Nadine Vastenhouw

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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12 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 |
Transcription bodies regulate gene expression by sequestering CDK9.
Ugolini M., Kerlin M.A., Kuznetsova K., Oda H., Kimura H., Vastenhouw N.L., 2024/04. Nature cell biology, 26 (4) pp. 604-612. Peer-reviewed.
From the archive: colour constancy, and an atomic romance.
Wu Edlyn, Vastenhouw Nadine L., 2023/08. Nature, 620 (7976) p. 957. Peer-reviewed.
Sleeping embryonic genomes are awoken by OBOX proteins.
Wu E., Vastenhouw N.L., 2023/08. Nature, 620 (7976) pp. 956-957. Peer-reviewed.
Actin filaments accumulated in the nucleus remain in the vicinity of condensing chromosomes in the zebrafish early embryo.
Oda H., Sato Y., Kawashima S.A., Fujiwara Y., Pálfy M., Wu E., Vastenhouw N.L., Kanai M., Kimura H., 2023/05/15. Biology open, 12 (5) pp. bio059783. Peer-reviewed.
Nanog organizes transcription bodies.
Kuznetsova K., Chabot N.M., Ugolini M., Wu E., Lalit M., Oda H., Sato Y., Kimura H., Jug F., Vastenhouw N.L., 2023/01/09. Current biology, 33 (1) pp. 164-173.e5. Peer-reviewed.
Maternally loaded RNAs: no time to die.
Ugolini M., Vastenhouw N.L., 2022/08. Cell research, 32 (8) pp. 707-708. Peer-reviewed.
Author Correction: Transcription organizes euchromatin via microphase separation.
Hilbert L., Sato Y., Kuznetsova K., Bianucci T., Kimura H., Jülicher F., Honigmann A., Zaburdaev V., Vastenhouw N.L., 2021/07/06. Nature communications, 12 (1) p. 4240. Peer-reviewed.
Transcription organizes euchromatin via microphase separation.
Hilbert L., Sato Y., Kuznetsova K., Bianucci T., Kimura H., Jülicher F., Honigmann A., Zaburdaev V., Vastenhouw N.L., 2021/03/01. Nature communications, 12 (1) p. 1360. Peer-reviewed.
Chromatin accessibility established by Pou5f3, Sox19b and Nanog primes genes for activity during zebrafish genome activation
Máté Pálfy, Gunnar Schulze, Eivind Valen, Vastenhouw Nadine, 2019/05/16..
Quantitative measurements of chromatin modification dynamics during zygotic genome activation
Yuko Sato, Lennart Hilbert, Haruka Oda, Yinan Wan, Heddleston John, Teng-Leong Chew, Vasily Zaburdaev, Philipp Keller, Timothee Lionnet, Nadine Vastenhouw et al., 2019/04/06..
Uniform gene expression in embryos is achieved by temporal averaging of transcription noise
Stapel L. Carine, Zechner Christoph, Vastenhouw Nadine L., 2017/08/15. Genes & Development.
Competition between histone and transcription factor binding regulates the onset of transcription in zebrafish embryos
Shai R Joseph, Máté Pálfy, Lennart Hilbert, Mukesh Kumar, Jens Karschau, Vasily Zaburdaev, Andrej Shevchenko, Nadine L Vastenhouw, 2017/04/20. eLife.
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