Aurélien Ballu

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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2 publications

2023 |
Ecosystem engineering by periphyton in Alpine proglacial streams
Roncoroni Matteo, Ballu Aurélien, Selitaj Adrijan, Mancini Davide, Miesen Floreana, Aguet Marc, Battin Tom I., Lane Stuart N., 2023/10/03. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49 (1) pp. 417-431. Peer-reviewed.
The Amphibian Short-Term Assay: Evaluation of a New Ecotoxicological Method for Amphibians Using Two Organophosphate Pesticides Commonly Found in Nature-Assessment of Behavioral Traits.
Boualit L., Cayuela H., Ballu A., Cattin L., Reis C., Chèvre N., 2023/07. Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 42 (7) pp. 1595-1606. Peer-reviewed.
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