Research directions
the project in the field of urbanism: a tool for transformation(s) to think about the habitability of life
The project or place of project is a tool of knowledge and a modality of action to think and offer conditions for the habitability of the living. It allows us to reflect on the production, design and management of the materiality of our environments that will accompany transitions in a period of uncertainty.
In the perspective of accompanying transitions - notably climatic - at the scale of large territories as well as at the scale of the block and the street, I am particularly interested in the production, design and management of the project (urban design)
from a spatial point of view :
- the operationalization of urban ecologies and agents of nature (water, soil, vegetation, etc.) within urban projects from the point of view of their design and their materialization (ecological engineering devices in particular) as well as the analysis of practices and representations related to them;
- the emergence of "figures of nature" and environmental forms - from the scale of the large territory to that of the street space - capable of hosting living environments
from a processual point of view :
- to the design of project processes by questioning in particular the tools of the project and the forms of collaborative co-design at work between different actors with forms of expertise (project management, implementation, management and use) think about and offer habitable conditions for living environments (humans, animals, plants).
Plural nature(s) in the service of the habitability of living environments
All materiality necessarily includes artificiality and naturalness in immeasurable proportions; the elements of nature are increasingly merging with the built. Within the framework of the research programs, I examine the way of producing, conceiving and managing the urban project with the elements of nature (water, air, vegetal, human, biodiversity, soil, etc.). Declined in the projects, these elements qualify what I call "plural figures of nature" whether they are technical ("techno-nature"), evolutionary or also called "in progress", "aesthetic" or "ceratrix" of links of places and environments. Hybridization - where nature is everywhere linked to the built - is constitutive of these figures. Of varying essences, the interweaving of these figures characterizes the manifest expression of nature in urban projects and allows the (re)creation of living environments for the habitability of the living.
Related projects:
Urban acupuncture and transitional planning of public spaces (2021-22)
For an urbanism of inhabited living environments: MOBIUS MOrphologies environnementales, BIodiversité, projets UrbainS. Lausanne, laboratory of interdisciplinary experiments (2021-22)
Microlandscapes in Western Lausanne (2021)
Acclimatization in the urban and territorial project: anticipating the freshness grid in a context of climate change. The case of the Rhone Valley project (2020-)