Laetitia Renier

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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10 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
On the potential of supporting autonomy in online video interview training platforms
Rao Pooja S.B., Renier Laetitia, Boldi Marc-Olivier, Mast Marianne Schmid, Jayagopi Dinesh Babu, Cherubini Mauro, 2024/11. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 191 p. 103326.
A deepfake-based study on facial expressiveness and social outcomes
Renier Laetitia A., Shubham Kumar, Vijay Rahil Satyanarayan, Mishra Swasti Shreya, Kleinlogel Emmanuelle P., Jayagopi Dinesh Babu, Schmid Mast Marianne, 2024/02/13. Scientific Reports, 14 (1). Peer-reviewed.
From low invasiveness to high control: how artificial intelligence allows to generate a large pool of standardized corpora at a lesser cost
Kleinlogel Emmanuelle P., Renier Laetitia A., Schmid Mast Marianne, Jayagopi Dinesh Babu, Shubham Kumar, 2023/05/09. Frontiers in Computer Science, 5. Peer-reviewed.
Immersive virtual reality helps to promote pro-environmental norms, attitudes and behavioural strategies
Kleinlogel Emmanuelle, Schmid Mast Marianne, Renier Laetitia, Bachmann Manuel, Brosch Tobias, 2023/03. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. Peer-reviewed.
I am a great open book: Narcissistic individuals feel transparent toward others
Renier Laetitia A., Toma Claudia, 2022/07. Personality and Individual Differences, 192 p. 111585.
To err is human, not algorithmic – Robust reactions to erring algorithms
Renier Laetitia Aurelie, Schmid Mast Marianne, Bekbergenova Anely, 2021/11. Computers in Human Behavior, 124 p. 106879. Peer-reviewed.
An Opportunity to Investigate the Role of Specific Nonverbal Cues and First Impression in Interviews using Deepfake Based Controlled Video Generation.
Vijay R.S., Shubham K., Renier Laetitia, Kleinlogel Emmanuel, Schmid Mast Marianne, Jayagopi D., 2021/10. pp. 148-152 dans In Companion Publication of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Peer-reviewed.
Nonverbal Social Sensing: What Social Sensing Can and Cannot Do for the Study of Nonverbal Behavior From Video
Renier Laetitia Aurelie, Schmid Mast Marianne, Dael Nele, Kleinlogel Emmanuelle Patricia, 2021/07/27. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Peer-reviewed.
Les stéréotypes de genre : le cas des entrepreneuses. In K. Faniko & B. Dardenne (Eds.), Psychologie du sexisme: Des stéréotypes du genre au harcèlement sexuel.
Bekbergenova Anely, Renier Laetitia, Schmid Mast Marianne, 2021..
“I think that I made a good impression!” Meta-perception improves performance in public speaking
Kleinlogel E. P., Renier L. A., Schmid Mast M., Toma C., 2020. Social Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
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