Sylvain Maechler

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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22 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Uncertainty in times of ecological crisis: a Knightian tale of how to face future states of the world
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2024/12/22. European Journal of International Relations, 30 (4) pp. :818-841. Peer-reviewed.
Globalize IPE, not just the syllabi! Virtual classrooms interactions and the making of the Atlantic Diagonals glossary
Graz Jean-Christophe, Chenou Jean-Marie, Urrego-Sandoval Carolina, Maechler Sylvain, 2024/07/03. Review of International Political Economy, 31 (4) pp. 1322-1341. Peer-reviewed.
Du calcul biophysique à l’évaluation des risques financiers. Trois mondes de la comptabilité de la nature
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/12/21. Revue de la Régulation. Peer-reviewed.
From Biophysical Calculation to Financial Risk Assessment: Three Worlds of Accounting for Nature
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/12/21. Revue de la Régulation. Peer-reviewed.
Sylvain Maechler; Accounting for Nature: Risk, Uncertainty, and the Global Political Economy of the Ecological Crisis; Comptabiliser la nature : risque, incertitude, et économie politique globale de la crise écologique
Maechler Sylvain, 2023/12/21. Revue de la Régulation. Peer-reviewed.
Performing Nature’s Valuation: The art of natural capital accounting
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/12/14. Valuation Studies, 10 (1) pp. 118-147. Peer-reviewed.
Valuing Nature to Save It? The Centrality of Valuation in the New Spirit of Conservation
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/08/10. Global Environmental Politics. Peer-reviewed.
Les conférences internationales sur le climat : Un regard par-delà les négociations étatiques
Maechler Sylvain, 2023/06/27. Observatoire du multilatéralisme et des organisations internationales .
Accounting for whom? The financialisation of the environmental economic transition
Maechler Sylvain, 2023/05/04. New Political Economy, 28 (3) pp. 416-432.
Is the sky or the earth the limit? Risk, uncertainty and nature
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2022/03/04. Review of International Political Economy, 29 (2) pp. 624-645.
L'économie standard est-elle soluble dans le dialogue interdisciplinaire ? : Une analyse du dispositif d'expertise suisse face à la covid-19
Maechler Sylvain, 2021/02/10. Revue de la régulation 29.
Comptabilité et environnement : l’impossible mariage ?
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/11/20..
Un globe déréglé
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/10/07. La vie des idées.
Comptes rendus: Corporate Sustainability in the 21st Century: Increasing the Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, Rafael Sardá et Stefano Pogutz, 2018, New York, Routledge, 360 p
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/08/25. Etudes Internationales .
COVID - Pour sortir de la crise par le haut, dépasser nos modèles économiques classiques
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/05/15..
Regulating Globalisation
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/04/23. Books & ideas.
La transition socio-écologique sera-t-elle la grande oubliée de la relance post-Covid ?
Graz Jean-Christophe, Maechler Sylvain, Perticone Yannick, Sobrino Piazza Jimena, Damian Michel, 2020/04/02. The Conversation.
The Standardisation of Natural Capital Accounting Methodologies
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2020/01/27. pp. 27-53 dans Jakobs Kai (eds.) Shaping the Future Through Standardization, IGI Global.
Substituting risk for uncertainty. Where are the limits and how to face them?
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, Furrer Etienne, Lunghi Emma Sofia, Monthoux Marc, Yousefzai Céline, 2019/10/01. Les Cahiers de l’IEP / IEP Working Papers Series 73 pp. 1-26.
Environmental management systems standards facing natural capital accounting: ISO 14007 & ISO 14008
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2019/06/15. dans Falcone Pasquale Marcello , Jacobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 24th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference ‘– Standards for a Bio-Based Economy’, Verlaghaus Mainz.. Peer-reviewed.
Is the Sky the Limit? Risk, Uncertainty, and Nature
Maechler Sylvain, 2019/05/11..
[Compte-rendu de] Dauvergne Peter, 2018, Will Big Business Destroy Our Planet? Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Maechler Sylvain, 2018/10/01. Études internationales , 49 (3) pp. 640-642.
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