetil C., Pérennou D., Piscicelli C., Lucas-Pineau B., Muja L., le Stunff E., de Boissezon X. et al., 2014. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 57 (6-7) pp. 422-435.
Time to inpatient follow-up care and rehabilitation: survival analysis for benchmarking purposes.
Benaim C., Ne S., Roussel F., Casillas J.M., 2014. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 57 (9-10) pp. 714-719.
Evaluation of various ways to deliver information concerning non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to osteoarthritis patients.
Gremeaux V., Durand S., Benaïm C., Hérisson C., Monleaud J., Hansel S., Coudeyre E., 2013/02. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 56 (1) pp. 14-29. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of the benefits of low back pain patients' education workshops during spa therapy.
Gremeaux V., Benaïm C., Poiraudeau S., Hérisson C., Dupeyron A., Coudeyre E., 2013. Joint, Bone, Spine, 80 (1) pp. 82-87.
Construction and pilot assessment of the Upper Limb Assessment in Daily Living Scale.
Rousseaux M., Bonnin-Koang H.Y., Darné B., Marque P., Parratte B., Schnitzler A., Dehail P., Bradai N., Viton J.M., Daveluy W. et al., 2012. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 83 (6) pp. 594-600.
Poststroke disposition and associated factors in a population-based study: the Dijon Stroke Registry.
Béjot Y., Troisgros O., Gremeaux V., Lucas B., Jacquin A., Khoumri C., Aboa-Eboulé C., Benaïm C., Casillas J.M., Giroud M., 2012. Stroke, 43 (8) pp. 2071-2077.
Selecting a test for the clinical assessment of balance and walking capacity at the definitive fitting state after unilateral amputation: a comparative study.
Gremeaux V., Damak S., Troisgros O., Feki A., Laroche D., Perennou D., Benaim C., Casillas J.M., 2012. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 36 (4) pp. 415-422.
Treatment with rituximab in patients with polyneuropathy with anti-MAG antibodies.
Delmont E., Jeandel P.Y., Benaïm C., Rosenthal E., Fuzibet J.G., Desnuelle C., 2011/09. Journal of neurology, 258 (9) pp. 1717-1719. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating self-reported pressure ulcer prevention measures in persons with spinal cord injury using the revised Skin Management Needs Assessment Checklist: reliability study.
Gélis A., Daures J.P., Benaim C., Kennedy P., Albert T., Colin D., Joseph P.A., Pelissier J., Fattal C., 2011/05. Spinal cord, 49 (5) pp. 653-658. Peer-reviewed.
Determining the minimal clinically important difference for the six-minute walk test and the 200-meter fast-walk test during cardiac rehabilitation program in coronary artery disease patients after acute coronary syndrome.
Gremeaux V., Troisgros O., Benaïm S., Hannequin A., Laurent Y., Casillas J.M., Benaïm C., 2011. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92 (4) pp. 611-619.
Using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for weighting items of a measurement scale: a pilot study.
Benaïm C., Perennou D.A., Pelissier J.Y., Daures J.P., 2010/02. Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique, 58 (1) pp. 59-63. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse de validité de la "Mesure de la fonction motrice" (MFM) en pratique de consultation adulte d'un centre de référence pour maladies neuromusculaires [Validity of the motor function measurement scale when routinely used in the follow-up of adult outpatients in a neuromuscular center]
Benaïm C., Sacconi S., Fournier-Mehouas M., Tanant V., Desnuelle C., 2010/01. Revue neurologique, 166 (1) pp. 49-53. Peer-reviewed.
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation training: a safe and effective treatment for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy patients.
Colson S.S., Benchortane M., Tanant V., Faghan J.P., Fournier-Mehouas M., Benaïm C., Desnuelle C., Sacconi S., 2010. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91 (5) pp. 697-702.
Sensitivity to change of two depression rating scales for stroke patients.
Benaim C., Decavel P., Bentabet M., Froger J., Pélissier J., Pérennou D., 2010. Clinical Rehabilitation, 24 (3) pp. 251-257.
Les polyneuropathies avec IgM monoclonale anti-MAG : étude descriptive clinique, biologique, électrophysiologique et anatomopathologique d'une cohorte de 13 patients [Anti-MAG paraproteinemic demyelinating polyneuropathy: a clinical, biological, electrophysiological and anatomopathological descriptive study of a 13-patients' cohort]
Launay M., Delmont E., Benaim C., Sacconi S., Butori C., Desnuelle C., 2009/12. Revue neurologique, 165 (12) pp. 1071-1079. Peer-reviewed.
Pressure ulcer risk factors in persons with spinal cord injury part 2: the chronic stage.
Gélis A., Dupeyron A., Legros P., Benaïm C., Pelissier J., Fattal C., 2009/09. Spinal cord, 47 (9) pp. 651-661. Peer-reviewed.
Pressure ulcer risk factors in persons with SCI: Part I: Acute and rehabilitation stages.
Gélis A., Dupeyron A., Legros P., Benaïm C., Pelissier J., Fattal C., 2009/02. Spinal cord, 47 (2) pp. 99-107. Peer-reviewed.
Do patients having a decrease in SNAP amplitude during the course of MMN present with a different condition?
Delmont E., Benaïm C., Launay M., Sacconi S., Soriani M.H., Desnuelle C., 2009. Journal of Neurology, 256 (11) pp. 1876-1880.
Are rotations in perceived visual vertical and body axis after stroke caused by the same mechanism?
Barra J., Benaim C., Chauvineau V., Ohlmann T., Gresty M., Pérennou D., 2008. Stroke, 39 (11) pp. 3099-3101.
Qualitative evaluation of the expectations of low back pain patients with regard to information gained through semi-directed navigation on the Internet
Gremeaux V., Coudeyre E., Givron P., Herisson C., Pelissier J., Poiraudeau S., Benaim C., 2007/07. Ann Readapt Med Phys, 50 (6) pp. 348-55, 339-47.
[Does the quality of Web sites related to low back pain meet patients expectations? A systematic review]
Gremeaux V., Coudeyre E., Herisson C., Pelissier J., Benaim C., 2007/03. Ann Readapt Med Phys, 50 (2) pp. 85-92.
Use of the Faces Pain Scale by left and right hemispheric stroke patients.
Benaim C., Froger J., Cazottes C., Gueben D., Porte M., Desnuelle C., Pelissier J.Y., 2007. Pain, 128 (1-2) pp. 52-58.
Un simple livret d'information peut contribuer à réduire l'incapacité fonctionnelle de patients lombalgiques subaigus et chroniques. Etude contrôlée randomisée en milieu de rééducation [The role of an information booklet or oral information about back pain in reducing disability and fear-avoidance beliefs among patients with subacute and chronic low back pain. A randomized controlled trial in a rehabilitation unit]
Coudeyre E., Givron P., Vanbiervliet W., Benaïm C., Hérisson C., Pelissier J., Poiraudeau S., 2006/11. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 49 (8) pp. 600-608. Peer-reviewed.
Echelles fonctionnelles et évaluation des fonctions motrices dans la Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique [Functional scales and motor assessment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis]
Benaïm C, Desnuelle C., Fournier-Méhouas M., 2006/06. Revue neurologique, 162 Spec No 2 pp. 4S131-4S137. Peer-reviewed.
Three-dimensional study of pelvic asymmetry on anatomical specimens and its clinical perspectives.
Boulay C., Tardieu C., Bénaim C., Hecquet J., Marty C., Prat-Pradal D., Legaye J., Duval-Beaupère G., Pélissier J., 2006. Journal of Anatomy, 208 (1) pp. 21-33.
Facteurs prédictifs de la chute chez l'hémiplégique vasculaire en centre de médecine physique [Factors predicting falls by patients with vascular hemiplegia at a physical medicine center]
Foucault P., Visentin C., Meklat H., Bergeal E., Benaïm C., Kemoun G., Vial D., 2005/12. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 48 (9) pp. 668-674. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de l'autonomie de la personne âgée [The assessment of autonomy in elderly people]
Benaim C., Froger J., Compan B., Pélissier J., 2005/07. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 48 (6) pp. 336-340. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de la maladie de Parkinson dans le contexte de la médecine physique et de réadaptation [Assessment of idiopathic Parkinson's disease in physical medicine and rehabilitation]
Pelissier J., Benaim C., Bonin-Koang K.Y., Castelnovo G., Perennou D., 2005/07. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 48 (6) pp. 341-345. Peer-reviewed.
Incidence, circonstances et conséquences des chutes chez les patients en rééducation après un premier accident vasculaire cérébral [Incidence, circumstances and consequences of falls in patients undergoing rehabilitation after a first stroke]
Pérennou D., El Fatimi A., Masmoudi M., Benaim C., Loigerot M., Didier J.P., Pélissier J., 2005/04. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 48 (3) pp. 138-145. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the aphasic depression rating scale.
Benaim C., Cailly B., Perennou D., Pelissier J., 2004. Stroke, 35 (7) pp. 1692-1696.
Le renforcement musculaire par bandes élastiques : évaluation de ses effets dans le réentraînement à l'effort du coronarien [Strength training with elastic bands: measure of its effects in cardiac rehabilitation after coronary diseases]
Vanbiervliet W., Pélissier J., Lédermann B., Kotzki N., Benaïm C., Hérisson C., 2003/11. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 46 (8) pp. 545-552. Peer-reviewed.
Un outil francophone de mesure de la qualité de vie de l'aphasique: le SIP-65 [A French questionnaire to assess quality of life of the aphasic patient: the SIP-65]
Bénaim C., Pélissier J., Petiot S., Bareil M., Ferrat E., Royer E., Milhau D., Hérisson C., 2003/02. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 46 (1) pp. 2-11. Peer-reviewed.
Faut-il rééduquer les coronariens au seuil ventilatoire ? [Is it necessary to rehabilitate coronary artery disease patients based on ventilatory threshold?]
Ferrand-Guillard C., Ledermann B., Kotzki N., Bénaïm C., Givron P., Messner-Pellenc P., Pélissier J., 2002/05. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 45 (5) pp. 204-215. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge des paraostéoarthropathies neurogènes (POAN) chez le traumatisé crânio-encéphalique : étude de la littérature [Treatment of neurogenic heterotopic ossifications (NHO) in brain injured patients: review of literature]
Pélissier J., Petiot S., Bénaïm C., Asencio G., 2002/05. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 45 (5) pp. 188-197. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding the pusher behavior of some stroke patients with spatial deficits: a pilot study.
Pérennou D.A., Amblard B., Laassel el M, Benaim C., Hérisson C., Pélissier J., 2002/04. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 83 (4) pp. 570-575. Peer-reviewed.
Gestion des scores cliniques multidimensionnels: quelles solutions pour l'agrégation des items? [Management of multidimensional clinical scores: which solutions for items aggregation?]
Benaïm C., Daurès J.P., Petiot S., Pélissier J., 2001/12. Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique, 49 (6) pp. 559-569. Peer-reviewed.
Rééducation locomotrice et sclérose en plaques. Analyse critique de la littérature [Locomotor reeducation and multiple sclerosis. A critical analysis of the literature]
Pélissier J., Bénaim C., Petiot S., 2001/09. Revue neurologique, 157 (8-9 Pt 2) pp. 1030-1040. Peer-reviewed.
Les traitements physiques dans la rétraction capsulaire de l'épaule :revue de la littérature [Physical therapy of frozen shoulder: literature review]
Alvado A., Pélissier J., Bénaim C., Petiot S., Hérisson C., 2001/03. Annales de readaptation et de medecine physique, 44 (2) pp. 59-71. Peer-reviewed.
Une analyse tridimensionnelle de la saisie et du pointage latéraux dans la négligence spatiale [A tridimensional study of lateral grasping and pointing in spatial neglect]
Bénaïm C., Blatt J.L., Rousseaux M., 2000/07. Revue neurologique, 156 (6-7) pp. 622-633. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of a standardized assessment of postural control in stroke patients: the Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients (PASS).
Benaim C., Pérennou D.A., Villy J., Rousseaux M., Pelissier J.Y., 1999/09. Stroke, 30 (9) pp. 1862-1868. Peer-reviewed.
Posture et équilibre après accident vasculaire cérébral: désavantage de l'hémisphère droit [Postural balance following stroke: towards a disadvantage of the right brain-damaged hemisphere]
Pérennou D., Bénaïm C., Rouget E., Rousseaux M., Blard J.M., Pélissier J., 1999/04. Revue neurologique, 155 (4) pp. 281-290. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of hand after brain damage with the aim of functional surgery.
Romain M., Benaim C., Allieu Y., Pelissier J., Chammas M., 1999. Annales de chirurgie de la main et du membre superieur, 18 (1) pp. 28-37. Peer-reviewed.
L'équilibre statique est contrôlé par un système dynamique non-linéaire [Static balance is controlled by a non-linear dynamic system]
Gagey P.M., Martinerie J., Pezard L., Benaim C., 1998/06. Annales d'oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale, 115 (3) pp. 161-168. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of sports discipline on shoulder rotator cuff balance.
Codine P., Bernard P.L., Pocholle M., Benaim C., Brun V., 1997/11. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 29 (11) pp. 1400-1405. Peer-reviewed.
Dystonie et tremblement dans une lésion bilatérale du mésencéphale postérieur et du vermis [Dystonia and tremor in bilateral lesion of the posterior mesencephalon and the vermis]
Rousseaux M., Cassim F., Benaïm C., Lahousse V., Pruvo J.P., Steinling M., 1996/12. Revue neurologique, 152 (12) pp. 732-737. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse et évolution des déficits cognitifs après rupture des anévrysmes de l'artère communicante antérieure [Analysis and course of cognitive deficits after rupture of aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery]
Rousseaux M., Godefroy O., Cabaret M., Benaim C., Pruvo J.P., 1996/11. Revue neurologique, 152 (11) pp. 678-687. Peer-reviewed.
Late contralateral hyperhidrosis in lateral medullary infarcts.
Rousseaux M., Hurtevent J.F., Benaim C., Cassim F., 1996/05. Stroke, 27 (5) pp. 991-995. Peer-reviewed.
Cerebral blood flow in lateral medullary infarcts.
Rousseaux M., Steinling M., Mazingue A., Benaim C., Froger J., 1995/08. Stroke, 26 (8) pp. 1404-1408. Peer-reviewed.
Déficit du rappel verbal par infarctus thalamique dorso-latéral gauche [Deficit of verbal recall caused by left dorso-lateral thalamic infarction]
Rousseaux M., Cabaret M., Benaim C., Steinling M., 1995/01. Revue neurologique, 151 (1) pp. 36-46. Peer-reviewed.
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