Nimrod Levin

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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20 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 |
The French version of the Academic Major Satisfaction Scale: Structural, convergent, and divergent validity
Christen Anne-Céline, Borges André, Massoudi Koorosh, Butera Fabrizio, Levin Nimrod Journal of Career Assessment. Peer-reviewed.
Version française de l’Échelle des Difficultés au Choix de Carrière Émotionnelles et liées à la Personnalité : validation et pistes pour la pratique
Rochat Shékina, Levin Nimrod, Alves Sophie, Rossier Jérôme, 2024/09/01. L’Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 53 (3) pp. 537-565. Peer-reviewed.
Associations of Career Decision-Making Strategies With Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Difficulties Among French-Speaking Swiss Adolescents and Young Adults
Levin Nimrod, Masdonati Jonas, Castella Pauline, Grassi Elodie, 2024/02/15. Journal of Career Assessment, 32 (4) pp. 698-720. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of career decision-making difficulties in 16 countries: A person-centered investigation.
Levin Nimrod, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Gati Itamar, 2024/01. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 71 (1) pp. 34-47. Peer-reviewed.
The structure of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire across 13 countries
Levin Nimrod, Udayar Shagini, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Gati Itamar, Rossier Jérôme, 2023/02. Journal of Career Assessment, 31 (1) pp. 129-148. Peer-reviewed.
Facets of adaptability in career decision-making
Levin Nimrod, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, 2022/10. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 22 (3) pp. 535-556. Peer-reviewed.
The identification and validation of five types of career indecision: A latent profile analysis of career decision-making difficulties.
Levin Nimrod, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Gati Itamar, 2022/07. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 69 (4) pp. 452-462. Peer-reviewed.
Difficulties in career decision making and self-evaluations: A meta-analysis
Udayar Shagini, Levin Nimrod, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Rochat Shékina, Di Fabio Annamaria, Gati Itamar, Sovet Laurent, Rossier Jérôme, 2020/11. Journal of Career Assessment, 28 (4) pp. 608-635. Peer-reviewed.
Testing the structure of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire across country, gender, age, and decision status
Levin Nimrod, Braunstein-Bercovitz Hedva, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Gati Itamar, Rossier Jérôme, 2020/02. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 116 p. 103365. Peer-reviewed.
Dysfunctional career decision-making beliefs: A multidimensional model and measure
Hechtlinger Shahar, Levin Nimrod, Gati Itamar, 2019/05. Journal of Career Assessment, 27 (2) pp. 209-229. Peer-reviewed.
Career assessment in Israel
Levin Nimrod, Gati Itamar, 2019. dans Stoltz Kevin B., Barclay Susan R. (eds.) A comprehensive guide to career assessment, National Career Development Association.
Decision-making models and career guidance
Gati Itamar, Levin Nimrod, Landman-Tal Shiri, 2019. pp. 115-145 dans Athanasou James A., Perera Harsha N. (eds.) International Handbook of Career Guidance, Springer International Publishing.
Differences in career decision-making profiles between American and Chinese university students : The relative strength of mediating mechanisms across cultures
Guan Yanjun, Chen Sylvia Xiaohua, Levin Nimrod, Bond Michael Harris, Luo Nanfeng, Xu Jingwen, Zhou Xiang, Chen Pei, Li Chendi, Fu Ruchunyi et al., 2015/07. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46 (6) pp. 856-872. Peer-reviewed.
The Role of Personality in the Career Decision-Making Difficulties of Italian Young Adults
Di Fabio Annamaria, Palazzeschi Letizia, Levin Nimrod, Gati Itamar, 2015/05. Journal of Career Assessment, 23 (2) pp. 281-293. Peer-reviewed.
Facilitating the transition from school to work with a career decision-making approach: Process-related assessments and the PIC model
Levin Nimrod, Gati Itamar, 2015. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 30 pp. 127-143. Peer-reviewed.
Imagined and unconscious career barriers
Levin Nimrod, Gati Itamar, 2015. pp. 167-188 dans Maree Kobus, Di Fabio Annamaria (eds.) Exploring new horizons in career counselling, Sense Publishers.
Making better career decisions
Gati Itamar, Levin Nimrod, Hartung Paul J., Savickas Mark L., Walsh W. Bruce, 2015. dans APA handbook of career intervention, Volume 2: Applications, American Psychological Association.
Counseling for Career Decision-Making Difficulties: Measures and Methods
Gati Itamar, Levin Nimrod, 2014/06. The Career Development Quarterly, 62 (2) pp. 98-113. Peer-reviewed.
Predictive Validity of Career Decision-Making Profiles Over Time Among Chinese College Students
Tian Lin, Guan Yanjun, Chen Sylvia Xiaohua, Levin Nimrod, Cai Zijun, Chen Pei, Zhu Chengfeng, Fu Ruchunyi, Wang Yang, Zhang Shu, 2014. Journal of Career Development. Peer-reviewed.
The stability and structure of career decision-making profiles: A 1-year follow-up
Gati Itamar, Levin Nimrod, 2012. Journal of Career Assessment. Peer-reviewed.
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