Gretchen Walters

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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71 publications

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1997 |
Intertwined people–nature relations are central to nature-based adaptation to climate change
Locatelli Bruno, Lavorel Sandra, Colloff Matthew J., Crouzat Emilie, Bruley Enora, Fedele Giacomo, Grêt-Regamey Adrienne, Plieninger Tobias, Andersson Erik, Abbott Mick et al., 2025/01/09. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 380 (1917). Peer-reviewed.
Reconciling global and local benefits of forest restoration: A shared interdisciplinary perspective
Mansourian Stephanie, Adams William M., Bouazza Karma, Ferreira Joice Nunes, Ganz David J., Hurd Jack, Pagiola Stefano, Parrotta John, Ramamonjisoa Bruno, Ratsifandrihamanana Nanie et al., 2025/01. Forest Policy and Economics, 170 p. 103381. Peer-reviewed.
Le consentement libre, informé, préalable et la création d’une aire protégée au Gabon
Walters Gretchen, Hymas Olivier, Bifane Ekomi Emeline, 2024/12/30. Revue Espaces Africains, 2 (2) pp. 7-24. Peer-reviewed.
Analysing perceptions of nature and nature's contributions to people for a Swiss ecological infrastructure
Cracco Marina, Walters Gretchen, Loup Romain, 2024/11/28. People and Nature. Peer-reviewed.
Youth engagement in global conservation governance
Sithole Samantha S., Walters Gretchen, Mbatha Philile, Matose Frank, 2024/11/25. Conservation Biology, 38 (6) pp. 1-14. Peer-reviewed.
Where is the wolf? A multi‐method comparison of social values and perceptions in a Swiss park
Cracco Marina, Michel Annina H., Komossa Franziska, Kong Inhye, Backhaus Norman, Thaler Lucia, Oliveri Timo, Walters Gretchen, 2024/07/22. Wildlife Biology. Peer-reviewed.
Global China and the ‘commons': rosewood governance in rural Ghana
Baidoo Anthony, Walters Gretchen, Ongolo Symphorien, 2024/03. World Development Sustainability, 4 p. 100126. Peer-reviewed.
Defining the Anthropocene tropical forest: Moving beyond ‘disturbance' and ‘landscape domestication' with concepts from African worldviews
Fraser James Angus, Cosiaux Ariane, Walters Gretchen, Asiyanbi Adeniyi, Osei-Wusu Adjei Prince, Addo-Fordjour Patrick, Fairhead James, Kialo Paulin, Laurier Engone Obiang Nestor, Oslisly Richard, 2024/02/01. The Anthropocene Review. Peer-reviewed.
Zoos and Aquariums are changing how they engage with Indigenous people and local communities
Sithole Samantha, Walters Gretchen, Hymas Olivier, 2024/02. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) News, 2024§ (1) pp. 13-17.
Foncier en communs: vers une propriété partagée des lieux essentiels
Seillier Rémy, Shulz Sébastien, Annereau Claire, Hymas Olivier, Joye Jean-François, Walters Gretchen, 2024/01/28., 4 15, Société des Communs.
Zoos and Aquariums are Changing their Exhibits to Represent Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Perspectives
Sithole Samantha, Walters Gretchen, Hymas Olivier, 2023/12/22. WAZA News, 2023 (4) pp. 37-38.
Territories of life as key to global environmental sustainability
Zanjani Leila V, Govan Hugh, Jonas Holly C, Karfakis Theodore, Mwamidi Daniel M, Stewart Jessica, Walters Gretchen, Dominguez Pablo, 2023/08. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 63 p. 101298. Peer-reviewed.
Book review: Géographie et impérialisme: de la Suisse au Congo entre exploration géographique et conquête coloniale
Walters Gretchen, 2023/07/17. Geographica Helvetica 78 pp. 337-339. Peer-reviewed.
In danger of co-option: Examining how austerity and central control shape community woodlands in Scotland
Sharma Kavita, Hollingdale Jon, Walters Gretchen, Metzger Marc J., Ghazoul Jaboury, 2023/06. Geoforum, 142 p. 103771. Peer-reviewed.
Glocal woodlands – The rescaling of forest governance in Scotland
Sharma Kavita, Walters Gretchen, Metzger Marc J., Ghazoul Jaboury, 2023/03. Land Use Policy, 126 p. 106524. Peer-reviewed.
Navigating power in conservation
Shackleton Ross T., Walters Gretchen, Bluwstein Jevgeniy, Djoudi Houria, Fritz Livia, Lafaye de Micheaux Flore, Loloum Tristan, Nguyen Van Thi Hai, Rann Andriamahefazafy Mialy, Sithole Samantha S. et al., 2023/01/29. Conservation Science and Practice, 5 (3) pp. e12877. Peer-reviewed.
Forest of Our Past, Forest of Our Future: Managing the Woods of an Ancient French Common
Walters Gretchen, Levet Alain, 2023. Langscape pp. 49-54.
The rise and fall of protected areas in Central Africa: a historical perspective
Walters Gretchen, Wardell David Andrew, 2023. pp. 55-85 dans Power Dynamics in African Forests: The Politics of Global Sustainability chap. 3, S. Ongolo, M. Krott.
Les parcs nationaux du Gabon et leurs incidences sur les communautés locales : cas du secteur nord du Parc National de Loango
Bifane Ekomi Emeline Narcéla, Edou Ebolo Clet Mesmin, Walters Gretchen Marie, 2022/12/01. GéoVision, 2 (8) pp. 313-323. Peer-reviewed.
Covid-19, Indigenous Peoples, Local communities and natural resource governance: Final Results
Laouadi Samir, Hymas Olivier, Nkollo Kema-Kema Christy, Van Vliet Nathalie, Walters Gretchen, 2022/07/28. (4en) Rapport de recherche "Développement, sociétés, environnements", Institut de géographie et durabilité, Université de Lausanne; Université Omar Bongo, Département de Sciences Géographiques Environnementales et Marines;Center for International Forestry Research, Jalan CIFOR.
Covid-19, peuples autochtones, communautés locales et gouvernance des ressources naturelles : résultats finaux
Laouadi Samir, Hymas Olivier, Nkollo Kema-Kema Christy, Van Vliet Nathalie, Walters Gretchen, 2022/07/28. (4f) Rapport de recherche "Développement, sociétés, environnements" , Institut de géographie et durabilité, Université de Lausanne; Université Omar Bongo, Département de Sciences Géographiques Environnementales et Marines;Center for International Forestry Research, Jalan CIFOR.
Covid-19, Pueblos Indígenas, comunidades locales y gobernanza de los recursos naturales: resultados finales
Laouadi Samir, Hymas Olivier, Nkollo Kema-Kema Christy, Van Vliet Nathalie, Walters Gretchen, 2022/07/28. (4es) Rapport de recherche "Développement, sociétés, environnements", Institut de géographie et durabilité, Université de Lausanne; Université Omar Bongo, Département de Sciences Géographiques Environnementales et Marines;Center for International Forestry Research, Jalan CIFOR.
Flore et feux dans une mosaïque de forêts et de savanes anciennes d'Afrique centrale : Check‐list du Parc National des Plateaux Batéké (Gabon)
Walters Gretchen, Nguema Diosdado, Niangadouma Raoul, 2022/05/24..
Flora and fire in an old-growth Central African forest-savanna mosaic: a checklist of the Parc National des Plateaux Batéké (Gabon)
Walters Gretchen M., Nguema Diosdado, Niangadouma Raoul, 2022/05/05. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 155 (2) pp. 189-206. Peer-reviewed.
Gereau Roy E., Walters Gretchen M., 2022. Flore du Gabon, 60 pp. 1-8. Peer-reviewed.
Enhancing the integration of governance in landscape restoration opportunities assessments
Campese Jessica, Mansourian Stephanie, Walters Gretchen, Nuesiri Emmanuel, Hamzah Amran, Brown Benjamin, Kuzee Miriam, Nakangu Barbara, 2022. 62, International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The forest is clothing for the ancestors: A rapid cultural assessment tool for forest landscape restoration policy processes
Wild Robert, Walters Gretchen, 2022/01. Forest Ecology and Management, 504 p. 119825. Peer-reviewed.
Landscape ecology reaching out
Kienast Felix, Walters Gretchen, Bürgi Matthias, 2021/07. Landscape Ecology, 36 (8) pp. 2189-2198. Peer-reviewed.
The power of choice: How institutional selection influences restoration success in Africa
Walters G., Baruah M., Karambiri M., Osei-Wusu Adjei P., Samb C., Barrow E., 2021/05. Land Use Policy, 104 p. 104090. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating landscape ecology into landscape practice in Central African Rainforests
Walters G., Sayer J., Boedhihartono A. K., Endamana D., Angu Angu K., 2021/04/03. Landscape Ecology. Peer-reviewed.
COVID-19, Indigenous peoples, local communities and natural resource governance
Walters Gretchen, Pathak Broome Neema, Cracco Marina, Dash Tushar, Dudley Nigel, Elías Silvel, Hymas Olivier, Mangubhai Sangeeta, Mohan Vik, Niederberger Thomas et al., 2021/03/11. PARKS, 27 (Special Issue) pp. 57-72. Peer-reviewed.
There's nothing new under the sun – lessons conservationists could learn from previous pandemics
Hymas Olivier, Rocha Bruna, Guerrero Natalia, Torres Mauricio, Ndong Kevin, Walters Gretchen, 2021/03/11. PARKS, 27 (Special Issue) pp. 25-40. Peer-reviewed.
Dwelling in the relational commons: exploring the contemporary role and significance of a section de commune in the Jura Mountains
Smith George, Walters Gretchen, Hymas Olivier, 2021. pp. 397-414 dans Les biens communaux / propriétés foncières collectives au 21ème siècle, Jean-François Joye.
Stuck in the Colonial Past? Perpetuating Racist, Environmental Myths of Kenya in a Swiss Zoo
Sithole Samantha, Fernandes Marianna, Hymas Olivier, Sharma Kavita, Walters Gretchen, 2021. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 30 (2) pp. 95-111. Peer-reviewed.
Gatekeeping Access: Shea Land Formalization and the Distribution of Market-Based Conservation Benefits in Ghana's CREMA
Gilli Mengina, Côte Muriel, Walters Gretchen, 2020/09/29. Land, 9 (10) p. 359.
Analysing and Applying Stakeholder Perceptions to Improve Protected Area Governance in Ugandan Conservation Landscapes
Omoding James, Walters Gretchen, Andama Edward, Carvalho Salete, Colomer Julien, Cracco Marina, Eilu Gerald, Kiyingi Gaster, Kumar Chetan, Langoya Council Dickson et al., 2020/06/25. Land, 9 (6) p. 207.
Implementing a landscape approach in the Agoro-Agu region of Uganda
Omoding James, Walters Gretchen, Carvalho Salete, Cracco Marina, Langoya C.D., Kiyingi Gaster, Kumar Chetan, Reinhard Florian, Ssenyonjo Edward, Twinomuhangi Leo, 2020/05/25. Parks.
Deciphering African tropical forest dynamics in the Anthropocene: How social and historical sciences can elucidate forest cover change and inform forest management
Walters G., Fraser J. Angus, Picard N., Hymas O., Fairhead J., 2019/09. Anthropocene, 27 p. 100214.
A landscape for everyone: integrating rights-based and landscape governance approaches
Blomley Tom (eds.)Walters Gretchen, 2019/08/21., IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Core principles for successfully implementing and upscaling Nature-based Solutions
Cohen-Shacham Emmanuelle, Andrade Angela, Dalton James, Dudley Nigel, Jones Mike, Kumar Chetan, Maginnis Stewart, Maynard Simone, Nelson Cara R., Renaud Fabrice G. et al., 2019/08. Environmental Science & Policy, 98 pp. 20-29.
Identifying governance problems and solutions for forest landscape restoration in protected area landscapes
Mansourian Stephanie, Walters Gretchen, Gonzales Emily, 2019/05/30. Parks, 25 (1) pp. 83-96.
Identifying governance problems and solutons for forest landscape restoration in protected area landscapes
Mansourian Stephanie, Walters Gretchen, Gonzales Emily, 2019/05/03. PARKS 25.1 pp. 83-96.
Examining the Supply and Demand of Effective Participation and Representation
Akwah Neba George, Walters Gretchen, Jung Ha-young, 2018. dans Global Forest Governance and Climate Change: Interrogating Representation, Participation, and Decentralization , Emmanuel O. Nuesiri.
Getting ready for REDD+: Recognition and donor-country project development dynamics in Central Africa
Walters Gretchen, Ece Melis, 2018. Conservation and Society, 0 (0) p. 0.
Measuring progress in status of land under forest landscape restoration using abiotic and biotic indicators : Measuring progress in forest landscape restoration
Dudley Nigel, Bhagwat Shonil A., Harris Jim, Maginnis Stewart, Moreno Jaime Garcia, Mueller Gregory M., Oldfield Sara, Walters Gretchen, 2018/01. Restoration Ecology, 26 (1) pp. 5-12.
An integrative research framework for enabling transformative adaptation
Colloff Matthew J., Martín-López Berta, Lavorel Sandra, Locatelli Bruno, Gorddard Russell, Longaretti Pierre-Yves, Walters Gretchen, van Kerkhoff Lorrae, Wyborn Carina, Coreau Audrey et al., 2017/02. Environmental Science & Policy, 68 pp. 87-96.
Governance of restoration and institutions: Working with Ghana's Community Resource Management Areas
Baruah M., Bobtoya S., Mbile P., Walters G., 2016/09. World Development Perspectives, 3 pp. 38-41.
Nature-based solutions to address global societal challenges
Cohen-Shacham E., Janzen C., Maginnis S., Walters G. (eds.), 2016/08/04., IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Peri-urban conservation in the Mondah forest of Libreville, Gabon: Red List assessments of endemic plant species, and avoiding protected area downsizing
Walters G., Ngagnia Ndjabounda E., Ikabanga D., Biteau J. P., Hymas O., White L. J. T., Ndong Obiang A.-M., Ndong Ondo P., Jeffery K. J., Lachenaud O. et al., 2016/07. Oryx : The International Journal of Conservation, 50 (3) pp. 419-430.
Responsive Forest Governance Initiative handbook II : implementing improved natural resource governance in practice
Barrow E., Angu Angu K., Bobtoya S., Cruz R., Kutegeka S., Nakangu B., Savadogo M., Walters G., 2016. Responsive Forest Governance Initiative Working Paper Series 35 64, Council for the Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa.
Changing Fire Governance in Gabon′s Plateaux Bateke Savanna Landscape
Walters G., 2015. Conservation and Society, 13 (3) pp. 275-286.
Evolving hunting practices in Gabon: lessons for community-based conservation interventions
Walters G., Schleicher J., Hymas O., Coad L., 2015. Ecology and Society, 20 (4) pp. NA.
Fire management in a changing landscape: a case study from Lopé National Park, Gabon
Jeffery K. J., Korte L., Palla F., Walters G., White L. J.T., Abernethy K. A., 2014/03. Parks : The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation , 20 (1) pp. 39-52.
Integrating cultural and conservation contexts of hunting: the case of the Plateau Bateke savannas of Gabon
Walters G., Makouka L., Touladjan S., 2014. African Study Monographs, 35 (2) pp. 99-128.
Les forêts littorales de la région de Libreville (Gabon) et leur importance pour la conservation: description d'un nouveau Psychotria (Rubiaceae) endémique
Lachenaud O., Stévart T., Ikabanga D., Ngagnia Ndjabouda E., Walters G., 2013/03/20. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 146 (1) pp. 68-74.
Customary Fire Regimes and Vegetation Structure in Gabon's Bateke Plateaux
Walters G., 2012/12. Human Ecology, 40 (6) pp. 943-955.
Phytogeographical analysis and checklist of the vascular plants of Loango National Park, Gabon
Harris D., Armstrong K. E., Walters G., Wilks C., Mouandza Mbembo J.-C., Niangadouma R., Wieringa J. J., Breteler F. J., 2012/07/06. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 145 (2) pp. 242-257.
Diversity and conservation value of Gabon's savanna and inselberg open vegetation: an initial gap analysis
Walters G., Parmentier I., Stévart T., 2012/03/12. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 145 (1) pp. 46-54.
Novitates Gabonenses 80 : Additiona and corrections to the Flora of Gabon
Walters G., Dauby G., Stévart T., Dessein S., Niangadouma R., Lachenaud O., 2011/11. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 68 (3) pp. 423-442.
Novitates gabonenses 77: A new Eriosema (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) from Gabon and adjacent Congo
van der Maesen J., Walters G., 2011/03/25. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 144 (1) pp. 101-105.
Memecylon Batekeanum, a New Species from Southeastern Gabon, and a Note on the Circumscription of Memecylon Sect. Mouririoidea (Melastomataceae)
Stone R. D., Walters G., Ghogue J.-P., 2006/06. Novon : A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 16 (2) pp. 276-280.
Check-list des plantes vasculaires du Gabon = Check-list of Gabonese Vascular Plants
Sosef M.S.M., Wieringa J.J., Jongkind C.C.H., Achoundong G., Azizet Issembe Y., Bedigian D., van den Berg R.G., Breteler F.J., Cheek M., deGreef J. et al., 2006. Scripta Botanica Belgica, 35 438, Jardin botanique national de Belgique.
Floristics of Gabon's Batéké Plateaux: Guineo-Congolian plants on Kalahari Sands
Walters G., Bradley A., Niangadouma R., 2006., 17th AETFAT Congress pp. 259-266 dans Ghazanfarand S. A., Beentje H. J. (eds.) Taxonomy and ecology of African plants, their conservation and sustainable use, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Revision of Ancistrocladus Wall (Ancistrocladaceae)
Taylor C., Gereau R, Walters G., 2005. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 92 (3) pp. 360-399.
Perennial plants and ephemeral seed banks in Papago Park, Phoenix, Arizona
Walters G., 2004. Natural Areas Journal, 24 (1) pp. 36-43.
Chamaecrista mwangokae (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae), a new species from the southern highlands of Tanzania
Gereau R.E., Walters G., 2003. Novon, 13 (4) pp. 438-442.
Lamiaceae Mint Family, part 1 : Agastache, Hyptis, Lamium, Leonurus, Marrubium, Monarda, Monardella, Nepeta, Salazaria, Stachys, Teucrium, and Trichostemma
Christy C., Damrel D.Z., Henry A., Trauth-Nare A., Puente-Martinez R., Walters G., 2003. Journal of the Arizona Nevada Academy of Science, 35 (2) pp. 151-169.
Winter ephemeral vegetation and seed banks of four north-facing slopes in the Sonoran Desert
Walters G., 2003. Madroño, 50 (1) pp. 45-52.
Flora of the Papago Park Military Reservation: a desert remnant in Phoenix, Arizona
Walters G., 2002. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 34 (1) pp. 16-23.
Noteworthy collection for Arizona: Enchylaena tomentosa R. Br.
Walters G., 2001. Madroño, 48 p. 61.
Forest decline and tree mortality in a southeastern Ohio oak-hickory forest
Walters G., McCarthy B. C., 1997. Ohio Journal of Science , 97 (1) pp. 5-9.
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