Kate Schipper

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

Learning-Induced Effects of Practice Schedule Variability on Stimuli Discrimination Efficiency: High-Density EEG Multi-scale Analyses of Contextual Interference Effect
Cretton Alexandre, Schipper Kate, Hassan Mahmoud, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme.
Enhancing perceptual, attentional, and working memory demands through variable practice schedules: insights from high-density EEG multi-scale analyses
Cretton Alexandre, Schipper Kate, Hassan Mahmoud, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2024/11/05. Cerebral Cortex, 34 (11). Peer-reviewed.
Electrocortical correlates of attention differentiate individual capacity in associative learning.
Raynal E., Schipper K., Brandner C., Ruggeri P., Barral J., 2024/03/18. npj science of learning, 9 (20). Peer-reviewed.
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