Gaëlle Venard

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4 publications

When sexting becomes “sexteen”: Exploring Parental Attitudes and Regulations of Adolescent Sexting
Lamprianidou E., Venard G., del Rio Carral M., Zimmermann G., Van Petegem S. Sexuality and Culture. Peer-reviewed.
Parenting under pressure: Exploring gendered differences and associations with parental responsiveness, overprotection, and overvaluation
Venard G., Zimmermann G., Antonietti J.-P., Eira Nunes C., Van Petegem S., 2024/12. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33 (12) pp. 3813-3825. Peer-reviewed.
Quand le parent veut trop bien faire : état de la littérature sur le phénomène de surprotection parentale
Venard G., Pina Brito V., Eeckhout P., Zimmermann G., Van Petegem S., 2023. Psychologie Française, 68 (2) pp. 247-260. Peer-reviewed.
Faire famille en temps de pandémie : difficultés et opportunités
Venard G., Mouton B., Zimmermann G., Van Petegem S., 2022. Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique, 1 (58) pp. 73-90. Peer-reviewed.
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