Tijana Trivic

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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2 publications

2024 |
TBK1-associated adapters TANK and AZI2 protect mice against TNF-induced cell death and severe autoinflammatory diseases.
Ujevic A., Knizkova D., Synackova A., Pribikova M., Trivic T., Dalinskaya A., Drobek A., Niederlova V., Paprckova D., De Guia R. et al., 2024/11/19. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 10013. Peer-reviewed.
Thyroglobulin specific IgE and a possible link to suspected penicillin induced allergic skin manifestations - cross sectional study.
Trivić T., Blagojević G., Živančević-Simonović S., Janjušević A., Dragačević L., Burazer L., Prodić I., Minić R., 2024/08. Food and chemical toxicology, 190 p. 114795. Peer-reviewed.
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