Robert Avery - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4 publications

2025 | 2023 | 2022 |
Gendered attitudes towards pro‐environmental change: The role of hegemonic masculinity endorsement, dominance and threat
Avery Robert A. T., Kulich Clara, Thaqi Lumturie, Elbindary Aly M. A. M. K., El Bouchrifi Hind, Favre Alexis N. J.-L., Gmür Simon, Hauke Sydney, Huete Chloé I. A., Lee Si Young et al., 2025/01. British Journal of Social Psychology, 64 (1).
‘I Do It for Others'! Prosocial Reasons for Complying with Anti-COVID Measures and Pro-Environmental Behaviours: The Mediating Role of the Psychological Distance of Climate Change
Sarrasin Oriane, Zanetti Cinzia, Rudmann Ocyna, Avery Robert A. T., Graton Aurélien, 2023/09/01. Sustainability, 15 (17) p. 13194.
La dominance humaine sur la nature et l'animal non humain au prisme de la psychologie
Avery Robert A. T., Sarrasin Oriane, 2022/08/01. pp. 275-285 dans Faniko Klea, Bourguignon David, Sarrasin Oriane, Guimond Serge (eds.) Psychologie de la discrimination et des préjugés, De Boeck supérieur, Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgique).
Minority Influence and Degrowth-Oriented Pro-environmental Conflict: When Emotions Betray Our Attachment to the Social Dominant Paradigm
Avery Robert A. T., Butera Fabrizio, 2022/06/29. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. Peer-reviewed.
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