Basile Moreillon

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

Does blood tube filling influence the Athlete Biological Passport variables?
Krumm Bastien, Mettraux Léna, Moreillon Basile, Botrè Francesco, Faiss Raphael Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM). Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of plasma volume and total hemoglobin mass with machine learning.
Moreillon B., Krumm B., Saugy J.J., Saugy M., Botrè F., Vesin J.M., Faiss R., 2023/10. Physiological reports, 11 (19) pp. e15834. Peer-reviewed.
Removal of the influence of plasma volume fluctuations for the athlete biological passport and stability of haematological variables in active women taking oral contraception.
Moreillon B., Equey T., Astolfi T., Salamin O., Faiss R., 2022/06. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (6) pp. 1004-1016. Peer-reviewed.
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