Sangam MacDuff - ARCHIVE

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15 publications

The Logical Art of Finnegans Wake
MacDuff Sangam dans Williams Keith, Hanaway-Oakley Cleo (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to James Joyce and the Arts, Edinburgh University Press.
James Joyce, Epiphanies: A Critical Edition
MacDuff Sangam, Beja Morris, McFadzean Angus (eds.)Joyce James, The University Press of Florida.
‘The Right Use of Reason’: Virginia Woolf, Isaac Watts, and Logic
MacDuff Sangam ELH (English Literary History). Peer-reviewed.
The Continuity of Joyce’s Logical Fictions
MacDuff Sangam, 2022/05/30. Dublin James Joyce Journal, 2018-20 (11-13) pp. 147-166. Peer-reviewed.
L'épiphanie joycienne
MacDuff Sangam, 2021/10/29. Revue Europe, November-December 2021 (1111-1112) pp. 58-72. Peer-reviewed.
The Logic of the Doodles in Finnegans Wake ii.2
MacDuff Sangam, 2020/04/15. pp. 166-180 dans James Joyce and the Arts, Brill | Rodopi.
Panepiphanal World: James Joyce's Epiphanies
MacDuff Sangam, 2020., University Press of Florida.
After the Deluge, The Waves
MacDuff Sangam, 2018/06/29. pp. 76-82 dans Wilson Nicola, Battershill Claire (eds.) Virginia Woolf and The World of Books, Liverpool University Press/Clemson University Press.
Joyce's Revelation: “The Apocalypse of Saint John” at Cornell
MacDuff Sangam, 2018/05/03. pp. 118-126 dans James Joyce and Genetic Criticism, ed. Genevieve Sartor. , Brill | Rodopi.
Chapter 10: The Self-Reflexive Text of “Aeolus”
MacDuff Sangam, 2017/12/05. pp. 156-174 dans Publishing in Joyce's <i>Ulysses</i>, ed. William Brockman, Tekla Mecsnóber and Sabrina Alonso, Brill | Rodopi.
Death and the Limits of Epiphany: Wordsworth’s "Spots of Time" and Joyce’s Epiphanies of Death
MacDuff Sangam, 2017/11/29. James Joyce Quarterly, 53 (1-2) pp. 61-74. Peer-reviewed.
The Yale Epiphanies: A New Typescript
MacDuff Sangam, 2017/04/01. Genetic Joyce Studies, 17 pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
"Scrupulous Meanness," Joyce’s Gift, and the Symbolic Economy of Dubliners
MacDuff Sangam, 2016. pp. 181-198 dans Leer Martin, Puskas Genoveva (eds.) Economies of English, Narr.
Joyce’s Transcendental Aesthetics
MacDuff Sangam, 2014. pp. 143-162 dans Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, Langlotz Andreas (eds.) Emotion, Affect, Sentiment: The Language and Aesthetics of Feeling, Narr.
Joycepapers: A Report on the 2013 Zurich James Joyce Foundation Workshop
MacDuff Sangam, 2013/10/31. James Joyce Broadsheet.
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