Lucas Anchieri

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

2023 | 2021 | 2020 |
Mapache: a flexible pipeline to map ancient DNA.
Neuenschwander S., Cruz Dávalos D.I., Anchieri L., Sousa da Mota B., Bozzi D., Rubinacci S., Delaneau O., Rasmussen S., Malaspinas A.S., 2023/02/03. Bioinformatics, 39 (2) pp. btad028. Peer-reviewed.
The genomic history of the Aegean palatial civilizations.
Clemente F., Unterländer M., Dolgova O., Amorim CEG, Coroado-Santos F., Neuenschwander S., Ganiatsou E., Cruz Dávalos D.I., Anchieri L., Michaud F. et al., 2021/05/13. Cell, 184 (10) pp. 2565-2586.e21. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian reassessment of the epigenetic architecture of complex traits.
Banos D.T., McCartney D.L., Patxot M., Anchieri L., Battram T., Christiansen C., Costeira R., Walker R.M., Morris S.W., Campbell A. et al., 2020/10/09. Nature communications, 11 (1) p. 5186. Peer-reviewed.
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