Céline Poletti

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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16 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 |
Learning With Jigsaw: A Systematic Review Gathering All the Pieces of the Puzzle More Than 40 Years Later
Vives Eva, Poletti Céline, Robert Anaïs, Butera Fabrizio, Huguet Pascal, Régner Isabelle, Consortium Profan Review of Educational Research. Peer-reviewed.
Finger counting training enhances addition performance in kindergarteners
Poletti Céline, Krenger Marie, Létang Marie, Hennequin Brune, Thevenot Catherine, 2024/09/18. Child Development, 96 (1) pp. 251-268. Peer-reviewed.
Cooperative learning reduces the gender gap in perceived social competences: A large-scale nationwide longitudinal experiment.
Rudmann Ocyna, Batruch Anatolia, Visintin Emilio Paolo, Sommet Nicolas, Bressoux Pascal, Darnon Céline, Bouet Marinette, Bressan Marco, Brown Genavee, Cepeda Carlos et al., 2024/07/18. Journal of Educational Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Does the Jigsaw method improve motivation and self-regulation in vocational high schools?
Riant Mathilde, de Place Anne-Laure, Bressoux Pascal, Batruch Anatolia, Bouet Marinette, Bressan Marco, Brown Genavee, Butera Fabrizio, Cepeda Carlos, Cherbonnier Anthony et al., 2024/06. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 77 p. 102278. Peer-reviewed.
French preschool and primary teachers' attitude towards finger counting
Poletti Céline, Krenger Marie, Létang Marie, Thevenot Catherine, 2023/11. Acta Psychologica, 241 p. 104079. Peer-reviewed.
Neural evidence for procedural automatization during cognitive development: Intraparietal response to changes in very-small addition problem-size increases with age
Yáñez Andrea Díaz-Barriga, Longo Léa, Chesnokova Hanna, Poletti Céline, Thevenot Catherine, Prado Jérôme, 2023/10. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience p. 101310. Peer-reviewed.
The development of simple addition problem solving in children: Reliance on automatized counting or memory retrieval depends on both expertise and problem size
Poletti Céline, Díaz-Barriga Yáñez Andrea, Prado Jérôme, Thevenot Catherine, 2023/06. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 234 p. 105710. Peer-reviewed.
The Evolution of Finger Counting between Kindergarten and Grade 2.
Poletti C., Krenger M., Dupont-Boime J., Thevenot C., 2022/01/20. Children, 9 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Priming effects of arithmetic signs in 10‐ to 15‐year‐old children
Poletti Céline, Perez Jean-François, Houillon Jean-Charles, Prado Jérôme, Thevenot Catherine, 2021/01/11. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Socio-Emotional Competencies and School Performance in Adolescence: What Role for School Adjustment?
Mella N., Pansu P., Batruch A., Bressan M., Bressoux P., Brown G., Butera F., Cherbonnier A., Darnon C., Demolliens M. et al., 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 12 p. 640661. Peer-reviewed.
Sequential modulations of executive control processes throughout lifespan in numerosity comparison
Roquet Angélique, Poletti Céline, Lemaire Patrick, 2020/04. Cognitive Development. Peer-reviewed.
Sequential Difficulty Effects in Cognitive and Sensorimotor Tasks: Insights from Arithmetic and Fitts Tasks
Poletti Céline, Sleimen-Malkoun Rita, Temprado Jean-Jacques, Lemaire Patrick, 2018/07/01. The American Journal of Psychology, 131 (2) pp. 161-173. Peer-reviewed.
Strategic Variations in Fitts' Task: Comparison of Healthy Older Adults and Cognitively Impaired Patients
Poletti Céline, Sleimen-Malkoun Rita, Decker Leslie Marion, Retornaz Frédérique, Lemaire Patrick, Temprado Jean-Jacques, 2017/01/20. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 8. Peer-reviewed.
Sensori-motor strategic variations and sequential effects in young and older adults performing a Fitts' task
Poletti Céline, Sleimen-Malkoun Rita, Lemaire Patrick, Temprado Jean-Jacques, 2016/01. Acta Psychologica, 163 pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Older and younger adults' strategies in sensorimotor tasks: Insights from Fitts' pointing task.
Poletti Céline, Sleimen-Malkoun Rita, Temprado Jean-Jacques, Lemaire Patrick, 2015. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41 (2) pp. 542-555. Peer-reviewed.
The time course of strategy sequential difficulty effects: an ERP study in arithmetic
Uittenhove Kim, Poletti Celine, Dufau Stephane, Lemaire Patrick, 2013/05. Experimental Brain Research, 227 (1) pp. 1-8. Peer-reviewed.
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