Luca Chiapperino

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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42 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 |
A precision immuno-oncology turn? Hybridizing cancer genomics and immunotherapy through neoantigens-based adoptive cell therapies.
Chiapperino L., Graber N., Panese F. Social studies of science. Peer-reviewed.
Enacting biosocial complexity: Stress, epigenetic biomarkers and the tools of postgenomics
Luca Chiapperino, 2024/08/31. Social Studies of Science, 54 (4) pp. 598-625. Peer-reviewed.
The ‘Moral Paradox' of DOHaD
Chiapperino Luca, Gerber Cindy, Panese Francesco, Simeoni Umberto, 2024/06/30. pp. 103-116 dans The Handbook of DOHaD and Society, Cambridge University Press.
Luck, Epigenetics and the Worth of Collective Agents
Chiapperino Luca, Sand Martin, 2024/01/25. pp. 57-77 dans Epigenetics and Responsibility, Bristol University Press.
Engram Studies: A Call for Historical, Philosophical, and Sociological Approaches
Chiapperino Luca, Panese Francesco, 2024. pp. 259-272 dans Engrams: A Window into the Memory Trace, Springer International Publishing.
Personalized Health and Precision Medicine in Practice
Chiapperino L., Besle S., Louvel S., Panese F., 2024. Frontiers Research Topics, 9. Peer-reviewed.
Between the genotype and the phenotype lies the microbiome: symbiosis and the making of ‘postgenomic’ knowledge
Cécile Fasel, Luca Chiapperino, 2023/12/06. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Critiques from within. A modest proposal for reclaiming critique for responsible innovation
Anna Mann, Luca Chiapperino, 2023/09/20. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 10 (1) p. 249751. Peer-reviewed.
Explanatory Puralism in Oncology: The Case of Neoantigen-Based Adoptive Cell Immunotherapies
Luca Chiapperino, Nils Graber, Francesco Panese, 2023/08/30..
Serendipity, Luck and Collective Responsibility in Medical Innovation—The History of Vaccination
Martin Sand, Luca Chiapperino, 2023/07. dans Serendipity Science, Springer Nature.
How to talk about autism: reconciling genomics and neurodiversity
Chiapperino Luca, Hens Kristien, 2023/06/26. Nature Medicine.
The Turn Towards ‘The Biosocial’ in Epigenetics: Ontological, Epistemic and Socio-Political Considerations
Luca Chiapperino, 2023/06/13. dans Giroux Elodie, Merlin Francesca, Fayet Yohan (eds.) Integrative Approaches in Environmental Health and Exposome Research, Palgrave Macmillan.
In medio stat virtus? A reply to Dupras
Luca Chiapperino, Francesco Paneni, 2023/05/18. Epigenetics Communications. Peer-reviewed.
Walk on the wild side: a response to Zaina
Luca Chiapperino, Francesco Paneni, 2023/05/17. Epigenetics Communications. Peer-reviewed.
Les articulations entre le biologique et le social dans l'évaluation des risques toxicologiques: vers une approche ancrée dans le corps et la vie quotidienne
Chiapperino Luca, del Rio Carral Maria, 2022/11/17. dans Senn Nicolas, Gaille Marie, del Rio Carral Maria, Gonzalez Holguera Julia (eds.) Santé et environnement : vers une nouvelle approche globale chap. 15, RMS éditions / Médecine & Hygiène.
Why epigenetics is (not) a biosocial science and why that matters
Chiapperino Luca, Francesco Paneni, 2022/11/11. Clinical Epigenetics, 14 (144) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
‘Epigenetics and Society': a forum for the theoretical, ethical and societal appraisal of a burgeoning science
Chiapperino Luca, Bunnik Eline, van den Berg Gerard J., 2022/10/19. Epigenetics Communications, 2 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Translating Planetary Health Principles Into Sustainable Primary Care Services
Gonzalez-Holguera Julia, Gaille Marie, del Rio Carral Maria, Steinberger Julia, Marti Joachim, Bühler Nolwenn, Kaufmann Alain, Chiapperino Luca, Vicedo-Cabrera Ana Maria, Schwarz Joelle et al., 2022/07/13. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum: Translating planetary health principles into sustainable primary care services.
Gonzalez-Holguera J., Gaille M., Del Rio Carral M., Steinberger J., Marti J., Bühler N., Kaufmann A., Chiapperino L., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Schwarz J. et al., 2022..
Epistemic dwelling: precision immuno-oncology by design
Chiapperino Luca, Graber Nils, Panese Francesco, 2020/12/13. New Genetics and Society pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
Luck and the responsibilities to protect one's epigenome
Chiapperino Luca, 2020/11/26. Journal of Responsible Innovation pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19
Hurst Samia, Belser Eva Maria, Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Mahon Pascal, Hummel Cornelia, Monteverde Settimio, Krones Tanja, Dagron Stéphanie, Bensimon Cécile, Schaffert Bianca et al., 2020. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 30 (3-4) pp. 401-418.
Experimenting with Solidarity in Biomedicine: From Practice to Principle?
Chiapperino Luca, Panese Francesco, 2020. pp. 119-132 dans De-Sequencing, Springer Singapore.
Environmental enrichment: an experiment in biosocial intervention
Chiapperino Luca, 2019/12/23. BioSocieties. Peer-reviewed.
On the traces of the biosocial: Historicizing “plasticity” in contemporary epigenetics
Chiapperino Luca, Panese Francesco, 2019/11/18. History of Science p. 007327531987683. Peer-reviewed.
Epigenetics: ethics, politics, biosociality
Chiapperino Luca, 2018/10/17. British Medical Bulletin. Peer-reviewed.
Gendered imaginaries: situating knowledge of epigenetic programming of health.
Chiapperino L., Panese F., 2018/09. Sociology of health & illness, 40 (7) pp. 1233-1249. Peer-reviewed.
La metafora assoluta della “plasticità” tra i secoli XIX e XX: un’indagine sulle tracce del biosociale in epigenetica
Chiapperino Luca, 2017/12/01. MEFISTO. RIVISTA DI MEDICINA, FILOSOFIA, STORIA. Peer-reviewed.
La metafora assoluta della “plasticità” tra i secoli XIX e XX: un’indagine sulle tracce del biosociale in epigenetica
Chiapperino Luca, Panese Francesco, 2017/12/01. MEFISTO. RIVISTA DI MEDICINA, FILOSOFIA, STORIA. Peer-reviewed.
La metafora assoluta della “plasticità” tra i secoli XIX e XX: un’indagine sulle tracce del biosociale in epigenetica
Chiapperino Luca, Panese Francesco, 2017/12/01. MEFISTO. RIVISTA DI MEDICINA, FILOSOFIA, STORIA. Peer-reviewed.
The biosocial genome? Interdisciplinary perspectives on environmental epigenetics, health and society.
Müller R., Hanson C., Hanson M., Penkler M., Samaras G., Chiapperino L., Dupré J., Kenney M., Kuzawa C., Latimer J. et al., 2017/10. EMBO reports, 18 (10) pp. 1677-1682. Peer-reviewed.
The European politics of animal experimentation: From Victorian Britain to 'Stop Vivisection'.
Germain PL, Chiapperino L, Testa G, 2017/08. Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences. Peer-reviewed.
L’épigénétique et le concept DOHaD. Vers de nouvelles temporalitésde la médecine « personnalisée » ?
Chiapperino L., Panese F., Simeoni U., 2017/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (548) pp. 334-336. Peer-reviewed.
La metafora assoluta della “plasticità” tra i secoli XIX e XX: un’indagine sulle tracce del biosociale in epigenetica
Chiapperino Luca, Panese Francesco, 2017. Mefisto. Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia, 1 (2) pp. 27-52. Peer-reviewed.
The epigenomic self in personalized medicine: between responsibility and empowerment
Luca Chiapperino, Giuseppe Testa, 2016/03. The Sociological Review Monographs. Peer-reviewed.
The ‘Right-not-to-Know’
Luca Chiapperino, 2016..
Empowerment in healthcare policy making: three domains of substantive controversy.
Chiapperino L, Tengland PA, 2015/12. Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals. Peer-reviewed.
Rethinking medical humanities.
Chiapperino L, Boniolo G, 2014/12. The Journal of medical humanities. Peer-reviewed.
What kind of principle is Clinical Equipoise?
Chiapperino Luca, Nardini Cecilia, 2014. Theoretical and Applied Ethics. Peer-reviewed.
Constructing the Medical Humanities gaze.
Annoni M, Schiavone G, Chiapperino L, Boniolo G, 2012/12. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology. Peer-reviewed.
What autonomy for telecare? An externalist approach.
Chiapperino L, Annoni M, Maugeri P, Schiavone G, 2012. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. Peer-reviewed.
Challenging the idea of corporate responsibility: physician's obligation to disclose information.
Chiapperino L, Oishi JO, 2011/09. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. Peer-reviewed.
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