Bruno Maurer

Education and work experience


HDR (habilitation to direct research) in Linguistics, 1999, University Montpellier 3
Investigate the sociolinguistic representations of languages.

1999 - 1999

PHD in Linguistics
French and national languages in the Republic of Djibouti: linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects.
1991 - 1993

Agregation in Modern Littterature
1987 - 1988

Work experience

University Professor Montpellier 3
Director of the DIPRALANG Laboratory, EA 739 (2012-2019).
Head of the Master diploma "Professional Practices in French non-mother tongue" (September 2009-September 2012)
Head of the Language Sciences Doctoral Program (2010-2015).
Member of the Scientific Council of the University (2016-2019)
Member of the Academic Council of the University (2016-2019)
Member of the Restricted Academic Council of the University (2016-2019)
President of the disciplinary section of the CAC with jurisdiction over users Montpellier III (2016-2019)
Member of the Board of Doctoral Colllege 58 (2012-2019)
Director of the journal Teaching works of French as a foreign language -
2008 - 2019

Headmaster of Indian Ocean Office of the Agence universitaire de la francophonie
Implementation of university cooperation programs, 34 universities in the Indian Ocean. Budget: 1.4 million euro / year. Team: 25 employees in 3 countries (Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar).
Establishment of a doctoral school for the universities of Madagascar (2004-2008)
Project to support the transition to LMD in Madagascar (2007-08).
Assistance in setting up various scientific cooperation projects between the Universities of the Indian Ocean and the other member universities of the AUF.
2005 - 2008

Technical assistant
Ministry of Education of Mali
Development and implementation of a curriculum based on the skills approach integrating African languages (transitional bilingualism).
Support for the organization of initial teacher training.
Organization of workshops.
2003 - 2005

Montpellier III University
Director of the Department of Language Sciences.
2001 - 2003

Senior Lecturer
University Institute for Teacher Education, Montpellier
Director of the French Department (1997-1999).
Teacher training (pre-school, primary and secondary) in French didactics.
1994 - 2001

Technical assistant
Ministry of Education of Djibouti (September 1990- September 1994)
Training of secondary school teachers (Training Center of the National Education Staff).
Writing textbooks for basic education (Research, Information and Production Center of National Education).
1990 - 1993

Professor agrégé of Modern Literature
(September 1989-1990 and 1993-1994)
France, college, high school.
1986 - 1990

Teacher of french, secondary school, Beaucaire
1993 - 1994


Formation initiale à l'enseignement du français langue étrangère

Direction of EFLE

Writing textbooks of French as a foreign and second language

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