Flavia Fossati

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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56 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2011 |
Re-evaluating the welfare preferences of radical-right voters: evidence from a vignette experiment
Chueri Juliana, Gandenberger Mia K., Taylor Alyssa M., Knotz Carlo M., Fossati Flavia, 2024/06/12. West European Politics pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Explaining the lacking effectiveness of labor market integration programs for workers with immigrant backgrounds: The role of cognitive shortcuts in recruitment
Knotz Carlo M., Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, 2024. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Emmenegger Patrick, Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, 2024. pp. 1-12 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
Social Policy
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2024. dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics chap. 37, Oxford University Press.
The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics
Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, Emmenegger Patrick (eds.), 2024., 1th edition 896, Oxford University Press.
Les difficultés d’intégration des hommes et des femmes réfugiés sur le marché du travail dans les économies occidentales
Fossati Flavia, 2023/12/19., Université de Lausanne, IDHEAP, Policy Brief No. 7.
Re-evaluating redistributive preferences of populist radical right voters: evidence from a vignette survey experiment
Juliana Chueri, Mia Katharina Gandenberger, Alyssa Taylor, Carlo Michael Knotz, Flavia Fossati, 2023/09/02..
Soziale und ökonomische Integration
Fossati flavia, 2023/09/01. dans Die öffentliche Verwaltung verstehen und gestalten: Das IDHEAP-Modell, EPFL Press.
Does socioeconomic disadvantage boost the signalling value of education? Evidence from a survey experiment in the apprenticeship market
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, Anna Wilson, 2023/05/10. Working Paper de l'IDHEAP pp. 1-39.
Social acceptance of policy instrument design during times of crisis
Fossati Flavia, Trein Philipp, 2023/04. European Policy Analysis, 9 (2) pp. 167-190. Peer-reviewed.
Intégration sociale et économique
Fossati Flavia, 2023/03/15. pp. 287-299 dans Comprendre et concevoir l’administration publique: Le Modèle IDHEAP, EPFL Press.
The Gender Employment Gap among Refugees and the Role of Employer Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from the German, Swedish and Austrian Labor Markets
Fossati Flavia, Knotz Carlo, Liechti Fabienne, Otmani Ihssane, 2022/12/12. International Migration Review p. 019791832211342. Peer-reviewed.
Sometimes needs change minds: Interests and values as determinants of attitudes towards state support for the self-employed during the COVID-19 crisis.
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, 2022/10. Journal of European Social Policy, 32 (4) pp. 407-421. Peer-reviewed.
Solidarity in times of crisis: perceptions of deservingness during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland - datasets and codebooks
Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, Varone Fréderic, 2022/06/10..
Conditional Solidarity - Attitudes Towards Support for Others During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
Gandenberger Mia K., Knotz Carlo M., Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2022/02/03. Journal of Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
Handbuch der Schweizer Politik - Manuel de la politique suisse
Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, Häusermann Silja, Emmenegger Patrick, Fossati Flavia (eds.), 2022., 7e édition 1000, NZZ Libro.
Politiques sociales
Giuliano Bonoli, Fossati Flavia, 2022. pp. 883-902 dans Handbuch der Schweizer Politik/Manuel de la politique Suisse, Papadopoulos, I., Sciarini, P., Vatter, A., Häusermann, S., Emmenegger, P. and Fossati, F..
Public attitudes toward pandemic triage: Evidence from conjoint survey experiments in Switzerland
Knotz Carlo Michael, Gandenberger Mia Katharina, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/09. Social Science & Medicine, 285 p. 114238. Peer-reviewed.
A Recast Framework for Welfare Deservingness Perceptions
Knotz Carlo Michael, Gandenberger Mia Katharina, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/08/20. Social Indicators Research. Peer-reviewed.
Popular Attitudes Toward the Distribution of Vaccines Against COVID‐19: The Swiss Case
Knotz Carlo M., Gandenberger Mia K., Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/05/17. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Unterstützung für die Schwächsten: Die öffentliche Meinung in der Schweiz während der Corona Pandemie
Fossati Flavia, Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/01/21. dans One Year with Covid-19, DemocracyNet.
Cobbler stick to your last? Social democrats’ electoral returns from labour market policy
Fossati Flavia, Trein Philipp, 2021. Journal of Social Policy, 50 (1) pp. 188 - 208. Peer-reviewed.
Sondage auprès des Formateurs et formatrices. Profession: Employé de commerce (2017) (Version 2020-12-07)
Fossati Flavia, Wilson Anna, Bonoli Giuliano, 2020/12/07..
Survey Experiment on Hiring Preferences in Austria, Germany, and Sweden - dataset
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, 2020/12/07..
Integrating refugees through public policy: A comparative survey experiment on hiring preferences
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, 2020/11/18. Journal of European Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
The roles of employers and trade unions in immigration and welfare state policy-making
Knotz Carlo, Fossati Flavia, Scalise Gemma, Hooijer Gerda, 2020/11/18. Journal of European Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
Why Do Employers Sometimes Prefer Minority Candidates? Theoretical Review and Empirical Test
Zschirnt Eva, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2020/10/01. Nccr-on the move Working Paper Series, Nccr-on the move.
What signals do employers use when hiring? Evidence from a survey experiment in the apprenticeship market
Fossati Flavia, Wilson Anna, Bonoli Giuliano, 2020/05/09. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
What form should solidarity take during the health crisis?
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, 2020/05/01., nccr-on the move Policy Brief, No. 17..
Compensation or competition: Bias in immigrants' access to active labour market measures
Auer Daniel, Fossati Flavia, 2020/04/22. Social Policy & Administration, 54 pp. 390-409. Peer-reviewed.
Participation in labour market programmes: A positive or negative signal of employability?
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, Wilson Anna, 2020/04/13. Acta Sociologica. Peer-reviewed.
R.I.C.E. – An Integrated Model of Welfare Deservingness Perceptions
Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2020/04/06. (26), nccr-onthemove.ch.
The IDHEAP/NCCR-on the move survey 'Solidarity in times of crisis' - Data Dashboard
Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, 2020..
Can signaling assimilation mitigate hiring discrimination? Evidence from a survey experiment
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, Auer Daniel, 2019/12. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Peer-reviewed.
The absent rewards of assimilation: how ethnic penalties persist in the Swiss labour market
Daniel Auer, Flavia Fossati, 2019/06/24. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 17 pp. 285-299. Peer-reviewed.
Immigrants and Poverty. The Role of Labour Market and Welfare State AccessEugster, BeatriceLondon/New York, ECPR Press/Rowman&Littlefield (2018), 259 p., ISBN 978‐1785522932
Flavia Fossati, 2019/06/03. Swiss Political Science Review.
Debating Unemployment Policy : Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe
Bernhard Laurent, Fossati Flavia, Hänggli Regula, Kriesi Hanspeter, 2019/05/02., Cambridge University Press.
The Labor-Market Policy Space
Fossati Flavia, 2019/05/02. dans Debating Unemployment Policy, Cambridge University Press.
Introduction: Shaping the debate on unemployment and labor market
Kriesi Hanspeter, Bernhard Laurent, Fossati Flavia, Hänggli Regula, 2019. pp. 1-28 dans Debating Unemployment Policy: Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe chap. 1, Bernhard, L., Fossati, F., Hänggli, R., Kriesi, H..
The labour market policy space
Fossati Flavia, 2019. pp. 119-153 dans Debating Unemployment Policy : Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe chap. 6, Bernhard, L., Fossati, F., Hänggli, R. and Kriesi, H. .
The political contexts of national policy debates
Kriesi Hanspeter, Fossati Flavia, Bernhard Laurent, 2019. pp. 43-70 dans Debating Unemployment Policy: Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe chap. 3, Bernhard, L., Fossati, F., Hänggli, R., Kriesi, H..
The variety of national debates
Kriesi Hanspeter, Bernhard Laurent, Fossati Flavia, Hänggli Regula, Elmelund-Præstekær Christian, 2019. pp. 71-96 dans Debating Unemployment Policy: Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe chap. 4, Bernhard, L., Fossati, F., Hänggli, R., Kriesi, H..
Theoretical Framework: Production of Policy-specific Political Communication
Hänggli Regula, Fossati Flavia, 2019. pp. 29-42 dans Debating Unemployment Policy: Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe chap. 2, Bernhard, L., Fossati, F., Hänggli, R., Kriesi, H..
More than noise? Explaining instances of minority preference in correspondence studies of recruitment
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2018/07/25. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
The Matching Hierarchies Model : Evidence from a Survey Experiment on Employers' Hiring Intent Regarding Immigrant Applicants
Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, 2018/05. International Migration Review. Peer-reviewed.
Who Wants Demanding Active Labour Market Policies ? : Public Attitudes towards Policies that put Pressure on the Unemployed
Fossati Flavia, 2018. Journal of Social Policy, 47 (1) pp. 77-97. Peer-reviewed.
How regimes shape preferences : A study of political actors' labour market policy preferences in flexicurity and dualizing countries
Fossati Flavia, 2017/11/02. Socio-Economic Review. Peer-reviewed.
Discrimination Multipliers : How Immigrants’ integration affects labour market disadvantage
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, 2017. (2) 22 MIM Working Papers Series, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM).
Evaluation de l’Unité commune ORP- CSR en Ville de Lausanne
Bonoli Giuliano, Lalive Rafael, Oesch Daniel, Bigotta Maurizio, Cottier Lionel, Fossati Flavia, 2017. 49, Université de Lausanne; Ville de Lausanne.
The Signalling Value of Labour Market Programmes
Liechti Fabienne, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Auer Daniel, 2017. European Sociological Review, 33 (2) pp. 257-274. Peer-reviewed.
Why do immigrants have longer periods of unemployment ? Swiss evidence
Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2017. International Migration, 55 (1) pp. 157-174. Peer-reviewed.
The Signaling Value of Labor Market Programs
Liechti F., Fossati F., Bonoli G., Auer D., 2016. (9) 27 Working paper series, nccr - on the move.
It's Discrimination, Stupid : Labour Market (Re-) Entry Difficulties among Different Immigrant Groups in Switzerland
Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2015. (2) 30 Working paper series, nccr - on the move.
Quantitative discursive institutionalism : a comparison of labour market policy discourse across Western Europe
Wueest Bruno, Fossati Flavia, 2015. Journal of European Public Policy, 22 (5) pp. 708-730. Peer-reviewed.
Social Policy Preferences and Party Choice in the 2011 Swiss Elections
Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, 2014. Swiss Political Science Review, 20 (4) pp. 590-611. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of integration and social democratic welfare states on immigrants' educational attainment: a multilevel estimate
Flavia Fossati, 2011/12. Journal of European Social Policy, 21 (5) pp. 391-412. Peer-reviewed.
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