Floriane Tisserand - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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2 publications

2022 | 2020 |
Efficiency of Several Cytochrome P450 Biomarkers in Highlighting the Exposure of Daphnia magna to an Organophosphate Pesticide.
Melo de Almeida E., Tisserand F., Faria M., Chèvre N., 2022/08/17. Toxics, 10 (8) p. 482. Peer-reviewed.
Uptake, tissue distribution and toxicological effects of environmental microplastics in early juvenile fish Dicentrachus labrax
Zitouni Nesrine, Bousserrhine Noureddine, Missawi Omayma, Boughattas Iteb, Chèvre Nathalie, Santos Raphael, Belbekhouche Sabrina, Alphonse Vanessa, Tisserand Floriane, Balmassiere Ludivine et al., 2020/09. Journal of Hazardous Materials p. 124055. Peer-reviewed.
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