Vivien Fisch-Romito

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

2021 | 2019 |
Embodied carbon dioxide emissions to provide high access levels to basic infrastructure around the world
Fisch-Romito Vivien, 2021/09. Global Environmental Change, 70 p. 102362.
Systematic map of the literature on carbon lock-in induced by long-lived capital
Fisch-Romito Vivien, Guivarch Céline, Creutzig Felix, Minx Jan C, Callaghan Max W, 2021/05/01. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (5) p. 053004.
Transportation infrastructures in a low carbon world: An evaluation of investment needs and their determinants
Fisch-Romito Vivien, Guivarch Céline, 2019/07. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 72 pp. 203-219. Peer-reviewed.
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