Benita Wolf

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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19 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 |
Response of Brain and Meningeal Metastases to Trastuzumab-Deruxtecan in a Patient with HER2-Low Breast Cancer: A Case Report.
Wolf B., Dunet V., Dubruc E., Dolcan A., Nicod Lalonde M., Schiappacasse L., Zaman K., 2023/11. Case reports in oncology, 16 (1) pp. 1425-1435. Peer-reviewed.
Both APRIL and antibody-fragment-based CAR T cells for myeloma induce BCMA downmodulation by trogocytosis and internalization
Camviel Nicolas, Wolf Benita, Croce Giancarlo, Gfeller David, Zoete Vincent, Arber Caroline, 2022/11. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 10 (11) pp. e005091. Peer-reviewed.
Rapid BCMA downmodulation on myeloma cells upon CAR T cell contact is mediated by trogocytosis and BCMA internalization
Camviel Nicolas, Wolf Benita, Croce Giancarlo, Gfeller David, Zoete Vincent, Arber Caroline, 2022..
Oncologie [2020 oncology update]
Dei Tos G., Galli Vareia I., Huber A., Wolf B., Diciolla A., Herrera Gomez R.G., Wagner D., Digklia A., Bouchaab H., Cristina V. et al., 2021/01/27. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (723) pp. 201-205. Peer-reviewed.
TRIM37 prevents formation of centriolar protein assemblies by regulating Centrobin.
Balestra F.R., Domínguez-Calvo A., Wolf B., Busso C., Buff A., Averink T., Lipsanen-Nyman M., Huertas P., Ríos R.M., Gönczy P., 2021/01/25. eLife, 10 pp. e62640. Peer-reviewed.
Guillain-Barré syndrome after adoptive cell therapy with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.
Orcurto A., Hottinger A., Wolf B., Navarro Rodrigo B., Ochoa de Olza M., Auger A., Kuntzer T., Comte D., Zimmer V., Gannon P. et al., 2020/08. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 8 (2) pp. e001155. Peer-reviewed.
Live imaging screen reveals that TYRO3 and GAK ensure accurate spindle positioning in human cells.
Wolf B, Busso C, Gönczy P, 2019/06. Nature communications.
Safety and Tolerability of Adoptive Cell Therapy in Cancer.
Wolf B., Zimmermann S., Arber C., Irving M., Trueb L., Coukos G., 2019/02. Drug safety, 42 (2) pp. 315-334. Peer-reviewed.
ZYG-1 promotes limited centriole amplification in the C. elegans seam lineage.
Wolf B, Balestra FR, Spahr A, Gönczy P, 2018/01. Developmental biology.
TRACMIT: An effective pipeline for tracking and analyzing cells on micropatterns through mitosis.
Burri O, Wolf B, Seitz A, Gönczy P, 2017/07. PloS one.
Zika virus causes supernumerary foci with centriolar proteins and impaired spindle positioning.
Wolf B, Diop F, Ferraris P, Wichit S, Busso C, Missé D, Gönczy P, 2017/01. Open biology.
Inducing Differentiation of Premalignant Hepatic Cells as a Novel Therapeutic Strategy in Hepatocarcinoma.
Wolf B, Krieg K, Falk C, Breuhahn K, Keppeler H, Biedermann T, Schmid E, Warmann S, Fuchs J, Vetter S et al., 2016/09. Cancer Research.
Gene expression profile of peripheral blood lymphocytes from renal cell carcinoma patients treated with IL-2, interferon-α and dendritic cell vaccine.
Wolf B, Schwarzer A, Côté AL, Hampton TH, Schwaab T, Huarte E, Tomlinson CR, Gui J, Fisher JL, Fadul CE et al., 2012. Plos One.
Regulatory T-cells and associated pathways in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients undergoing DC-vaccination and cytokine-therapy.
Schwarzer A, Wolf B, Fisher JL, Schwaab T, Olek S, Baron U, Tomlinson CR, Seigne JD, Crosby NA, Gui J et al., 2012. Plos One.
The cyclin E regulator cullin 3 prevents mouse hepatic progenitor cells from becoming tumor-initiating cells.
Kossatz U, Breuhahn K, Wolf B, Hardtke-Wolenski M, Wilkens L, Steinemann D, Singer S, Brass F, Kubicka S, Schlegelberger B et al., 2010/11. Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Ex vivo expansion of tumor specific lymphocytes with IL-15 and IL-21 for adoptive immunotherapy in melanoma.
Huarte E, Fisher J, Turk MJ, Mellinger D, Foster C, Wolf B, Meehan KR, Fadul CE, Ernstoff MS, 2009/11. Cancer Letters.
Clinical and immunologic effects of intranodal autologous tumor lysate-dendritic cell vaccine with Aldesleukin (Interleukin 2) and IFN-{alpha}2a therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients.
Schwaab T, Schwarzer A, Wolf B, Crocenzi TS, Seigne JD, Crosby NA, Cole BF, Fisher JL, Uhlenhake JC, Mellinger D et al., 2009/08. Clinical Cancer Research.
Indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase enzyme expression and activity in polarized dendritic cells.
Wolf B, Posnick D, Fisher JL, Lewis LD, Ernstoff MS, 2009. Cytotheapy.
Chronic angiotensin II receptor blockade induces cardioprotection during ischemia by increased PKC-epsilon expression in the mouse heart.
Lange SA, Wolf B, Schober K, Wunderlich C, Marquetant R, Weinbrenner C, Strasser RH, 2007/01. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology.
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