Elena Hofferberth

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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8 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 |
Democratizing provisioning systems: a prerequisite for living well within limits
Steinberger Julia, Guerin Gauthier, Hofferberth Elena, Pirgmaier Elke, 2024/12/02. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Sozial-ökologische Planung für eine demokratische Postwachstumsökonomie
Hofferberth Elena, Schmelzer Matthias, 2024/03/05. Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift, 39 (1) pp. 26-27.
Planning beyond growth. The case for economic democracy within ecological limits
Durand Cédric, Hofferberth Elena, Schmelzer Matthias, 2024. Journal of Cleaner Production, 437 p. 140351. Peer-reviewed.
Democratic Planning for Degrowth
Schmelzer Matthias, Hofferberth Elena, 2023/07/01. Monthly Review.
The evolution of the UK's Green New Deal. “Green Industrial Revolution,” “Building Back Better,” and beyond
Bailey Dan, Hofferberth Elena, 2022. dans Routledge Handbook on the Green New Deal, Kyla Tienhaara and Joanna Robinson.
Wellbeing Economics for the COVID-19 recovery Ten principles to build back better
Büchs Milena, Baltruszewicz Marta, Bohnenberger Katharina, Busch Jonathan, Dyke James, Elf Patrick, Fanning Andrew, Fritz Martin, Garvey Alice, Hardt Lukas et al., 2020/05/08., Wellbeing Economy Alliance.
Green New Deal versus Degrowth. Gekoppelt wird ein Schuh draus
Hofferberth Elena, Schmelzer Matthias, 2019/12/06. politische ökologie.
UK financial investment and action on climate change consistent with 1.5 degrees Celsius
Steinberger Julia, Hofferberth Elena, 2019/08., Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds.
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