Virgile Pasquier

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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2 publications

2024 | 2022 |
SIMS Iron Isotope Measurements of the Balmat Pyrite Reference Material: A Non‐Unique δ56Fe Signature
Pasquier Virgil, Rego Eric, Dupeyron Juliette, Bouvier Anne-Sophie, Bovay Thomas, Robyr Martin, Marin-Carbonne Johanna, 2024/03/13. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. Peer-reviewed.
Early precipitated micropyrite in microbialites: A time capsule of microbial sulfur cycling
Marin-Carbonne J., Decraene M.-N., Havas R., Remusat L., Pasquier V., Alléon J., Zeyen N., Bouton A., Bernard S., Escrig S. et al., 2022/03. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 21 pp. 7-12.
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