Patrick Blaser

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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19 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
Neodymium isotopes as a paleo-water mass tracer: A model-data reassessment
Pöppelmeier Frerk, Lippold Jörg, Blaser Patrick, Gutjahr Marcus, Frank Martin, Stocker Thomas F., 2022/03. Quaternary Science Reviews, 279 p. 107404. Peer-reviewed.
Stable Atlantic Deep Water Mass Sourcing on Glacial‐Interglacial Timescales
Pöppelmeier Frerk, Gutjahr Marcus, Blaser Patrick, Schulz Hartmut, Süfke Finn, Lippold Jörg, 2021/08. Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (15).
Deep-ocean circulation in the North Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (~2.65–2.4 Ma)
Jakob Kim A., Pross Jörg, Link Jasmin M., Blaser Patrick, Hauge Braaten Anna, Friedrich Oliver, 2021/05. Marine Micropaleontology, 165 p. 101998.
Influence of Elevated Nd Fluxes on the Northern Nd Isotope End Member of the Atlantic During the Early Holocene
Pöppelmeier Frerk, Scheen Jeemijn, Blaser Patrick, Lippold Jörg, Gutjahr Marcus, Stocker Thomas F., 2020/11. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35 (11).
Northern-sourced water dominated the Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum
Pöppelmeier F., Blaser P., Gutjahr M., Jaccard S.L., Frank M., Max L., Lippold J., 2020/08/01. Geology, 48 (8) pp. 826-829. Peer-reviewed.
Labrador Sea bottom water provenance and REE exchange during the past 35,000 years
Blaser Patrick, Gutjahr Marcus, Pöppelmeier Frerk, Frank Martin, Kaboth-Bahr Stefanie, Lippold Jörg, 2020/07. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542 p. 116299.
Ice-rafted debris as a source of non-conservative behaviour for the εNd palaeotracer: insights from a simple model
Vogt-Vincent Noam, Lippold Jörg, Kaboth-Bahr Stefanie, Blaser Patrick, 2020/06. Geo-Marine Letters, 40 (3) pp. 325-340.
Inverse response of 231Pa/230Th to variations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic intermediate water
Süfke Finn, Schulz Hartmut, Scheen Jeemijn, Szidat Sönke, Regelous Marcel, Blaser Patrick, Pöppelmeier Frerk, Goepfert Tyler J., Stocker Thomas F., Lippold Jörg, 2020/02. Geo-Marine Letters, 40 (1) pp. 75-87.
Water mass gradients of the mid-depth Southwest Atlantic during the past 25,000 years
Pöppelmeier F., Gutjahr M., Blaser P., Oppo D.W., Jaccard S.L., Regelous M., Huang K.-F., Süfke F., Lippold J., 2020/02. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531 p. 115963. Peer-reviewed.
Constraints on the Northwestern Atlantic Deep Water Circulation From 231 Pa/ 230 Th During the Last 30,000 Years
Süfke Finn, Pöppelmeier Frerk, Goepfert Tyler Jay, Regelous Marcel, Koutsodendris Andreas, Blaser Patrick, Gutjahr Marcus, Lippold Jörg, 2019/12. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34 (12) pp. 1945-1958.
Revealing past ocean circulation with neodymium isotopes
Blaser Patrick, Frank Martin, van de Flierdt Tina, 2019/11. Past Global Changes Magazine, 27 (2).
Constraining the Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During the Holocene
Lippold Jörg, Pöppelmeier Frerk, Süfke Finn, Gutjahr Marcus, Goepfert Tyler J., Blaser Patrick, Friedrich Oliver, Link Jasmin M., Wacker Lukas, Rheinberger Stefan et al., 2019/10/28. Geophysical Research Letters, 46 (20) pp. 11338-11346. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of Ocean Circulation and Benthic Exchange on Deep Northwest Atlantic Nd Isotope Records During the Past 30,000 Years
Pöppelmeier F., Blaser P., Gutjahr M., Süfke F., Thornalley D. J. R., Grützner J., Jakob K. A., Link J. M., Szidat S., Lippold J., 2019/09. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20 (9) pp. 4457-4469.
The resilience and sensitivity of Northeast Atlantic deep water εNd to overprinting by detrital fluxes over the past 30,000 years
Blaser P., Pöppelmeier F., Schulz H., Gutjahr M., Frank M., Lippold J., Heinrich H., Link J.M., Hoffmann J., Szidat S. et al., 2019/01. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245 pp. 79-97.
Origin of Abyssal NW Atlantic Water Masses Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Pöppelmeier F., Gutjahr M., Blaser P., Keigwin L. D., Lippold J., 2018/05. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 33 (5) pp. 530-543.
High precision U-series dating of scleractinian cold-water corals using an automated chromatographic U and Th extraction
Wefing Anne-Marie, Arps Jennifer, Blaser Patrick, Wienberg Claudia, Hebbeln Dierk, Frank Norbert, 2017/12. Chemical Geology, 475 pp. 140-148.
Extracting foraminiferal seawater Nd isotope signatures from bulk deep sea sediment by chemical leaching
Blaser Patrick, Lippold Jörg, Gutjahr Marcus, Frank Norbert, Link Jasmin M., Frank Martin, 2016/11. Chemical Geology, 439 pp. 189-204.
Deep water provenance and dynamics of the (de)glacial Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
Lippold Jörg, Gutjahr Marcus, Blaser Patrick, Christner Emanuel, de Carvalho Ferreira Maria Luiza, Mulitza Stefan, Christl Marcus, Wombacher Frank, Böhm Evelyn, Antz Benny et al., 2016/07. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 445 pp. 68-78. Peer-reviewed.
Strong and deep Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last glacial cycle
Böhm E., Lippold J., Gutjahr M., Frank M., Blaser P., Antz B., Fohlmeister J., Frank N., Andersen M. B., Deininger M., 2015/01. Nature, 517 (7532) pp. 73-76.
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