Matthieu Galvez

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4 publications

2024 | 2022 | 2021 |
Sedimentary and metamorphic processes priming black shale for magmatic assimilation of sulfur: an example from the Virginia Formation, Minnesota, United States
Virtanen Ville J., Heinonen Jussi S., Märki Lena, Galvez Matthieu E., Molnár Ferenc, 2024/04/25. Mineralium Deposita. Peer-reviewed.
Atomic-scale mechanism of carbon nucleation from a deep crustal fluid by replica exchange reactive molecular dynamics simulation
Leyssale Jean-Marc, Galvez Matthieu E., Valdenaire Pierre-Louis, Pellenq Roland, van Duin Adri C.T., 2022/07. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 329 pp. 106-118. Peer-reviewed.
The Subducting Slab as a Chromatographic Column: Regimes of Sub‐Solidus Mass Transport as a Function of Lithospheric Hydration State, With Special Reference to the Fate of Carbonate
Zhong Xin, Galvez Matthieu E., 2022/06. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127 (6).
Redox capacity of rocks and sediments by high temperature chalcometric titration
Galvez Matthieu E., Jaccard Samuel L., 2021/03. Chemical Geology, 564 p. 120016. Peer-reviewed.
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