Marie-Anne Durand

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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34 publications

How to best convey continuous outcomes in patient decision aids.
Elwyn G., Durand M.A., Agoritsas T., Mayer M. BMJ evidence-based medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Combining Default Choices and an Encounter Decision Aid to Improve Tobacco Cessation in Primary Care Patients: A Pragmatic, Cluster-Randomized Trial.
Selby K., Habfast-Robertson I., Durand M.A., Hempel-Bruder C., Boesch A., Marti J., Kazaal Y., Faouzi M., Maisonneuve H., Berlin I. Journal of general internal medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Citizen Worry and Adherence in Response to Government Restrictions in Switzerland During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Repeated Cross-Sectional Online Surveys.
Kraege V., Dumans-Louis C., Maglieri C., Bochatay S., Durand M.A., Garnier A., Selby K., von Plessen C., 2025/01/07. Interactive journal of medical research, 14 pp. e55636. Peer-reviewed.
Dépistage du cancer de la prostate : à recommander en 2024 ? [Prostate cancer screening : to be recommended in 2024?]
Bosshart A., Bacchetta F., Boesch A., Durand M.A., Valerio M., Selby K., 2024/11/06. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (894) pp. 2043-2047. Peer-reviewed.
The UPFRONT project: tailored implementation and evaluation of a patient decision aid to support shared decision-making about management of symptomatic uterine fibroids.
Forcino R.C., Durand M.A., Schubbe D., Engel J., Banks E., Laughlin-Tommaso S.K., Foster T., Madden T., Anchan R.M., Politi M. et al., 2024/11/05. Implementation science, 19 (1) p. 75. Peer-reviewed.
Continuous adaptation of conversation aids for uterine fibroids treatment options in a four-year multi-center implementation project.
Schubbe D., Durand M.A., Forcino R.C., Engel J., Tomaino M., Adams-Foster M., Bacon C., Mulligan C.C., Venable S., Foster T. et al., 2024/09/30. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 24 (1) p. 277. Peer-reviewed.
Outils d’aide à la décision pour la prévention des cancers. Synthèse pour la francophonie [Patient decision aids for cancer prevention Synthesis for the francophone community]
Pittet O., Durand M.A., Selby K., Cornuz J., 2024/06/26. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (880) pp. 1264-1270. Peer-reviewed.
Clinician-Spoken Plain Language in Health Care Encounters: A Qualitative Analysis to Assess Measurable Elements.
Yen R.W., Hagedorn R., Durand M.A., Leyenaar J.K., O'Malley A.J., Saunders C.H., Isaacs T., Elwyn G., 2024/06/01. Academic medicine, 99 (6) pp. 663-672. Peer-reviewed.
Engaging Long-Term Care Workers in Research: Recruitment Approaches and Participant Characteristics From a Randomized Controlled Trial to Improve COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence.
Johnson L.C., Stevens G., Cantrell M., Little N.R., Holahan T.J., Saunders C.H., Thomeer R.P., Sheppard R., Elwyn G., Durand M.A., 2024/06. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25 (6) p. 104978. Peer-reviewed.
Évaluation du dispositif Tuto’Tour de la grossesse chez les femmes fumeuses enceintes vulnérables [Evaluation of the Tuto’Tour pregnancy intervention among pregnant smokers in vulnerable situations]
Chavin M., Latour G., Guyard-Boileau B., Durand M.A., 2024/04/05. Sante publique, 36 (1) pp. 45-72. Peer-reviewed.
Visualisation of evidence for shared decision making.
Durand M.A., Selby K., Okan Y., 2024/03/21. BMJ evidence-based medicine, 29 (2) pp. 117-120. Peer-reviewed.
Increasing access to fertility preservation for women with breast cancer: protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial in France.
Addamiano M.C., Joannes C., Fonquerne L., Morel C., Lauzeille D., Belkadi L., Empereur F., Grosclaude P., Bauvin E., Delpierre C. et al., 2024/01/19. BMC public health, 24 (1) p. 231. Peer-reviewed.
Patient reactions to proactive tobacco cessation counseling using a decision aid in primary care: A qualitative study.
Boesch A., Durand M.A., Habfast-Robertson I., Jacot-Sadowski I., Berlin I., Selby K., 2024. Tobacco use insights, 17 pp. 1179173X241304271. Peer-reviewed.
Colorectal Cancer Screening Decision Based on Predicted Risk: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Plys E., Bulliard J.L., Chaouch A., Durand M.A., van Duuren L.A., Brändle K., Auer R., Froehlich F., Lansdorp-Vogelaar I., Corley D.A. et al., 2023/09/07. JMIR research protocols, 12 pp. e46865. Peer-reviewed.
Acceptabilité d’une intervention : exemple de participation des publics en recherche interventionnelle en santé publique [Acceptability of interventional materials: public participation in public health interventional research]
Lamouroux-Delay A., Casanova C., Redmond N.M., Clastres N., Rotily M., Dordonne M., Journet P., Laffont C., Laffont E., Linon C. et al., 2023/08/10. Sante publique, 35 (2) pp. 159-170. Peer-reviewed.
Implementing shared decision making for early-stage breast cancer treatment using a coproduction learning collaborative: the SHAIR Collaborative protocol.
Schubbe D., Yen R.W., Leavitt H., Forcino R.C., Jacobs C., Friedman E.B., McEvoy M., Rosenkranz K.M., Rojas K.E., Bradley A. et al., 2023/07/14. Implementation science communications, 4 (1) p. 79. Peer-reviewed.
Asylum Seekers' Responses to Government COVID-19 Recommendations: A Cross-sectional Survey in a Swiss Canton.
Morisod K., Durand M.A., Selby K., Le Pogam M.A., Grazioli V.S., Sanchis Zozaya J., Bodenmann P., von Plessen C., 2023/06. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 25 (3) pp. 570-579. Peer-reviewed.
General practitioners’ approach to tobacco cessation before and after a training program (The FIRST trial: interim analysis)
Habfast-Robertson Inès, Hannachi Imène, Boesch Anne, Hempel-Bruder Christina, Maisonneuve Hubert, Durand Marie-Anne, Berlin Ivan, Marti Joaquim, Kazaal Yasser, Selby Kevin, 2023/05/12. dans SSMIG du printemps 10-12 mai 2023, Basel, 12.05.2023.
Shared decision making for tobacco cessation counseling: the patient’s perspective.
Boesch Anne, Durand Marie-Anne, Habfast-Robertson Ines, Jacot Sadowski Isabelle, Berlin Ivan, Selby Kevin, 2023/05/12. dans SSMIG Congrès de printemps 2023, Basel.
The CONFIDENT study protocol: a randomized controlled trial comparing two methods to increase long-term care worker confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines.
Stevens G., Johnson L.C., Saunders C.H., Schmidt P., Sierpe A., Thomeer R.P., Little N.R., Cantrell M., Yen R.W., Pogue J.A. et al., 2023/02/23. BMC public health, 23 (1) p. 384. Peer-reviewed.
Comment augmenter l’accès aux outils d’aide à la décision en Suisse romande ? [Can we increase the availability of decision aids in French-speaking Switzerland?]
Gosteli M., Selby K., Von Plessen C., Agoritsas T., Giguère A., Abreha S., Bilien M., Durand M.A., 2023/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (812) pp. 186-191. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation and Implementation of Pictorial Conversation Aids for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Surgery and Reconstruction: A Quality Improvement Study.
Durand M.A., Bannier M., Aim M.A., Mancini J., 2023. Patient preference and adherence, 17 pp. 2463-2474. Peer-reviewed.
Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Asylum Seekers' Experiences and Worries in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.
Morisod K., Martin T., Rawlinson C., Grazioli V.S., von Plessen C., Durand M.A., Selby K., Le Pogam M.A., Bühler N., Bodenmann P., 2023. International journal of public health, 68 p. 1606229. Peer-reviewed.
Outils d’aide à la décision dans les addictions : ľexemple du tabac [Decision aids for addictions: the example of smoking cessation]
Schneiter D., Habfast-Robertson I., Adam A., Hempel-Bruder C., Durand M.A., Selby K., 2022/06/08. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (785) pp. 1149-1153. Peer-reviewed.
Can shared decision making address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy?
Durand M.A., Scalia P., Elwyn G., 2022/06. BMJ evidence-based medicine, 27 (3) pp. 159-161. Peer-reviewed.
Implementation of shared decision-making and patient-centered care in France: Towards a wider uptake in 2022.
Moumjid N., Durand M.A., Carretier J., Charuel E., Daumer J., Haesebaert J., Hild S., Mancini J., Marsico G., Rat C. et al., 2022/06. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen, 171 pp. 42-48. Peer-reviewed.
Shared decision-making interventions: An overview and a meta-analysis of their impact on vaccine uptake.
Scalia P., Durand M.A., Elwyn G., 2022/04. Journal of internal medicine, 291 (4) pp. 408-425. Peer-reviewed.
Unexpected Outcomes of Measuring Decision Regret: Using a Breast Cancer Decision-Making Case Example.
Oman K., Durand M.A., Elwyn G., Yen R.W., Marx C., Politi M.C., 2022/03. The patient, 15 (2) pp. 151-155. Peer-reviewed.
Addressing Health Literacy in Patient Decision Aids: An Update from the International Patient Decision Aid Standards.
Muscat D.M., Smith J., Mac O., Cadet T., Giguere A., Housten A.J., Langford A.T., Smith S.K., Durand M.A., McCaffery K., 2021/10. Medical decision making, 41 (7) pp. 848-869. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of a health literacy intervention combining general practitioner training and a consumer facing intervention to improve colorectal cancer screening in underserved areas: protocol for a multicentric cluster randomized controlled trial.
Durand M.A., Lamouroux A., Redmond N.M., Rotily M., Bourmaud A., Schott A.M., Auger-Aubin I., Frachon A., Exbrayat C., Balamou C. et al., 2021/09/16. BMC public health, 21 (1) p. 1684. Peer-reviewed.
Implementation and sustainability factors of two early-stage breast cancer conversation aids in diverse practices.
Schubbe D., Yen R.W., Saunders C.H., Elwyn G., Forcino R.C., O'Malley A.J., Politi M.C., Margenthaler J., Volk R.J., Sepucha K. et al., 2021/05/10. Implementation science, 16 (1) p. 51. Peer-reviewed.
An absence of equipoise: Examining surgeons' decision talk during encounters with women considering breast cancer surgery.
Politi M.C., Saunders C.H., Grabinski V.F., Yen R.W., Cyr A.E., Durand M.A., Elwyn G., 2021. PloS one, 16 (12) pp. e0260704. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing the impact of an icon array versus a bar graph on preference and understanding of risk information: Results from an online, randomized study.
Scalia P., Schubbe D.C., Lu E.S., Durand M.A., Frascara J., Noel G., O'Malley A.J., Elwyn G., 2021. PloS one, 16 (7) pp. e0253644. Peer-reviewed.
How Does Patient Socioeconomic Position Affect Breast Cancer Surgical Treatment and Mortality?: A Rapid Review.
Schubbe D., Yen R.W., Durand M.A., 2021. Breast cancer, 13 pp. 595-601. Peer-reviewed.
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