Emmanuel Salim - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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18 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Climbing the Alps in a warming world: Perspective of climate change impacts on high mountain areas influences alpinists' behavioural adaptations
Salim Emmanuel, Mourey Jacques, Crépeau Anne-Sophie, Ravanel Ludovic, 2023/12. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 44 p. 100662. Peer-reviewed.
Le tourisme réflexif en montagne à l’heure de l’Anthropocène : discussion autour du projet de réhabilitation du Montenvers, Chamonix
Salim Emmanuel, Girault Camille, Nesur Kalpana, 2023/09/26. Mondes du Tourisme. Peer-reviewed.
Glacier tourism without ice: Envisioning future adaptations in a melting world
Salim Emmanuel, 2023/03/16. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5. Peer-reviewed.
Joint problem framing: a transdisciplinary methodology for a sustainable future in mountain areas
Pachoud Carine, Bruley Enora, Grosinger Julia, Crépeau Anne-Sophie, Salim Emmanuel, Savre Camille, Vialette Yannick, 2023/01/13. Sustainability Science. Peer-reviewed.
Climate and carbon risk of tourism in Europe
Steiger Robert, Demiroglu O. Cenk, Pons Marc, Salim Emmanuel, 2023/01/09. Journal of Sustainable Tourism pp. 1-31. Peer-reviewed.
Sharing Scientific Knowledge on Glaciers to the General Public: The Role of Glacier Interpretation Centres in Mountain Tourism Diversification Strategies
Nesur Kalpana, Salim Emmanuel, Girault Camille, Ravanel Ludovic, 2022/05/15. Revue de géographie alpine. Peer-reviewed.
Transmettre le savoir scientifique sur les glaciers au grand public : rôle des centres d’interprétation glaciaire dans les stratégies de diversification touristique en montagne
Nesur Kalpana, Salim Emmanuel, Girault Camille, Ravanel Ludovic, 2022/05/15. Revue de géographie alpine. Peer-reviewed.
Visitors' motivations to engage in glacier tourism in the European Alps: comparison of six sites in France, Switzerland, and Austria
Salim Emmanuel, Mayer Marius, Sacher Philipp, Ravanel Ludovic, 2022/03/04. Journal of Sustainable Tourism pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
Does witnessing the effects of climate change on glacial landscapes increase pro-environmental behaviour intentions? An empirical study of a last-chance destination.
Salim Emmanuel, Ravanel Ludovic, Deline Philip, 2022/03/01. Current Issues in Tourism pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Seeing the Ice. An Overview of Alpine Glacier Tourism Sites, Between Post- and Hyper-Modernity
Salim Emmanuel, Gauchon Christophe, Ravanel Ludovic, 2021/12/30. Revue de géographie alpine 109-4.
Voir la glace. Tour d'horizon des sites touristiques glaciaires alpins, entre post- et hyper-modernités
Salim Emmanuel, Gauchon Christophe, Ravanel Ludovic, 2021/12/30. Revue de géographie alpine 109-4. Peer-reviewed.
Glacier tourism and climate change: effects, adaptations, and perspectives in the Alps
Salim Emmanuel, Ravanel Ludovic, Bourdeau Philippe, Deline Philip, 2021/12. Regional Environmental Change, 21 (4).
Aesthetic perceptions of the landscape of a shrinking glacier: Evidence from the Mont Blanc massif
Salim Emmanuel, Ravanel Ludovic, Gauchon Christophe, 2021/09. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 35 p. 100411.
A history of tourism at the Mer de Glace: Adaptations of glacier tourism to glacier fluctuations since 1741
Salim Emmanuel, Mabboux Laura, Ravanel Ludovic, Deline Philip, Gauchon Christophe, 2021/08. Journal of Mountain Science, 18 (8) pp. 1977-1994.
A review of melting ice adaptation strategies in the glacier tourism context
Salim Emmanuel, Ravanel Ludovic, Deline Philip, Gauchon Christophe, 2021/03/15. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 21 (2) pp. 229-246.
Visiter les glaciers, une forme de géotourisme ? Les cas du Montenvers (Mer de Glace, France) et de Jökulsárlón (Breiðamerkurjökull, Islande)
Bussard Jonathan, Salim Emmanuel, Welling Johannes, 2021. Géo-Regards 14 pp. 139-156. Peer-reviewed.
Last chance to see the ice: visitor motivation at Montenvers-Mer-de-Glace, French Alps
Salim Emmanuel, Ravanel Ludovic, 2020/10/16. Tourism Geographies pp. 1-23.
Mountain guides facing the effects of climate change. What perceptions and adaptation strategies at the foot of Mont Blanc?
Salim Emmanuel, Mourey Jacques, Ravanel Ludovic, Picco Pietro, Gauchon Christophe, 2019/12/15. Revue de géographie alpine 107-4.
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