Gerald Stell

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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52 publications

Namibian English in its multilingual environment
Stell Gerald.
Afrikaans in Namibia
Stell Gerald, 2024/09/01. pp. 467-500 dans Contemporary Afrikaans Linguistics, Sun Press.
Discourse markers in postcolonial varieties: A variational pragmatic look at Namibian English
Stell Gerald, 2024/09. Journal of Pragmatics, 230 pp. 60-75. Peer-reviewed.
The ‘Coloured' connection of Namibian English
Stell Gerald, 2024/07/28. World Englishes. Peer-reviewed.
Native languages and aspect-marking in New Englishes: The (im)perfective in Namibian English
Stell Gerald, 2023/08/12. International Journal of Bilingualism. Peer-reviewed.
Afrikaans English as a Southern Hemisphere English : Perspectives from a Namibian bilingual dataset
Stell Gerald, 2023/02/09. English World-Wide, 44 (1) pp. 1-33. Peer-reviewed.
Shifting prestige norms in post-colonial contexts: interpreting phonetic trends in Namibia's lingua francas
Stell Gerald, 2022/11/26. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 43 (10) pp. 966-980. Peer-reviewed.
Review of Steigertahl (2019): Englishes in Post-Independence Namibia. An Investigation of Variety Status and its Implications for English Language Teaching
Stell Gerald, 2022/10/13. English World-Wide, 43 (3) pp. 382-389. Peer-reviewed.
‘De-ethnicization' in New Englishes: Perception and recognition of ethnicity in Namibian English
Stell Gerald, 2022/07. Lingua, 274 p. 103355.
Contact and Innovation in New Englishes: Ethnic Neutrality in Namibian<scp>face</scp>and<scp>goat</scp>
Stell Gerald, 2022/06. Journal of English Linguistics, 50 (2) pp. 169-200. Peer-reviewed.
Chapter 2. English in Namibia : A socio-historical account
Stell Gerald, 2021/09/15. pp. 21-41 dans The Dynamics of English in Namibia, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
The founder principle and Namibian English
Stell Gerald, 2021/09. World Englishes, 40 (3) pp. 407-423. Peer-reviewed.
Indigenization in a downgraded continuum: Ideologies behind phonetic variation in Namibian Afrikaans
Stell Gerald, 2021/05/26. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2021 (269) pp. 227-252. Peer-reviewed.
Urban Youth Style or Emergent Urban Vernacular? The Rise of Namibia's Kasietaal
Stell Gerald, 2020/05/03. Language Matters, 51 (2) pp. 49-67. Peer-reviewed.
14. Code-switching
Stell Gerald, 2019/08/19. pp. 159-171 dans Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK), De Gruyter.
Dimensions of sociolinguistic distinction in postcolonial ethnic diversity: Folk perceptions of language across Namibia's rural/urban divide
Stell Gerald, 2019/07. Lingua, 226 pp. 53-68. Peer-reviewed.
Intergroup dynamics and variation in postcolonial ESL varieties : A preliminary view of Namibian English vowel systems
Stell Gerald, Fuchs Robert, 2019/06/13. English World-Wide, 40 (2) pp. 144-169. Peer-reviewed.
Indexicalities in Code-Switching Practices across Namibian Ethnicities
Stell Gerald, 2019/05/04. Language Matters, 50 (2) pp. 3-28. Peer-reviewed.
Tracing emergent multilectal styles : Forms and functions of code-switching among Ovambos in urban Namibia
Stell Gerald, 2019/02/26. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) pp. 436-462. Peer-reviewed.
Representing Variation in Creole Continua: A Folk Linguistic View of Language Variation in Trinidad
Stell Gerald, 2018/06. Journal of English Linguistics, 46 (2) pp. 113-139. Peer-reviewed.
Sociolinguistic Indexicalities in Ethnic Diversity : Perceptions of Ethnicity and Language in Suriname
Stell Gerald, 2018/05/01. New West Indian Guide, 92 (1-2) pp. 35-61. Peer-reviewed.
Social mobility as a factor in restructuring : Black Cape Dutch in perspective
Stell Gerald, 2017/06/23. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, 32 (1) pp. 104-137. Peer-reviewed.
Multilingual Accommodation in Namibia : An Examination of Six Ethnolinguistic Groups' Language Use in Intra- and Intergroup Interactions
Stell Gerald, Dragojevic Marko, 2017/03. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 36 (2) pp. 167-187. Peer-reviewed.
'n Perseptuele verslag van Afrikaans in Namibië: Tussen lingua franca en sosiaal-ekslusiewe taal
Stell G, Groenewald G, 2016/12. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 56 (4-2) pp. 1128-1148. Peer-reviewed.
Trends in linguistic diversity in post-independence Windhoek: A qualitative appraisal
Stell Gerald, 2016/09. Language Matters, 47 (3) pp. 326-348. Peer-reviewed.
Ethnicity in discourse: the interactional negotiation of ethnic boundaries in post-apartheid Namibia
Stell Gerald, Fox Tom, 2015/05/03. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38 (6) pp. 976-992. Peer-reviewed.
Code-switching Between Structural and Sociolinguistic Perspectives
Stell Gerald, Yakpo Kofi (eds.), 2015/01/16., DE GRUYTER.
Elusive or self-evident? Looking for common ground in approaches to code-switching
Stell Gerald, Yakpo Kofi, 2015/01/16. pp. 1-16 dans Code-switching Between Structural and Sociolinguistic Perspectives, DE GRUYTER.
Towards an integrated approach to structural and conversational code-switching through macrosociolinguistic factors
Stell Gerald, 2015/01/16. pp. 117-138 dans Code-switching Between Structural and Sociolinguistic Perspectives, DE GRUYTER.
Négociation linguistique des relations de pouvoir: L'explication et la prédiction des choix linguistiques en tant que fonction de rapports interethniques à Windhoek, Namibie
Stell Gerald, 2015. Cahiers de Sociolinguistique, 41 (1) pp. 25-56. Peer-reviewed.
Guest Editor's Preface: Dutch-Based Creoles
Stell Gerald, 2014/09. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 26 (3) pp. 183-190. Peer-reviewed.
Uses and functions of English in Namibia's multiethnic settings
STELL GERALD, 2014/06. World Englishes, 33 (2) pp. 223-241. Peer-reviewed.
Social identities in post-Apartheid intergroup communication patterns: linguistic evidence of an emergent nonwhite pan-ethnicity in Namibia?
Stell Gerald, 2014/01/01. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2014 (230). Peer-reviewed.
Interethnic relations and language variation: language use and identity negotiation among Namibian Coloureds and Whites in interactional settings.
Stell Gerald, 2013/01/17. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics, 41 (0) p. 115. Peer-reviewed.
Cape Malay Dutch: The Missing Link Between Cape Dutch Pidgin and Afrikaans?
Stell Gerald, 2013. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 91 (3) pp. 763-786. Peer-reviewed.
Stell Gerald, 2013/01/01. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 2013 (9) pp. 1231-1236. Peer-reviewed.
Négociation identitaire en milieu ségrégé: L’imperméabilisation des barrières ethnolinguistiques entre blancs et métis de langue afrikaans à Windhoek, Namibie
Stell Gerald, 2013/01/01. Cahiers de Sociolinguistique, 2013 (4) pp. 75-100. Peer-reviewed.
From Kitaab-Hollandsch to Kitaab-Afrikaans: The evolution of a non-white literary variety at the Cape (1856-1940)
Stell Gerald, 2012/12/01. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics, 37 (0). Peer-reviewed.
Comparability of the Black-White Divide in the American Speech Community and the Coloured-White Divide in the Afrikaans Speech Community
Stell Gerald, 2012/08/01. American Speech, 87 (3) pp. 294-335. Peer-reviewed.
Is there a Namibian Afrikaans? Recent trends in grammatical variation in Afrikaans varieties within and across Namibia's borders
Stell Gerald, 2012/05/15. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 39 (0). Peer-reviewed.
Code-switching practices in Luxembourg's Portuguese-speaking minority: A pilot study on the distinctive characteristics of an immigrant community's code-switching practices within a trilingual majority
Stell Gerald, Parafita Couto Carmen, 2012/05/01. zfsw, 31 (1) pp. 153-185. Peer-reviewed.
Ethnicity and codeswitching : Ethnic differences in grammatical and pragmatic patterns of codeswitching in the free state
Stell Gerald, 2012. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) pp. 477-499. Peer-reviewed.
Ethnicity as an independent factor of language variation across space : Trends in morphosyntactic patterns in spoken Afrikaans
Stell Gerald, 2012. pp. 231-252 dans Historical Linguistics 2009, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Ethnicity in linguistic variation: White and coloured identities in Afrikaans-English code-switching
Stell Gerald, 2010/07/06. Pragmatics pp. 425-447. Peer-reviewed.
Afrikaans norms of spoken usage and the desirability of re-standardizing Standard Afrikaans along ethnic lines
Stell Gerald, 2010/01/01. pp. 197-221 dans Multilingualism from Below, Van Schaik.
Afrikaans speech norms and prescriptive Afrikaans norms: Is there enough scope for grammatical diversity in Standard Afrikaans?
Stell Gerald, 2010. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. Peer-reviewed.
Grammaticale variatie in het informele gesproken Afrikaans: Standaardisatie ‘from above’ en standaardisatie ‘from below’ [Grammatical variation in informal spoken Afrikaans: Standardization ‘from above’ and standardization ‘from below’].
Stell Gerald, 2010/01/01. pp. 109-134 dans Standaardtalen in Beweging, Nodus.
Codeswitching and ethnicity: grammatical types of codeswitching in the Afrikaans speech community
Stell Gerald, 2009/01. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2009 (199). Peer-reviewed.
Religious and secular Cape Malay Afrikaans: Literary varieties used by Shaykh Hanif Edwards (1906-1958)
Stell Gerald, Luffin Xavier, Rakiep Muttaqin, 2008. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 163 (2-3) pp. 289-325.
. Batavisation, Verdeutschung en Luxemburgs taalnationalisme: De toepassing en neerslag van Willems taalbeleid in het Groot-Hertogdom [Batavisation, Verdeutschung and Luxembourgish language nationalism: The implementation and impact of Willem’s language policy in the Grand Duchy].
Stell Gerald, 2007/01/01. pp. 119-128 dans Taalpolitiek, taalplanning en taalgebruik in het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, KANTL.
Afrikaans en Nederlands
Stell Gerald, 2005. Handelingen - Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 59 pp. 111-127. Peer-reviewed.
Le bilinguisme passif français/franco-flamand en Flandres francaises: potentiel et limites dans la perspective de l’apprentissage du néerlandais [Passive French/Flemish bilingualism in French Flanders : Potential and limitations within the perspective of learning Dutch as an L2]
Stell Gerald, 2005/01/01. Langues et culture. Peer-reviewed.
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