Frederico Ferreira da Silva

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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20 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 |
The dark side of the mood. Candidate evaluation, voter perceptions, and the driving role of (dark) personality traits
Nai Alessandro, Aaldering Loes, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, Garzia Diego, Gattermann Katjana, 2023/12. Electoral Studies, 86 p. 102715. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of Affective Polarization toward Parties and Leaders across the Democratic World
REILJAN ANDRES, GARZIA DIEGO, FERREIRA DA SILVA FREDERICO, TRECHSEL ALEXANDER H., 2023/06/29. American Political Science Review pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Affective Polarization in Comparative and Longitudinal Perspective
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, Maye Simon, 2023/04/25. Public Opinion Quarterly, 87 (1) pp. 219-231. Peer-reviewed.
Three sides of the same coin? comparing party positions in VAAs, expert surveys and manifesto data
Ferreira da Silva Frederico, Reiljan Andres, Cicchi Lorenzo, Trechsel Alexander H., Garzia Diego, 2023/01/02. Journal of European Public Policy, 30 (1) pp. 150-173. Peer-reviewed.
Voting Advice Applications
Ferreira da Silva Frederico, Garzia Diego, 2023/01/01. pp. 450-465 dans The Routledge Handbook of Political Parties, Routledge.
For a Research Agenda on Negative Politics
Nai Alessandro, Garzia Diego, Aaldering Loes, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, Gattermann Katjana, 2022/12/30. Politics and Governance, 10 (4) pp. 243-246. Peer-reviewed.
Negativity and Political Behavior: A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Negative Voting in Contemporary Democracies.
Garzia D., Ferreira da Silva F., 2022/05. Political studies review, 20 (2) pp. 282-291. Peer-reviewed.
The Electoral Consequences of Affective Polarization? Negative Voting in the 2020 US Presidential Election
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2022/05. American Politics Research, 50 (3) pp. 303-311.
Leaders Without Partisans: dealignment, media change, and the personalization of politics
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, De Angelis Andrea, 2021/09/01., ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
Party organizational change and leader effects on voting behavior: Linking the electoral and party faces of presidentialization
Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2021/07. Party Politics, 27 (4) pp. 803-813.
Negative personalization and voting behavior in 14 parliamentary democracies, 1961–2018
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2021/06. Electoral Studies, 71. Peer-reviewed.
From party to leader mobilization? The personalization of voter turnout
Ferreira da Silva Frederico, Garzia Diego, De Angelis Andrea, 2021/03. Party Politics, 27 (2) pp. 220-233.
Partisan dealignment and the personalisation of politics in West European parliamentary democracies, 1961–2018
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, De Angelis Andrea, 2020/12/02. West European Politics pp. 1-24.
Leader Effects and Voting for the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe
Michel Elie, Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, De Angelis Andrea, 2020/09. Swiss Political Science Review, 26 (3) pp. 273-295.
Longitudinal dataset of political issue-positions of 411 parties across 28 European countries (2009–2019) from voting advice applications EU profiler and euandi
Reiljan Andres, da Silva Frederico Ferreira, Cicchi Lorenzo, Garzia Diego, Trechsel Alexander H., 2020/08. Data in Brief, 31 p. 105968.
Image that Matters: News Media Consumption and Party Leader Effects on Voting Behavior
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, De Angelis Andrea, 2020/04. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25 (2) pp. 238-259.
Do we need warm leaders? Exploratory study of the role of voter evaluations of leaders' traits on turnout in seven European countries
FERREIRA DA SILVA FREDERICO, COSTA PATRÍCIO, 2019/02. European Journal of Political Research, 58 (1) pp. 117-140.
Fostering turnout?: Assessing party leaders' capacity to mobilize voters
Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2018/12. Electoral Studies, 56 pp. 61-79.
Prime ministers in the age of austerity: an increase in the personalisation of voting behaviour
Lobo Marina Costa, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2018/09/03. West European Politics, 41 (5) pp. 1146-1165.
The Impact of Voter Evaluations of Leaders' Traits on Voting Behaviour: Evidence from Seven European Countries
Costa Patrício, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2015/11/02. West European Politics, 38 (6) pp. 1226-1250.
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