Garnelle Ziade

Fields |

Research directions

Centenarians' Experience of the COVID Pandemic in Switzerland

Being considered as individuals with elevated risk of severe health reactions to the COVID19 infections, governments around the world have put in place wide-ranging measures to protect very old individuals from the virus. In the present study, we investigated centenarians' experience of the COVID19 pandemic, to reach a better understanding of their vulnerability and resilience. As part of the SWISS100 study, we conducted telephone interviews with 30 centenarians and 40 family members. While almost all centenarians felt not, qualitative data suggested the existence of two groups: One included centenarians lived rather withdrawn and isolated before the crisis and therefore did not experience major changes. The other group included centenarians who suffered substantially from no longer being able to see family and friends and missed valued activities. Family members reported challenges, including centenarians' decline in mental and physical health. Findings highlight the importance of different vulnerability profiles and lock-down side effects.

The Relationship between Personality and Health at the age of 100

My research aims at investigating the role of personality traits in centenarians with respect to their health. The research address three key
elements and their relationships: personality traits (C, E, O, N, A), health (physical, functional, mental), and a selection of linking mechanisms (health behaviours, social contacts, and leisure activities).
We expect to find a strong link between personality and health at the
age of 100. We also presume that personality traits influence health behaviours, social contacts, and leisure activities at the age of 100. Moreover, we assume that the effect of health behaviours, social contacts, and leisure activities on health is present. Finally, we predict a strong relationship between the three elements with the linking mechanisms as
mediating factors.
This research will contribute to increase the understanding of how personality is linked to health which then can be used to develop focused preventions and interventions to facilitate the promotion of a healthy long life.

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University