Antonio Davila

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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8 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2015 | 2013 |
Green incentives and environmental performance
Derchi Giovanni-Batista, Davila Antonio, Oyon Daniel, 2023/12/01. Strategic Finance.
External complexity and the design of management control systems: a case study
Davila Antonio, Derchi Giovanni-Battista, Oyon Daniel, Schnegg Maël, 2023. Management Accounting Research.
Green incentives for environmental goals
Derchi Giovanni-Battista, Davila Antonio, Oyon Daniel, 2023. Management Accounting Research.
Board of Directors’ Composition: Representation of Large Shareholders and Type of Ownership
Barroso Raul, Davila Antonio, Oyon Daniel, 2022/08. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Managers’ Body Expansiveness, Investor Perceptions, and Firm Forecast Errors and Valuation
Davila Antonio, Guasch Marti, 2022. Journal of Accounting Research. Peer-reviewed.
Budgeting in Public Organizations: The Influence of Managerial and Political Aspects
Davila Antonio, Aranda Carmen, Arellano Javier, 2021. European Accounting Review. Peer-reviewed.
The Landscape Monitor. Look Outside Your Firm: A Tool to Sense What's Coming
Davila Antonio, Oyon Daniel, Parmigiani Pilar, Schnegg maël, 2015. IESE Insight pp. 58-60.
Monitoring the external business environment: a case study of a producer and distributor of electricity in Switzerland
Davila Antonio, Oyon Daniel, Schnegg Maël, 2013. dans EIASM 7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control. Peer-reviewed.
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