Ariane Cosiaux

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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11 publications

2024 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2014 |
Defining the Anthropocene tropical forest: Moving beyond ‘disturbance' and ‘landscape domestication' with concepts from African worldviews
Fraser James Angus, Cosiaux Ariane, Walters Gretchen, Asiyanbi Adeniyi, Osei-Wusu Adjei Prince, Addo-Fordjour Patrick, Fairhead James, Kialo Paulin, Laurier Engone Obiang Nestor, Oslisly Richard, 2024/02/01. The Anthropocene Review. Peer-reviewed.
The ECAT dataset: expert-validated distribution data of endemic and sub-endemic trees of Central Africa (Dem. Rep. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi)
Tack Wesley, Engledow Henry, Veríssimo Pereira Nuno, Amani Christian, Bachman Steven P., Barberá Patricia, Beentje Henk J., Bouka Gaël U. D., Cheek Martin, Cosiaux Ariane et al., 2022/09/16. PhytoKeys, 206 pp. 137-151. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial distribution of Annonaceae across biomes and anthromes: Knowledge gaps in spatial and ecological data
Erkens Roy H. J., Blanpain Laetitia M. P., Carrascosa Jara Inma, Runge Katharina, Verspagen Nadja, Cosiaux Ariane, Couvreur Thomas L. P., 2022/09/08. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET. Peer-reviewed.
Palms and People: Raphia vinifera Usage and Cultivation in the Grassfields of Western Cameroon
Cosiaux Ariane, Couvreur Thomas L.P., 2020/12. PALMS, 64 (4) pp. 161-175. Peer-reviewed.
Uses and cultural significance of Raphia palms
Mogue Kamga Suzanne, Brokamp Grischa, Cosiaux Ariane, Awono Abdon, Fürniss Suzanne, Barfod Anders, Fogoh Muafor John, Le Gall Philippe, Sonké Bonaventure, Couvreur Thomas L.P., 2020/03/16. Economic Botany. Peer-reviewed.
Agricultural innovation and environmental change on the floodplains of the Congo River
Comptour Marion, Cosiaux Ariane, Coomes Oliver T., Bader Jean Claude, Malaterre Pierre Olivier, Yoka Joseph, Caillon Sophie, McKey Doyle, 2019/07/08. The Geographical Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Low extinction risk for an important plant resource: Conservation assessments of continental African palms (Arecaceae/Palmae)
Cosiaux Ariane, Gardiner Lauren M., Stauffer Fred W., Bachman Steven P., Sonké Bonaventure, Baker William J., Couvreur Thomas L.P., 2018/05. Biological Conservation, 221 pp. 323-333. Peer-reviewed.
Livistona carinensis
Cosiaux Ariane, Welch Hillary, Gardiner Lauren M., Welch Geoff, Couvreur Thomas L.P. , 2018. The UICN Red List of Threatened Species 2018 pp. e.T30402A95306943. Peer-reviewed.
ConR : An R package to assist large-scale multispecies preliminary conservation assessments using distribution data
Dauby Gilles, Stévart Tariq, Droissart Vincent, Cosiaux Ariane, Deblauwe Vincent, Simo-Droissart Murielle, Sosef Marc S. M., Lowry Porter P., Schatz George E., Gereau Roy E. et al., 2017/12. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (24) pp. 11292-11303. Peer-reviewed.
An endangered West African rattan palm: Eremospatha dransfieldii
Cosiaux Ariane, Gardiner Lauren, Ouattara Doudjo, Stauffer Fred, Sonké Bonaventure, Couvreur Thomas, 2017/01/13. Biodiversity Data Journal, 5 pp. e11176. Peer-reviewed.
Local uses of tree species and contribution of mixed tree gardens to livelihoods in Saleman: Village near Manusela National Park, Seram Island, Maluku (Indonesia)
A. Cosiaux, 2014. CIFOR Working Paper 137.
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