Antoine Perrin

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4 publications

2023 | 2022 |
Amphibian abundance is associated with reduced mosquito presence in human‐modified landscapes
Perrin Antoine, Pellet Jérôme, Bergonzoli Ludovic, Christe Philippe, Glaizot Olivier, 2023/03. Ecosphere, 14 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Habitat fragmentation matters more than habitat loss: The case of host-parasite interactions.
Perrin A., Khimoun A., Ollivier A., Richard Y., Pérez-Rodríguez A., Faivre B., Garnier S., 2023/02. Molecular ecology, 32 (4) pp. 951-969. Peer-reviewed.
Relative effects of urbanisation, deforestation, and agricultural development on mosquito communities.
Perrin A., Schaffner F., Christe P., Glaizot O., 2023. Landscape ecology, 38 (6) pp. 1527-1536. Peer-reviewed.
Worldwide impacts of landscape anthropization on mosquito abundance and diversity: A meta-analysis.
Perrin A., Glaizot O., Christe P., 2022/12. Global change biology, 28 (23) pp. 6857-6871. Peer-reviewed.
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