Jean-Daniel Chiche

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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20 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
Le défi de la personne très âgée aux soins intensifs [The challenge of the very elderly patient in intensive care]
Duvernay L., Tadini E., Chiche J.D., D'amelio P., 2024/10/30. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (893) pp. 1974-1977. Peer-reviewed.
Myeloid-Derived Suppressor-like Cells as a Prognostic Marker in Critically Ill Patients: Insights from Experimental Endotoxemia and Intensive Care Patients.
Schrijver I.T., Herderschee J., Théroude C., Kritikos A., Leijte G., Le Roy D., Brochut M., Chiche J.D., Perreau M., Pantaleo G. et al., 2024/02/08. Cells, 13 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Simulation study for evaluating an adaptive-randomisation Bayesian hybrid trial design with enrichment.
Vinnat V., Chiche J.D., Demoule A., Chevret S., 2023/06. Contemporary clinical trials communications, 33 p. 101141. Peer-reviewed.
Les agonistes α2-adrénergiques pour l’intensiviste [Alpha-2 adrenoreceptor agonists for the intensive care physician]
Gavino L., Willaredt M., Chiche J.D., Ben-Hamouda N., 2023/05/03. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (825) pp. 872-877. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiogenic shock due to reverse takotsubo syndrome triggered by multiple sclerosis brainstem lesions: a case report and mini review.
Brandner J., Lu H., Muller O., Eskioglou E., Chiche J.D., Antiochos P., Chocron Y., 2023. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 10 p. 1175644. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of Nasopharyngeal and Saliva Swab Nucleic Acid Amplification and Rapid Antigen Testing To Detect Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern: a Prospective Clinical Trial (OMICRON).
Kritikos A., Caruana G., Lazor-Blanchet C., Currat M., Chiche J.D., Vollenweider P., Bart P.A., Opota O., Greub G., 2022/12/21. Microbiology spectrum, 10 (6) pp. e0392322. Peer-reviewed.
Physiological response to prone positioning in intubated adults with COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome: a retrospective study.
Boffi A., Ravenel M., Lupieri E., Schneider A., Liaudet L., Gonzalez M., Chiche J.D., Piquilloud L., 2022/11/19. Respiratory research, 23 (1) p. 320. Peer-reviewed.
Delirium in Adults With COVID-19-Related Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Comparison With Other Etiologies.
Bernard-Valnet R., Favre E., Bernini A., Oddo M., Chiche J.D., Du Pasquier R.A., Rossetti A.O., CORO-NEURO-ICU Study Group, 2022/11/15. Neurology, 99 (20) pp. e2326-e2335. Peer-reviewed.
Canakinumab in patients with COVID-19 and type 2 diabetes - A multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Hepprich M., Mudry J.M., Gregoriano C., Jornayvaz F.R., Carballo S., Wojtusciszyn A., Bart P.A., Chiche J.D., Fischli S., Baumgartner T. et al., 2022/11. EClinicalMedicine, 53 p. 101649. Peer-reviewed.
COVID-19 rapidly increases MDSCs and prolongs innate immune dysfunctions.
Schrijver I.T., Théroude C., Antonakos N., Regina J., Le Roy D., Bart P.A., Chiche J.D., Perreau M., Pantaleo G., Calandra T. et al., 2022/10. European journal of immunology, 52 (10) pp. 1676-1679. Peer-reviewed.
Response to the first awake prone positioning relates with intubation rate in SARS-CoV-2 patients suffering from acute respiratory failure with moderate to severe hypoxaemia: a retrospective study.
Lupieri E., Boffi A., Ltaief Z., Schneider A., Abed-Maillard S., Chiche J.D., Oddo M., Piquilloud L., 2022/08/29. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30212. Peer-reviewed.
Modes ventilatoires de base en ventilation mécanique invasive [Classic ventilatory modes for invasive mechanical ventilation]
Rey A., Lupieri E., Cabrio D., Bonnemain J., Fumeaux T., Chiche J.D., Piquilloud L., 2022/06/08. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (785) pp. 1166-1172. Peer-reviewed.
Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism: A Case Series and Literature Review.
Ltaief Z., Lupieri E., Bonnemain J., Ben-Hamouda N., Rancati V., Schmidt Kobbe S., Kirsch M., Chiche J.D., Liaudet L., 2022/06. Reviews in cardiovascular medicine, 23 (6) p. 193. Peer-reviewed.
In memoriam: Warren M. Zapol.
Berra L., Falke K.J., Francis RCE, Roberts J.D., Chiche J.D., 2022/03. Intensive care medicine, 48 (3) pp. 383-385. Peer-reviewed.
Monitorage de la mécanique respiratoire chez le patient ventilé : comment procéder au lit du malade [Monitoring respiratory mechanics in ventilated patients: a bedside approach]
Cabrio D., Rey A., Bonnemain J., Chiche J.D., Piquilloud L., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) pp. 292-297. Peer-reviewed.
Low-dose mycophenolate mofetil improves survival in a murine model of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis by increasing bacterial clearance and phagocyte function.
Alby-Laurent F., Belaïdouni N., Blanchet B., Rousseau C., Llitjos J.F., Sanquer S., Mira J.P., Pène F., Toubiana J., Chiche J.D., 2022. Frontiers in immunology, 13 p. 939213. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of a Protocol for Continuous Hemodiafiltration with Regional Citrate Anticoagulation with Omni®.
Whiting L., Bianchi N.A., Alouazen K., Joannes-Boyau O., Chiche J.D., Schneider A., 2022. Blood purification, 51 (12) pp. 1039-1047. Peer-reviewed.
Equilibrating SSC guidelines with individualized care.
Vincent J.L., Singer M., Einav S., Moreno R., Wendon J., Teboul J.L., Bakker J., Hernandez G., Annane D., de Man AME et al., 2021/11/17. Critical care, 25 (1) p. 397. Peer-reviewed.
The three biological gaps and hyperoxaluria in ethylene glycol poisoning: case presentation and review.
Ahmad Y., Kissling S., Torrent C., Chiche J.D., Liaudet L., Ltaief Z., 2021/10. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 25 (20) pp. 6295-6299. Peer-reviewed.
Sensitivity of Rapid Antigen Testing and RT-PCR Performed on Nasopharyngeal Swabs versus Saliva Samples in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients: Results of a Prospective Comparative Trial (RESTART).
Kritikos A., Caruana G., Brouillet R., Miroz J.P., Abed-Maillard S., Stieger G., Opota O., Croxatto A., Vollenweider P., Bart P.A. et al., 2021/09/09. Microorganisms, 9 (9) p. 1910. Peer-reviewed.
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