Philippe Sormani - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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22 publications

2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 |
Recovering the Work of a Discovering Science with a Video Camera in Hand: The Electronically Probed/Visually Discovered Spectrum
Sormani Philippe, 2022/04/08. dans Maynard Douglas, Heritage John (eds.) The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects, Oxford University Press.
Just what are we doing when we're describing AI? Harvey Sacks, the commentator machine, and the descriptive politics of the new artificial intelligence
Mair Michael, Brooker Phillip, Dutton William, Sormani Philippe, 2020/12/06. Qualitative Research p. 146879412097598.
Re-enactment as a Research Strategy: From Performance Art to Video Analysis and Back Again
Sormani Philippe, 2020/10/29. dans Borgdorff Henk, Peters Peter, Pinch Trevor (eds.) Dialogues Between Artistic Research and Science and Technology Studies, Routledge.
Ethnomethodological Analysis
Sormani Philippe, 2019/10/05. SAGE Research Methods Foundations: An Encyclopedia , - (-) pp. 1-23.
Introduction: When Things Break Down
Sormani Philippe, Bovet Alain, Strebel Ignaz, 2019/01/01. dans Strebel Ignaz, Bovet Alain, Sormani Philippe (eds.) Repair Work Ethnographies: Revisiting Breakdown, Relocating Materiality, Springer / Palgrave MacMillan.
Practicing Art/Science: Experiments in an Emerging Field
Sormani Philippe, Carbone Guelfo, Gisler Priska, 2018/07/26., Routledge.
Deconstructing Ethnography, Reconstructing Ethnomethodology? A Reflexive Note
Sormani Philippe , 2017/03/07. Symbolic Interaction, 40 (2) pp. .289-292.
Ethnomethodology, Video Analysis, and STS
Sormani Philippe, Alac Morana, Bovet Alain, Greiffenhagen Christian, 2017/01/01. dans Felt Ulrike, Fouché Rayvon, Miller Clarke A., Smith-Doerr Laurel (eds.) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. 4th Edition., MIT Press.
The Local Configuration of New Research Fields. Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook.
Merz Martina, Sormani Philippe (eds.), 2016/08/01., 29.
Respecifying Lab Ethnography: An Ethnomethodological Study of Experimental Physics
Sormani Philippe, 2014/10/15., Routledge.
Discovering Work: Ethnomethodological Studies in the Natural Sciences.
Sormani Philippe, Gonzalez-Martinez Esther, Bovet Alain (eds.), 2011/12/12. 12, Ethnographic Studies.
L'ordinaire dans l'"esotérique": l'action instruite comme phénomène instructif
Sormani Philippe, 2010/06/05. pp. 167-195 dans Olszewska Barbara, Barthélémy Michel, Laugier Sandra (eds.) Les données de l'enquête , PUF.
Evaluation de l'instrument « Projets de coopération et d'innovation » (2004-2007). Rapport final
Joye-Cagnard Frédéric, Ramuz Raphael, Sormani Philippe, Benninghoff Martin, Goastellec Gaelle, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2008/11. 178, Conférence universitaire suisse.
Culture in interaction: academic identities in laboratory work
Benninghoff Martin, Sormani Philippe, 2008. pp. 109-126 dans Välimaa Jussi, Ylijoki Oili-Helena (eds.) Cultural Perspectives on Higher Education, Springer.
Experimental Research and the Managerial Attitude: a tension to be resolved?
Benninghoff Martin, Sormani Philippe, 2008. European Journal of Education, 43 (3) pp. 265-280. Peer-reviewed.
Metaphorical moves : scientific expertise in research policy studies
Sormani Philippe, Benninghoff Martin, 2008. pp. 257-270 dans Carver Terrell, Pikalo J (eds.) Political language and metaphor. Interpreting and changing the world, Routledge.
Catégorisations en interaction: identités académiques et recherche expérimentale
Benninghoff M., Sormani Ph., 2006. pp. 183-200 dans Leresche J.-Ph, Benninghoff M., Crettaz von Roten F. et Merz M. (eds.) La fabrique des sciences. Des institutions aux pratiques, Lausanne: PPUR.
Comment orienter une recherche orientée ? L'énonciation du discours comme enjeu de l'interaction .
Sormani , Ph. , 2006. dans Leresche, J.-Ph, Benninghoff, M., Crettaz von Roten, F. et Merz, M. (eds.) La fabrique des sciences. Des institutions aux pratiques, Lausanne : PPUR.
Comment orienter une recherche orientée ? L'énonciation du discours comme enjeu de l'interaction.
Sormani Ph, 2006. pp. 201-217 dans La fabrique des sciences. Des institutions aux pratiques., PPUR.
Identités académiques: discours normatifs et pratiques interprétatives
Benninghoff M., Sormani Ph., 2006. Carnets de bord, 11 pp. 3-6.
Order in disorder : Rule-governed action as socio-logical phenomena
Sormani, Ph., Bovet A. , 2004/08. In C. van Dijkum et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. SISWO..
Catégorisation sociale et courant sociologique : comment l'une peut servir à disqualifier l'autre.
Sormani , Philippe , 2003. Carnets de bord (CdB), 6.
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