Michael Grätz

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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22 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
The Impact of Coronavirus-Related School Closures on Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Perceived Risk of School Failure in Switzerland
Grätz Michael, Lebert Florence, Lipps Oliver, 2024/12/31. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 50 (3) pp. 381-399. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of parental separation on educational achievement: An instrumental variable analysis
Grätz Michael, Härkönen Juho, 2024/08. Social Science Research, 122 p. 103040. Peer-reviewed.
Parental ages and the intergenerational transmission of education: evidence from Germany, Norway, and the United States
Grätz Michael, Wiborg Øyvind N., 2024/02/05. European Societies pp. 1-28. Peer-reviewed.
The effects of female education on child education: a prospective analysis
Grätz Michael, 2023/11/06. European Societies pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
Does Schooling Affect Socioeconomic Inequalities in Educational Attainment? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Germany
Grätz Michael, 2023. Sociological Science, 10 pp. 880-902. Peer-reviewed.
Empirical Approaches to Measuring Equality of Opportunity
Grätz Michael, 2023. pp. 1-9 dans Handbook of Equality of Opportunity, Springer International Publishing.
The effects of parenting on early adolescents' noncognitive skills: Evidence from a sample of twins in Germany.
Grätz M., Lang V., Diewald M., 2022/11. Acta sociologica, 65 (4) pp. 398-419. Peer-reviewed.
Parents' Income and Wealth Matter More for Children with Low than High Academic Performance: Evidence from Comparisons Between and Within Families in Egalitarian Norway
Wiborg Øyvind Nicolay, Grätz Michael, 2022/06. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 79 p. 100692. Peer-reviewed.
At Which Age is Education the Great Equalizer? A Causal Mediation Analysis of the (In-)Direct Effects of Social Origin over the Life Course
Kratz Fabian, Pettinger Bettina, Grätz Michael, 2022/04/21. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
Sibling Similarity in Income: A Life Course Perspective
Grätz Michael, Kolk Martin, 2022/04. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 78 p. 100688. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic Influences on Educational Achievement in Cross-National Perspective
Baier Tina, Lang Volker, Grätz Michael, Barclay Kieron J, Conley Dalton C, Dawes Christopher T, Laidley Thomas, Lyngstad Torkild H, 2022/02/23. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
When Less Conditioning Provides Better Estimates: Overcontrol and Endogenous Selection Biases in Research on Intergenerational Mobility
Grätz Michael, 2022/01/04. Quality & Quantity. Peer-reviewed.
Sibling Similarity in Education Across and Within Societies
Grätz Michael, Barclay Kieron J., Wiborg Øyvind N., Lyngstad Torkild H., Karhula Aleksi, Erola Jani, Präg Patrick, Laidley Thomas, Conley Dalton, 2021/04/21. Demography. Peer-reviewed.
Does Regime Change Affect Intergenerational Mobility? Evidence from German Reunification
Grätz Michael, 2021/02/12. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
Does Increasing the Minimum School-Leaving Age Affect the Intergenerational Transmission of Education? Evidence from Four European Countries
Grätz Michael, 2021. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
Large Loss in Studying Time During the Closure of Schools in Switzerland in 2020
Grätz Michael, Lipps Oliver, 2020/10/30. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 71 p. 100554. Peer-reviewed.
Reinforcing at the Top or Compensating at the Bottom? Family Background and Academic Performance in Germany, Norway, and the United States
Grätz Michael, Wiborg Øyvind N., 2020/01/17. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
Competition in the Family: Inequality between Siblings and the Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Advantage
Grätz Michael, 2018. Sociological Science, 5 pp. 246-269.
Does Separation Really Lead Fathers and Mothers to be Less Involved in their Children's Lives?
Grätz Michael, 2017/08/01. European Sociological Review, 33 (4) pp. 551-562.
Compensation or Reinforcement? The Stratification of Parental Responses to Children's Early Ability
Grätz Michael, Torche Florencia, 2016/12. Demography, 53 (6) pp. 1883-1904.
When Growing Up Without a Parent Does Not Hurt: Parental Separation and the Compensatory Effect of Social Origin
Grätz Michael, 2015/10. European Sociological Review, 31 (5) pp. 546-557.
Making Up for an Unlucky Month of Birth in School: Causal Evidence on the Compensatory Advantage of Family Background in England
Bernardi Fabrizio, Grätz Michael, 2015. Sociological Science, 2 pp. 235-251.
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