Eloisa Harris

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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7 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 |
Cross-class solidarity in times of crisis: the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on support for redistribution
Simone Tonelli, Eloisa Harris, Franziska Deeg, 2024/09/09. Journal of European Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
The micro-foundations of social democratic welfare chauvinism and inclusion: class demand and policy reforms in Western Europe, 1980−2018
Eloisa Harris, Matthias Enggist, 2023/12/04. European Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Diversity assent: conceptualisation and an empirical application
Eloisa Harris, Karen Schönwälder, Sören Petermann, Steven Vertovec, 2023/11/13. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Peer-reviewed.
Social protection for mobile populations? A global perspective on immigrant social rights
Friederike Roemer, Jakob Henninger, Eloisa Harris, 2023/09/03. Social Policy & Administration. Peer-reviewed.
Educational divides and class coalitions: How mainstream party voters divide and unite over immigration issues
Eloisa Harris, 2022/11/30. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Peer-reviewed.
Contextual welfare chauvinism: Left‐wing governments and immigrant welfare rights in Western Europe
Eloisa Harris, Friederike Römer, 2022/09/29. European Journal of Political Research. Peer-reviewed.
Thirty years of welfare chauvinism research: Findings and challenges
Romana Careja, Eloisa Harris, 2022/05. Journal of European Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
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