Amandine Batté-Bernedo

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
Global analysis of suppressor mutations that rescue human genetic defects.
Ünlü B., Pons C., Ho U.L., Batté A., Aloy P., van Leeuwen J., 2023/10/12. Genome medicine, 15 (1) p. 78. Peer-reviewed.
Chl1 helicase controls replication fork progression by regulating dNTP pools.
Batté A., van der Horst S.C., Tittel-Elmer M., Sun S.M., Sharma S., van Leeuwen J., Chabes A., van Attikum H., 2022/04. Life science alliance, 5 (4) pp. e202101153. Peer-reviewed.
Sir3 heterochromatin protein promotes non-homologous end joining by direct inhibition of Sae2.
Bordelet H., Costa R., Brocas C., Dépagne J., Veaute X., Busso D., Batté A., Guérois R., Marcand S., Dubrana K., 2022/01/04. The EMBO journal, 41 (1) pp. e108813. Peer-reviewed.
Natural variants suppress mutations in hundreds of essential genes.
Parts L., Batté A., Lopes M., Yuen M.W., Laver M., San Luis B.J., Yue J.X., Pons C., Eray E., Aloy P. et al., 2021/05. Molecular systems biology, 17 (5) pp. e10138. Peer-reviewed.
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