Olga Trofimova

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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8 publications

The Inequality of Neural Destiny: Signatures of Life course Socioeconomic Conditions in Brain Myelination and Grey Matter Volume
Loued-Khenissi Leyla, Trofimova Olga, Vollenweider Peter, Marques-Vidal Pedro, Preisig Martin, Lutti Antoine, Kliegel Matthias, Sandi Carmen, Kherif Ferhat, Stringhini Silvia et al..
Phenotypic and genetic characteristics of retinal vascular parameters and their association with diseases.
Ortín Vela S., Beyeler M.J., Trofimova O., Iuliani I., Vargas Quiros J.D., de Vries V.A., Meloni I., Elwakil A., Hoogewoud F., Liefers B. et al., 2024/11/06. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 9593. Peer-reviewed.
The Neurobiology of Life Course Socioeconomic Conditions and Associated Cognitive Performance in Middle to Late Adulthood.
Schrempft S., Trofimova O., Künzi M., Ramponi C., Lutti A., Kherif F., Latypova A., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., Preisig M. et al., 2024/04/24. The Journal of neuroscience, 44 (17). Peer-reviewed.
Topography of associations between cardiovascular risk factors and myelin loss in the ageing human brain.
Trofimova O., Latypova A., DiDomenicantonio G., Lutti A., de Lange A.G., Kliegel M., Stringhini S., Marques-Vidal P., Vaucher J., Vollenweider P. et al., 2023/04/10. Communications biology, 6 (1) p. 392. Peer-reviewed.
Life-course socioeconomic conditions and cognitive performance in older adults: a cross-cohort comparison.
Schrempft S., Trofimova O., Künzi M., Draganski B., Kliegel M., Stringhini S., 2023/04. Aging & mental health, 27 (4) pp. 745-754. Peer-reviewed.
CYP2C19 expression modulates affective functioning and hippocampal subiculum volume-a large single-center community-dwelling cohort study.
Grosu C., Trofimova O., Gholam-Rezaee M., Strippoli M.F., Kherif F., Lutti A., Preisig M., Draganski B., Eap C.B., 2022/08/05. Translational psychiatry, 12 (1) p. 316. Peer-reviewed.
Signatures of life course socioeconomic conditions in brain anatomy.
Loued-Khenissi L., Trofimova O., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., Preisig M., Lutti A., Kliegel M., Sandi C., Kherif F., Stringhini S. et al., 2022/06/01. Human brain mapping, 43 (8) pp. 2582-2606. Peer-reviewed.
Brain tissue properties link cardio-vascular risk factors, mood and cognitive performance in the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus epidemiological cohort.
Trofimova O., Loued-Khenissi L., DiDomenicantonio G., Lutti A., Kliegel M., Stringhini S., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Preisig M. et al., 2021/06. Neurobiology of aging, 102 pp. 50-63. Peer-reviewed.
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