Christiania Whitehead

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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6 publications

2022 |
The Middle English Lyrics in Their European Context
Whitehead Christiania, 2022/11/22. pp. 332-344 dans The Routledge Companion to Medieval English Literature, Routledge.
'Christina of Markyate'
Whitehead Christiania, 2022. dans The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Medieval Women's Writing in the Global Middle Ages (500-1525 CE), ed. by Liz Herbert McAvoy, Michelle Sauer and Diane Watt, Palgrave Macmillan.
'Durham Manuscript Compilations of Northern Saints' Lives'
Whitehead Christiania, 2022. Medium Aevum 91.1, 91 (1) pp. 28-52. Peer-reviewed.
Whitehead Christiania, 2022/01. pp. 17-32 dans Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England: New Directions, Medieval Church Studies 48, Brepols Publishers.
Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England : New Directions
Whitehead Christiania, Hunter Blair Hazel J., Renevey Denis (eds.)Whitehead Christiania, Blair Hazel J Hunter, Renevey Denis, 2022/01., Brepols Publishers.
The Production of Northern Saints' Lives at Holm Cultram Abbey in Cumbria
Whitehead Christiania, 2022/01. pp. 53-71 dans Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England: New Directions, Medieval Church Studies 48, Brepols Publishers.
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