Laetitia Charalambides

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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6 publications

2019 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2010 |
Pink for girls, red for boys, and blue for both genders: Colour preferences in children and adults
Jonauskaite Domicele, Dael Nele, Chèvre Laetitia, Althaus Betty, Tremea Alessandro, Charalambides Laetitia, Mohr Christine, 2019/05. Sex Roles, 80 (9-10) pp. 630-642. Peer-reviewed.
Conflit identitaire en contexte compétitif : Quand la compétition affaiblit la motivation et la performance des femmes.
Charalambides Laetitia, Butera Fabrizio, 2017. pp. 85-100 dans Staerklé Christian, Butera Fabrizio (eds.) Conflits constructifs, conflits destructifs : Regards psychosociaux , Antipodes.
Reasoning about rights and duties: mental models, world knowledge and pragmatic interpretation
Hilton Denis, Charalambides Laetitia, Hoareau-Blanchet Stéphanie, 2015/08/25. Thinking and Reasoning:1-34, 22 (2) pp. 150-183. Peer-reviewed.
Nudging sustainable consumption:The use of descriptive norms to promote a minority behavior in a realistic online shopping environment
Demarque Christophe, Charalambides Laetitia, Hilton Denis, Waroquier Laurent, 2015/06. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 43 pp. 166-174.
A tax can nudge: The impact of an ecologically motivated bonus/malus tax system on transport preferences.
Hilton, D. J.,Charalambides, L., Demarque, C., & Waroquier, L. , 2014. Journal of Economic Psychology., 42 pp. 17-27.
Overconfidence and positive illusions: Do positive illusions predict overconfidence in judgment? A test using interval production and probability evaluation measures of miscalibration.
Hilton,D. J., Régner, I., Cabantous, L., Charalambides, L. & Vautier, S. , 2010. Journal of Behavioural Decision Making, 24 pp. 117-139.
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