Matthias Enggist

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Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Institute of Social Sciences (ISS)
Position(s) : Senior FNS Researcher
Quartier UNIL-Mouline
Bâtiment Géopolis
Office : 5613
CH-1015 Lausanne
Téléphone : 021 692 62 95

Interdisciplinary Centre of Life Course Research (LIVES-UNIL)
Position(s) : Senior FNS Researcher


Political behavior
Political parties
Political sociology
Public opinion
Welfare states

Scientific distinctions and prizes

Award for the Best PhD Thesis 2022

Award by the Department for Political Science of the University of Zurich for the Best PhD Thesis of the academic year 2021/2022
Recipient : Matthias Enggist

VEUK Award 2018

VEUK Award for the best master’s degree at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Konstanz, 2018
Recipient : Matthias Enggist

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University